Gastritis hypertrophic: causes, symptoms, treatment

Gastritis hypertrophic: causes, symptoms, treatment
Gastritis hypertrophic: causes, symptoms, treatment

Gastritis is a very common problem nowadays. Many factors can contribute to its development, from malnutrition to frequent stressful situations.

hypertrophic gastritis
hypertrophic gastritis

There are several types of this disease. In the article we will talk about such an ailment as "hypertrophic gastritis", and also consider the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and methods of treatment.

What is hypertrophic gastritis

This is one of the forms of the inflammatory process on the walls of the stomach. As a rule, it is chronic. The main feature of the disease is the formation of polyps and cysts in the stomach, due to which its mucous membrane grows.

This type of gastritis is becoming more common every year. Its treatment is quite difficult, so in case of a problem, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Types of hypertrophic gastritis

Hypertrophic gastritis can manifest itself in several forms:

  1. Menetrier's disease (giant gastritis). A characteristic feature of this form of the diseaseis the appearance of large folds in the stomach.
  2. Warty gastritis. During this type of disease, growths appear in the stomach, which in their appearance are similar to warts.
  3. Granular gastritis. The disease is accompanied by the formation of cysts of different sizes: from a few millimeters to two centimeters.
  4. Polypous gastritis. Already from the name of the species it becomes clear that this form of the disease occurs due to the formation of polyps in the stomach.

There is also such a thing as mixed gastritis, which combines several forms of the disease at once.

granular gastritis
granular gastritis

In addition to this classification, there is another one in which the disease (both granular gastritis and its other forms) is divided into chronic and acute. The first is characterized by the absence of permanent symptoms, and you can find out about it only when remissions occur. Acute gastritis is characterized by an appropriate course and severe symptoms.

Causes of disease

There are many factors that contribute to the appearance of such a disease as hypertrophic gastritis:

  • acidity, which rises in the stomach as a result of eating a large amount of spices, spices, spicy foods and certain types of medicines;
  • infection of the body with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • getting bile into the stomach due to malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disturbed diet, while the risk group includes those who constantly overeat, and those who are malnourished or used toeat on the go.

Gastritis symptoms

As mentioned above, the chronic form of the disease can be completely asymptomatic until the onset of remission. And its first signs can be mistaken for poisoning or the onset of a cold. The acute form of the disease develops very quickly. Its first signs can be detected already 6-12 hours after the onset of the inflammatory process.

gastritis diet and treatment
gastritis diet and treatment

Symptoms of the disease "hypertrophic gastritis":

  • heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • appetite disorder;
  • weight loss;
  • appearance of edema;
  • flatulence;
  • periodic dull pains in the stomach;
  • heaviness after eating;
  • excessive salivation;
  • breaking stool;
  • general weakness;
  • bleeding in the stomach.

If there is the slightest suspicion, you should immediately consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of disease

Detection of gastritis and diagnosis occur in several stages.

mixed gastritis
mixed gastritis

First of all, this is the initial examination. During it, palpation of the abdomen is performed (in the presence of the disease, pain will be felt in the epigastric region), an external examination of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as an analysis of the history of the disease.

After gastritis has been identified, the doctor needs to determine its form: acute or chronic. This is done by determining the level of acidityin the stomach, and the procedure itself is called esophagofibrogastroduodenoscopy.

If there is a suspicion that the disease was caused by Helicobacter bacteria, a stool test, as well as a respiratory test and fibrogastroscopy are prescribed to identify them. The latter is also needed to identify such a pathology as mixed gastritis.

The next step is the appointment of the necessary therapy. Its main components in the diagnosis of "gastritis": diet and medication. Let's take a closer look at each of these sides.

Diet for hypertrophic gastritis

An important part of successfully getting rid of the problem is following a specially designed diet.

hypertrophic gastritis treatment
hypertrophic gastritis treatment

When diagnosed with hypertrophic gastritis, you must exclude from your diet:

  • meat and fish broths, soups based on them;
  • shchi, okroshka, cheese and mushroom soups;
  • puff pastry and rye bread;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • canned meat and fish;
  • spicy and s alty dishes;
  • spices;
  • coffee, kvass and carbonated drinks;
  • sweets.

But, despite the restrictions, there are many he althy dishes and products:

  • vegetable soups;
  • wheat bread and crackers;
  • boiled lean meat (beef, chicken);
  • milk porridge (groats should be very boiled);
  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • steamed omelet;
  • steamed or boiled fish;
  • boiled carrots,beets and potatoes;
  • dairy products: milk, kefir. butter, sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • drinks: compote, tea, jelly. Juices with gastritis can only be drunk in a diluted form.

Hypertrophic gastritis: medication and surgical treatment

Drug treatment of gastritis is prescribed individually in each case. For this, you can use:

  • enveloping products;
  • prokinetics;
  • enzymes;
  • gastric juice substitutes;
  • vitamins;
  • astringents.

In addition, folk methods of treating the disease are also used. They consist in the use of decoctions of plants such as dandelion, calamus, plantain and wormwood.

gastritis acidity
gastritis acidity

In cases where medical treatment has not brought a positive result, a decision may be made to surgical intervention. Depending on whether part of the stomach or the entire organ is affected, a resection or gastrectomy is performed. But this is an extreme measure, since such operations can cause negative consequences in the form of metabolic disorders. In addition, if the resection involves the removal of only that part of the stomach that was affected by pathology, then during gastrectomy, the organ is completely removed (the reason for this may be, for example, the presence of a malignant tumor).

As you can see, hypertrophic gastritis is a very serious type of disease and requires long-term treatment. Therefore, in order for it to pass as quickly as possible and with the leastlosses, it is important to consult a doctor in time for diagnosis and treatment.

Disease prevention

So, we have considered the following questions about such a diagnosis as hypertrophic gastritis: diet and treatment, symptoms and diagnosis, types and causes of the disease. Therefore, in order to fully reveal the topic, it remains to dwell on ways to prevent pathology.

juices for gastritis
juices for gastritis

The first thing to do is to review your diet and diet. Refuse snacks on the go, as well as a large amount of fatty, fried and spicy foods, spices, carbonated drinks, coffee. In addition, bad habits also have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract: smoking and drinking alcohol.

One more thing: it is necessary to use drugs only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the necessary dosages and the number of applications per day. Otherwise, there is a high risk of irritation of the gastric mucosa and inflammation.

Finally, I would like to repeat once again and remind you that in the case of hypertrophic gastritis, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible to prescribe the right treatment. Only in this case, you can avoid the occurrence of various complications and get rid of the disease in a short time.

Be he althy!
