If the joints are swollen, then this may indicate the occurrence of various kinds of pathologies. A person's movements are much more difficult and painful sensations appear. Swelling occurs as a result of accumulated fluid in nearby tissues.
In the presence of violations, the damaged area swells, deforms and increases in size. In the presence of such symptoms, it is imperative to urgently consult a doctor who will help determine the cause of the swelling and select the required treatment.
What is swelling
Joints are movable structures that connect bones together. They are surrounded and supported by soft tissues. If the joints are swollen, this means that fluid has accumulated in these tissues. The affected area increases in size and deformity appears.

Swelling of the joints is a kind of reaction of the body to an inflammatoryprocess or damage to this area. The area of the lesion and the presence of concomitant symptoms largely depend on the causes of the disease.
Swelling may be minor and not cause any discomfort or pain, or it may cover the entire area of the articular tissue, which makes it difficult to move the affected area. Often, swelling appears in the ankle and knee joint.
Main reasons
If the joints of the fingers and toes are swollen and sore, the reasons for this can be very different. Discomfort arises as a result of the influence of a number of different factors, in particular, such as:
- various mechanical injuries;
- allergen response;
- joint infection;
- genetic predisposition;
- excessive exercise;
- disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
- disorders of the nervous system.
In addition, various kinds of autoimmune pathologies, in particular, such as lupus erythematosus, can be the cause of swollen joints.
Provoking diseases
If the joints are swollen, then this may be a sign of a developing pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The most common causes are diseases such as:
- osteoarthritis;
- arthritis;
- gout;
- rheumatism;
- synovitis;
- bursitis.
Osteoarthritis occurs against the background of age-related changes in the body. As a result, cartilage tissue is destroyed. At the same time, the bones beginto rub, which provokes the appearance of swelling. Other signs include:
- feeling friction;
- soreness;
- frequent crunch.
In rheumatoid arthritis, the body perceives its own cells as foreign and gradually begins to kill them. The fluid gradually accumulates, so the joints hurt and swell. Treatment of this disease should begin with the elimination of the provoking factor and inflammation. Among other symptoms, it is necessary to highlight the presence of stiffness of movements, intense pain, redness of the joints.
Swelling can also occur with gout. This disease is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. In septic arthritis, swelling occurs as a result of an infection. A fluid with blood impurities collects in the joint. The patient is usually in severe pain.
Main symptoms
If the joint of the big toe on the leg or arm is swollen, it is imperative to determine the cause of such a violation. This mainly occurs in the case of the occurrence of various kinds of diseases or injuries. Each disease of the joints is characterized by a combination of some manifestations, but there is also a general symptomatology, which is expressed in:
- presence of soreness;
- stiffness of movement;
- crunch felt in the joint bag;
- swelling.
The main symptom that manifests itself in diseases of the joints is the presence of pain. Their localization is important in the diagnosis, since it can be locatedaway from the affected joint.

Inflammation is characterized by the occurrence of severe pain at the very beginning of the movement, and then it gradually decreases. With arthritis, the pain subsides only after the body or the affected limb takes a forced position, and bone pain is typical for oncology.
In addition, a concomitant symptom may be the presence of fever, skin rashes, swelling. If you have such symptoms, you should definitely visit a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
If the joint on the finger is swollen, what should I do? This can only be determined by a qualified doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis. An indication for a mandatory visit to a doctor is swelling, sore joints, fever for no apparent reason.

If the joint swelling appeared after an injury, then you should also visit the hospital. The specialist will study the medical history and prescribe a comprehensive diagnostic study to accurately determine the cause of the disease. When you first contact the doctor, he clarifies:
- time of swelling;
- has this been observed before;
- when the symptoms are most intense;
- was there a rash or fever.
For diagnostic purposes, a blood test, an X-ray of the affected joint, and a study of the accumulated fluid are also shown.
What to do - swollen joint on the finger or toe and hurts? This question worries a lot of people, since it is very important to quickly eliminate inflammation, swelling and discomfort. Before you go to the doctor, you need to ensure complete rest and apply dry heat, that is, put on a warm, dry cloth. It is best if it is natural wool.
To relieve pain and eliminate inflammation, you need to take anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Ortofen. After that, you must definitely visit a doctor, undergo the prescribed examination and the required treatment.

