Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Psychosomatics. Thyroid gland: diseases

Psychosomatics. Thyroid gland: diseases

Medical statistics indicate that 8 out of 10 people need correction and treatment of the thyroid gland. Moreover, most of these people are women, the failure of this organ in which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the body, and, consequently, to obesity or weight loss, infertility, osteoporosis, heart problems, and other conditions

The thinnest people in the world: amazing facts

The thinnest people in the world: amazing facts

The thinnest people in the world, whose photos we will look at below, most often have such an unusual feature of the body due to the fact that they were born with extremely rare diseases for which modern medicine has no cure

Ways to treat scars and effective remedies

Ways to treat scars and effective remedies

Receiving accidental injuries is a problem from which no one is immune. Over time, damage to the skin can transform into scars and scars. Such traces can remain a reminder of past wounds for life. However, there are a wide range of ways that make it possible to eliminate scars and forget about their presence forever

S alt in the urine of a child. What to do?

S alt in the urine of a child. What to do?

Having received the results of the tests, many mothers are concerned about the high content of s alt in the urine of the child. But the presence of s alts does not yet indicate pathological manifestations, especially if they are found only once. In this case, the analysis cannot be considered indicative at all. If s alts are detected regularly, then this may be due to diseases of the digestive system or kidneys

Pimples on the hands - causes and treatment

Pimples on the hands - causes and treatment

Acne is a real scourge for many people. They are not limited in the place of deployment, and there can be several dozen reasons for their appearance. Why do pimples appear on the hands? How to deal with them? Is it possible to restore beautiful smooth skin to your hands?

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear - symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear - symptoms and treatment

The lymphatic system is involved in metabolism, is an assistant to the cardiovascular system. It consists of vessels, capillaries, ducts, lymph nodes. The latter act as filters. If there is an infection, they localize it and prevent it from affecting the entire body. Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear may indicate a problem in this area

Symptoms and treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome

Symptoms and treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome in medicine refers to a disorder in which the immune system mistakenly begins to produce antibodies directed against certain normal blood proteins. This situation subsequently often provokes the formation of blood clots, as well as complications during pregnancy (miscarriage, stillbirth, etc.). In this article, we will talk about the main symptoms of this problem, and also consider what the treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome should be

SZRP - what is it? Fetal growth retardation syndrome

SZRP - what is it? Fetal growth retardation syndrome

The diagnosis of FGR is made by doctors to all children who at birth are underweight relative to their gestational age. Many women learn about this pathology during pregnancy. From the materials of this article you will learn what symptoms accompany the syndrome of fetal growth retardation, why it occurs

Pinworms in adults: signs and methods of treatment. Why are pinworms dangerous in adults?

Pinworms in adults: signs and methods of treatment. Why are pinworms dangerous in adults?

Pinworms are very common parasites that can live in the human intestine. In most cases, children of preschool and primary school age suffer from such helminthiases. However, adult patients are also not immune from such a problem. What symptoms can be suspected of having pinworms in adults? Signs can be different, because parasites not only affect the functioning of the digestive tract - their activity affects the functioning of the whole organism

Symptoms of the presence of worms in humans: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Symptoms of the presence of worms in humans: causes, diagnosis, treatment

According to medical statistics, helminthic diseases (invasions) are widespread in the world today, as well as pathologies resulting from the presence of parasitic worms in the human body. Sometimes the prevalence of helminthiases is very high. For example, pinworms are often found in children, hunters suffer from trichinosis, and dysphylobothriasis is found in fish lovers

Helminthiasis: symptoms in children and adults

Helminthiasis: symptoms in children and adults

Worms are worms that live and reproduce in the body of humans and animals. There can be many reasons for the appearance of these parasites: non-observance of personal hygiene rules, the use of unwashed products, contact with sick animals and people. Today we learn what is helminthiasis. Symptoms of this disease, as well as ways to deal with it, will also be considered

Fistula in a child: causes and methods of treatment

Fistula in a child: causes and methods of treatment

In the article we will consider what a fistula is. This is a channel that is formed during the inflammatory process, accompanied by the formation of purulent cavities. It occurs when there is no other outlet for pus, a narrow channel appears, which is covered with epithelial tissue inside. How dangerous is a fistula in a child? More about it below

Salivary stone disease: symptoms, treatment, photos

Salivary stone disease: symptoms, treatment, photos

Sometimes the tissues of the salivary glands begin to become inflamed, their function is disturbed, which contributes to the occurrence of salivary stone disease. What it is?

