Armpit hurts, is the lymph node inflamed? This, of course, is an unpleasant phenomenon, but not fatal. The inflammatory process can begin for a variety of reasons, however, be that as it may, the disease should be treated immediately.
General characteristics
What do the words "armpit lymph node" even mean? As you know, lymph nodes are located not only in the armpits. This term in medicine refers to the organ necessary in order to filter the lymphatic fluid circulating through the body.

If an infection enters the lymphatic system, a person develops a disease called "lymphadenitis". As noted above, there are many such nodes in the human body - about six hundred. However, normally they should not be palpable. During examination, specialists pay the most attention to such lymph nodes in the armpit, in the groin, on the neck and on the back of the head.
Causes of inflammation
If your lymph nodes are fine, they won't bother you. Many people are completely unaware of theirexistence. However, what does an enlarged lymph node in the armpit indicate?

Any specialist will explain to you that this is a sign of an inflammatory process that has affected nearby organs. Accordingly, in order to start treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the inflammation. Therefore, if you find in your armpit a small rounded seal that reacts to every touch with a sharp pain, consult a doctor immediately.
The armpit lymph node can be brought back to normal. The treatment process will largely depend on the symptoms. For example, if it has increased in size, but does not hurt, you may well use traditional medicine recipes. However, if you feel a sharp deterioration in well-being, you have a fever, a headache, you are in a fever, do not postpone a visit to the clinic. Self-medication in this case will not only not be beneficial, but can also provoke a number of complications.

Healing at home
Echinacea infusion has long been considered a very effective remedy for removing an enlarged armpit lymph node. Using it is very simple: prepare a special solution - 10 drops of tincture per 100 ml of water. Take the resulting medicine at least three times a day. It will not only help to tidy up the lymph nodes, but also significantly strengthen your immune system. If such a remedy seems too bitter to you, based on the same echinaceaYou can make your own syrup. Put four tablespoons of the root of the plant in a glass of boiling water and boil for twenty minutes. After that, remove the container from the heat and put some peppermint and a couple of tablespoons of honey into it. It is also necessary to take syrup three times a day. The inflamed lymph node will decrease quite quickly if you apply a compress to it. Do you have heparin and troxevasin ointments, Vaseline in your medicine cabinet? Excellent! Mix them, soak a cotton swab with this mass, and apply it to the affected area, fixing it with a bandage on top. However, do not forget: if you feel severe pain, notice that the lymph node has changed color and turned from pink to bright red, immediately make an appointment with a specialist!