Complaints of back pain accompanied by fever are common and occur in a variety of pathologies. They are not only inflammatory in nature, degenerative, non-infectious and other changes are possible. Among them are influenza, SARS, meningitis and other viral infections, diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecological problems, complications of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, injuries of the back muscles and the spine itself, Pott's disease, osteomyelitis, gastrointestinal pathologies, etc.
Types of pain
Pain can be localized, radiating and diffuse. The source of local or localized is in the lower back itself. Reflected pain arises from the organs opposite the lower back due to the transmission of pain impulses through the nerve channels. Irradiating originates from the lower back, can give to other parts of the body, such as the leg, perineum or buttock.

According to the intensity, duration and nature of back pain can be sharp and dull, shooting, girdle, aching, pulling, permanent or temporary. Everyone's pain threshold is different. It depends not only on the pathology itself, but also on the mental characteristics of a person.
Most common pathologies and concomitant manifestations
Lower back pain is sometimes accompanied by abdominal discomfort that comes on suddenly or builds up over several days.
Chronic inflammation of the renal system is a frequent cause of lower back pain and fever up to 37 °C. And this happens when there are problems with the ovaries. Then pain is added in the area of the appendages.
Pregnant women have lower back pain due to natural causes. But if at the same time there is a fever, then you need to be afraid of a miscarriage. In men, fever and pain in the lower back and groin often accompanies prostatitis, epididymitis, and urethritis.
Influenza and complications after it - a frequent respiratory infection, in which there is a temperature of 37 ° C and pain in the lower back (sometimes the temperature is higher than -38 ° C). Other symptoms include: weakness, signs of general intoxication, cephalgia, pain and sore throat, catarrhal phenomena, dry cough, chills, fever, aching bones and joints, chills, vomiting and nausea.

Influenza pains are specific - they are localized in the sacro-lumbar region, aggravated by coughing. itmay indicate an incipient complication - pneumonia or lung abscess, cardiovascular pathology.
Treatment consists of bed rest, taking antiviral, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs. And you also need a warm, plentiful drink, taking symptomatic drugs, fortified food. Bed rest is needed in order not to get complications, for which the flu is quite generous.
Lower pain and fever with chills are less common in acute respiratory infections. But they indicate the body's fight against infection. Additional symptoms:
- runny nose;
- nasal congestion;
- headaches;
- tickle;
- sore throat and cough;
- general weakness.
Treatment consists of taking analgesics, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, multivitamin.
Pyelonephritis - inflammation in the renal pelvis, giving many complications. There is aching mild pain in the lower back and a temperature of 37 ° C. Although it is not high, it appears immediately.

Associated symptoms of back pain and fever - nausea, vomiting. Coughing and sneezing aggravates the discomfort. Difficulties with urination are often absent, so this is not the main symptom, so many patients do not pay attention to other manifestations of pyelonephritis. If untreated, the disease easily becomes chronic. It will proceed sluggishly, but with frequent relapses. Complicationsimproper treatment can be expressed in purulent discharge.
Lower pain, fever and weakness may be accompanied by dull and aching sensations in the abdomen, cloudy urine, lack of appetite. In acute inflammation, the temperature can reach 39 degrees. As you can see, the symptoms are rather non-specific, so an examination by a doctor is necessary.
Treatment consists of bed rest, antibiotic therapy, diet and immunomodulators. It is important that therapy for pyelonephritis be started immediately, when the first signs appear. Hospitalization is indicated for severe course of the process. After an acute period, mud therapy, balneotherapy, mineral waters, herbal medicine are useful.
Muscle injuries
Disproportionate physical stress and increased stress during training can lead to stretching of the back muscles. This phenomenon occurs very often in the lower back. Muscle pain is accompanied by spasms, sharp or dull pain.

Other manifestations include swelling of the affected muscle and its edema, hematomas in this area, dizziness, back pain with fever. Discomfort is aggravated by movement or heavy lifting. The pain radiates to the buttocks and back of the thighs.
- ensuring rest for the muscles and the complete exclusion of any load;
- applying a pressure bandage or elastic bandage;
- cold compresses;
- massage;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics;
- physiotherapy.
Injury to the nerve roots is the second cause of non-inflammatory back pain. A similar phenomenon occurs when hypothermia of the lumbar region or due to sudden physical overload. The pain can be sharp or dull. It is associated with any muscle tension - coughing, sneezing, deep breathing, etc.
Osteomyelitis and spinal tuberculosis
These ailments are very rare today, but dangerous when they appear. The main characteristic sign of a spinal infection is aching pain in the lower back and a temperature of 37 ° C. In the acute period, there is tremor and fever at 40 degrees. Additional Manifestations:
- drowsiness and malaise;
- redness of the skin at the site of inflammation;
- desensitization and numbness in limbs;
- development of paralysis.
X-ray, MRI, CT of the spine are used for diagnosis.