Treatment of rib fractures - useful tips and tricks

Treatment of rib fractures - useful tips and tricks

Fracture of the ribs and its consequences. How to determine by the symptoms that the victim has a fracture of the bones of the chest. What treatment for rib fractures is prescribed by a doctor

Description of pneumothorax: types of disease, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Description of pneumothorax: types of disease, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Unfortunately, no one is immune from pneumothorax. Its types, causes, manifestations and, most importantly, emergency care - this is knowledge that in an emergency can save someone's life

If I constantly want to sleep, what should I do?

If I constantly want to sleep, what should I do?

Sleep is the best way to relax. Thanks to him, a person has time to restore his strength. No wonder many doctors consider sleep the best medicine. Normally, eight or ten hours should be enough for a good rest

Wilson's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment and diagnosis

Wilson's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment and diagnosis

Wilson's disease (hepatocerebral dystrophy, Wilson-Konovalov syndrome) is a rather rare genetic disease that is associated with impaired copper metabolism in the body and is accompanied by damage to the liver and central nervous system

Sardonic smile is a sign of tetanus

Sardonic smile is a sign of tetanus

Smile is a special movement of facial muscles. It is sincere only from joy, pleasant emotions. But a person is able to smile and forcibly. So many hide their sincere feelings

Diarrhea: symptoms, types, first aid, treatment

Diarrhea: symptoms, types, first aid, treatment

Diarrhea is not only a symptom that indicates that something is not right in the body (not necessarily in the intestines). It is also a defense mechanism. Therefore, do not rush to drink Loperamide or Imodium, but try to figure out what could lead to the release of copious stools

Fever: stages, symptoms, causes, treatment

Fever: stages, symptoms, causes, treatment

What is a fever? The stages of this condition, causes and symptoms will be discussed below. We will also tell you about how to treat the disease

Cheilitis on the lips: types, causes and treatment

Cheilitis on the lips: types, causes and treatment

Cheilitis is an inflammatory disease of the lips that affects both their border and the mucous membrane. People call cheilitis on the lips "jam". This pathology can occur as an independent disease or as a clinical sign of inflammation of the internal organs

Tricuspid valve. Tricuspid valve insufficiency 1, 2, 3 degrees: signs and treatment

Tricuspid valve. Tricuspid valve insufficiency 1, 2, 3 degrees: signs and treatment

The main muscle of the human body is the heart. This is a complex mechanism, the components of which are valves. On the right side is the tricuspid valve. It separates the atrium and ventricle. When its work fails, the blood flow in this part of the muscle is disturbed

Diagnosis of angina pectoris - what is it?

Diagnosis of angina pectoris - what is it?

Angina pectoris is a private clinical form of coronary heart disease, reversible myocardial damage, characterized by episodes of compressive, pressing or burning pain in the chest, often behind the sternum or in the projection of the heart

Emergency care for hypertensive crisis: algorithm of actions, drugs

Emergency care for hypertensive crisis: algorithm of actions, drugs

Arterial hypertension (AH) is a continuously progressive disease. It is characterized by a constant increase in blood pressure (BP), which, with a sufficiently responsible attitude of the patient to the prescribed treatment, is successfully corrected by taking medications. Episodes of a significant increase in blood pressure, regardless of the intensity of drug therapy, are called crises. Emergency care for hypertensive crisis (HC) should be provided in a timely manner and in full

Symptoms of periodontitis, diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of periodontitis, diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of periodontitis, inflammation of one of the root roots of the tooth, can occur in the acute and chronic forms of this disease with almost the same intensity. It usually develops as a consequence of neglected caries and its unprofessional treatment, as well as due to an inflamed nerve

Osteoid osteoma of the bone: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment regimen

Osteoid osteoma of the bone: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment regimen

Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumor that can be located on both tubular and flat bones. The reasons for its appearance are not fully understood