If the cause of pain is rheumatoid arthritis, which is characterized by a gradual increase in pain in the joints, an increase in joints, then therapy should be aimed at eliminating inflammation in the connective tissues. For this, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Rheumatism is characterized by the same symptoms as rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms may appear seasonally, appearing and disappearing unexpectedly. Treatment must be carried out immediately so as not to provoke damage to internal organs. For this, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, analgesics are used.
Arthrosis is characterized by deformation and destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, which can lead to simply irreversible consequences. Treatment of swollen hand joints is focused on restoring the nutrition of cartilage tissue, normalizing metabolic processes,pain relief and elimination of inflammation. If arthrosis has a third stage, then drug treatment will not bring the desired result, only joint prosthetics can help.
Injuries, sprains and bruises should be treated immediately after they are received. For bruises, cold is usually applied to the bruised area, and a sterile bandage is also applied. The treatment of a sprain requires fixing the joint and ensuring complete rest of the damaged area. Ointments with analgesic and cooling effects are widely used.
Medicated treatment
If the joints on the legs are swollen, what should I do? This can only be determined by a qualified doctor after a comprehensive examination. Any disease begins to be treated with the use of medications. Modern medicines are highly effective and well tolerated. Basically, patients are prescribed drugs such as:
- anti-inflammatory drugs ("Dikloberl", "Larfix");
- antibacterial agents ("Cefaxone", "Augmentin");
- chondroprotectors ("Don", "Teraflex");
- detoxification drugs ("Hemodez", "Reopoliglyukin");
- calcium preparations.

In rheumatoid arthritis, additional cytostatics or glucocorticoids may be required. With an increased content of uric acid, anti-gout drugs are prescribed. If the joints of the fingers swell, treatment must be prescribed only by a doctor, since self-medication threatens with dangerousconsequences.
Physiotherapy techniques
If the joint of the big toe is swollen and hurts, you need to carry out physiotherapy. They help to normalize the condition of tissues, increase blood circulation and improve the recovery process. In combination with medications, you need to use:
- laser therapy;
- electrophoresis;
- magnetotherapy;
- wave treatment;
- paraffin therapy;
- balneotherapy.
It is worth remembering that in the acute course of the inflammatory process, especially in the presence of pus, many physiotherapy procedures are contraindicated.
Therapeutic gymnastics
If the joints of the hands swell, then conservative therapy is not complete without physiotherapy exercises. It is shown in the complex of rehabilitation measures after injuries and operations on the joints.
Apply special exercises designed to develop the hand and fingers. They are performed during the period of remission, when there are no acute manifestations of the disease. At the same time, the intensity of gymnastics increases gradually, and classes should be combined with massage.
If there is a deforming swelling of the ankle joint, a massage is prescribed. An experienced massage therapist performs kneading and rubbing. This improves tissue metabolism. Then the masseur conducts rubbing and stroking the adjacent muscles. This eliminates mechanical irritation of the joint capsule.

As a result of this, there is a decrease in pain, an increase in the tone of the weakmuscles. If the edema is insignificant and there is no inflammatory process, then self-massage can be performed. It is necessary to massage the affected area daily with a hard towel or brush with medium-hard bristles. Massage should be continued until the skin turns red.
Some diseases have to be treated exclusively by surgery. The operation is indicated in the presence of severe injuries or panaritiums. Depending on the available indications, purulent contents are eliminated, bleeding is stopped, and then the damaged tissues are sutured. Fractures may require the use of elements of osteosynthesis and postoperative immobilization.

If the finger on the hand swells or the joints of the hand are disturbed, then initially it is necessary to determine for what reason the violation occurs and unpleasant symptoms occur. To do this, you will need to consult a doctor who will tell you what to do if such a pathology occurs.
Folk techniques
If the joints are swollen, then folk methods help well, but they should be used in combination with drug therapy and only after consulting a doctor. The most common means of combating joint diseases is bay leaf. To do this, you need to take a daily decoction or infusion of this plant.
Gelatin treatment has a positive result. To prepare a remedy, you need to take gelatin and a wide cotton cloth dipped in hot water. Each layer needssprinkle with gelatin and wrap the sore joint with a cloth. Keep all night long.
Cabbage leaves, burdock and coltsfoot help well with inflammation of the joints. They need to wrap the affected area all night. Honey-s alt compresses fight well with the deposition of s alts. To do this, mix s alt and honey in equal proportions, apply the mixture on a clean cloth, fix it with cellophane on top and warm it. The compress must be kept all night.
As a preventive measure, you need to carefully monitor your diet, which is also included in the treatment course. It is important to get rid of excess weight and bad habits. Every day you need to take a walk in the fresh air, as this helps to saturate the tissues with oxygen.
To improve the blood supply to the joints, you need to regularly do therapeutic baths with medicinal plants and massage your hands. A few minutes a day should be devoted to special therapeutic and preventive gymnastics.