Treatment depends on diagnosis:
- For discitis - cast, antibiotics.
- For osteomyelitis - several continuous courses of antibiotics, often surgery.
- For epidural abscess, surgery and antibiotics.
- In Pott's disease (tuberculosis of the spine, or tuberculous spondylitis) - etiotropic treatment with antibiotic therapy, vitamins, anti-inflammatory drugs.
Vertebral tuberculosis is treated only inpatients. In his therapy, wearing a plaster corset is often used. Self-treatment in any formexcluded.
Other violations
Discomfort of varying intensity, back pain and temperature can provoke pathologies such as:
- gastric ulcer;
- duodenal pathology;
- pancreatitis;
- a herniated disc or a pinched disc;
- tumors of the spine;
- urolithiasis;
- thrombus in renal artery;
- shingles;
- heart attacks and aortic aneurysms.
Tonsillitis, sinusitis
Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is often accompanied by aching joints. And also there is pain in the lower back and a temperature of 37-39 degrees, migraine, cough, general weakness.
Treatment consists in irrigating the throat with antiseptics, taking antibiotics, vasoconstrictor drops, mucolytics, inhalations. Lower back pain does not require special treatment.

Inflammation of the meninges is often accompanied by a sharp headache, fever and pain in the lower back, back, joints. From other symptoms:
- vomit;
- rash;
- convulsions;
- meningeal signs.
For diagnosis, a lumbar puncture with a study of the cerebrospinal fluid is used. Treatment only inpatient: antibiotics, corticosteroids, diuretics to relieve swelling, restorative treatment.
Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Symptoms:
- abdominal pain radiating to the lower back, above the sacrum;
- temperature;
- odorous discharge;
- painful urination and tachycardia.
In the transition to a chronic form, there is a violation of the cycle of menstruation, dyspareunia, uterine bleeding.
- taking antibiotics, detoxification;
- symptomatic therapy;
- taking a multivitamin.
Physiotherapy and hirudotherapy are indicated as a supplement.
Urinary infections
Prostatitis and urethritis are typical for men, cystitis, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis are typical for women.

Aching pain in women in the lower back and a temperature of 37 degrees are often due to cystitis. Symptoms include weakness, weakness, blood in the urine, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, cramps when urinating. Urine becomes foul-smelling, cloudy.
- diet;
- nitrofuran antibiotics;
- diuretics;
- drink plenty;
- analgesics.
In men, there is pain radiating to the lower back and groin, perineum. Associated symptoms: impotence, difficulty urinating, temperature within 38 degrees, tendency to constipation.
Similar symptoms can occur with urethritis. Often it occurs against the background of sexually transmitted pathologies.
Signs of urethritis:
- discolored urine;
- pain in the genitals;
- fever;
- difficulty urinating.
First Aid
If you can't immediately get to the doctor for back pain and fever, you should try:
- take an analgin pill;
- apply cold for a short time;
- go to bed;
- create peace for the lumbar region.
Urgent medical attention
If back pain and fever (even low) are accompanied by additional symptoms, you should definitely call a doctor. It is especially dangerous if the patient has:
- vomit;
- abdominal pain;
- discomfort in the left hypochondrium;
- severe unilateral back pain;
- problems with urination;
- potency reduction.
Methods for treating fever and back pain
Therapy largely depends on the cause of such phenomena. Often appointed conduction:
- drug therapy;
- IRT;
- physiotherapy;
- manual therapy.
Physiotherapy includes the appointment of electrophoresis, electropuncture, SMT therapy, DDT - diadynamic currents, etc.
If symptoms occur due to a cold or hypothermia, rubbing the lower back with warming ointments can be applied.
At the temperature, massage, steam rooms and saunas are prohibited. Mustard plasters and compresses are prohibited for psoriasis. With radiating pain, specific drugs are used to treat causative diseases.
Lower pain and fever are all too common symptoms in a wide variety of ailments. Not a single specialist will be able to give an answer without an examination, because the list of pathologies with similar signs is significant.
Treatment of any low back pain and fever should be carried out after diagnosis and only under the supervision of specialists. Otherwise, there are bound to be complications. Self-medication and folk recipes without examination will only hurt.
When the vertebrae are displaced, it is necessary to consult a doctor first of all. Go through the diagnostics and do not go to the chiropractor on your own. You must have pre-MRI and CT. If the cause of the pain is not an injury, or there are dystrophic changes in the vertebrae, their regular reduction at the sessions of a chiropractor will result in disability for you.