What is the symptom of whooping cough? Signs and treatment of the disease

What is the symptom of whooping cough? Signs and treatment of the disease

Until recently, whooping cough was considered a childhood disease, but now you can observe its manifestation in people of adolescence and older. This disease was first described in 1538

Causes, clinical manifestations and treatment of gallstone disease

Causes, clinical manifestations and treatment of gallstone disease

The article tells about cholelithiasis, indicates its etiology, clinical manifestations and features of the treatment of this pathology

How is Perthes disease manifested and treated in a child

How is Perthes disease manifested and treated in a child

Perthes' disease in children has no symptoms in the early stages of the course, so it is usually detected already when changes have occurred in the hip joint. Children under the age of five rarely suffer from this disease, it is more typical for children aged six to ten years, more often boys

Persecutory delusions in schizophrenia and other mental disorders

Persecutory delusions in schizophrenia and other mental disorders

Not many people know what persecutory delirium is. This symptom accompanies a disease such as schizophrenia. This is a delusion of persecution, which is a symptom of serious mental disorders. Those suffering from these diseases can be dangerous to others, therefore, not only psychiatrists, but also doctors of other speci alties should pay attention to their identification and treatment

How to dissolve gallstones: effective drugs and folk remedies

How to dissolve gallstones: effective drugs and folk remedies

Cholelithiasis is a common problem affecting the digestive system due to malnutrition and metabolic disorders. How to dissolve stones in the gallbladder, which can bother a person for years, we will tell in our short material

How to treat cough in children 8 months old: a review of drugs for children under one year old

How to treat cough in children 8 months old: a review of drugs for children under one year old

Parents often have the question of how to treat cough in children 8 months old. If the baby began to cough, he should be shown to the pediatrician as soon as possible to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment in order to avoid complications in the future

Syncope is Description, classification and causes

Syncope is Description, classification and causes

Syncope is short-term episodes of loss of consciousness due to vascular and other pathological problems in the brain. Due to the prevalence of this problem among the population, this issue should be considered in more detail to identify the most common causes, clarify methods of assistance and prevention

Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract - diagnosis j06 on sick leave

Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract - diagnosis j06 on sick leave

Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract - j06 is a diagnosis used by doctors to encrypt sick leaves according to the International Classification of Diseases. The code is often used due to frequent viral infections of the nasopharynx

Can nerves vomit: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Can nerves vomit: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Every person at least once in their life has experienced nausea, the cause of which was difficult to explain. Sometimes it happens that in dangerous or difficult situations this unpleasant sensation makes itself felt. Can nerves make you sick? There are many causes of nervous disorders that cause nausea or vomiting

Prussic acid poisoning: symptoms, causes, first aid, treatment

Prussic acid poisoning: symptoms, causes, first aid, treatment

Prussic acid in the modern world is not only found in nature, but is also a product of human destructive activity. It is necessary to know the symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning and first aid in order to have time to prevent the most serious consequences for the body

Stuffed ear and shoots: symptoms, causes, treatment

Stuffed ear and shoots: symptoms, causes, treatment

Every adult at least once in his life faced with an unpleasant situation when his ear was stuffed up and the pain shoots in it so that at least climb the wall. The causes of these symptoms are most often inflammatory diseases. In order not to start the process even deeper, you need to immediately contact an otolaryngologist

Inflammation of the jaw joint: causes and treatment

Inflammation of the jaw joint: causes and treatment

How to deal with pain in the facial joint? And what, in principle, is it - inflammation of the jaw joint? It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis. But which doctor will help find a solution to the problem?

Swelling of the hand: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Swelling of the hand: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Swelling of the hands is an alarming symptom. Fluid retention in the tissues indicates a serious problem in the body. The etiology of this condition may be different. Most often, swelling speaks of problems with the heart or kidneys. However, there are many other diseases that are accompanied by fluid accumulation. Next, we will take a closer look at the causes and treatment of edema. At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms

Compression fracture of the spine in a child: symptoms, treatment

Compression fracture of the spine in a child: symptoms, treatment

Children's bones are in the process of growth, so they are often subjected to various injuries. One of the most serious is a compression fracture of the spine. It is rare in a child, but such an injury can have dangerous consequences. Therefore, every parent needs to know how to prevent such injuries, how to recognize that a fracture has occurred, and how to properly provide first aid