Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex is a syndrome also called hypocorticism and manifested by a lack of hormones that should be synthesized by these glands. Let's look at the symptoms and causes of this condition. Adrenal gland disease in any case is a severe stress for the body. It is important to understand how it can be complicated and try to prevent it in time. Let's look at such characteristic signs of hypocorticism as hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Adrenal insufficiency: symptoms and general information about the disease
It is important to immediately indicate that this disease is acute and chronic. Chronic insufficiency can also be divided into two types. Primary is called Addison's disease and occurs due to the destruction of gland tissue. Such adrenal insufficiency, the symptoms of which can be seen in the photo, manifests itself only if less than fifteen percent of the tissue is functioning. Secondary is a consequence of diseasesof the brain, in which the hypothalamus or pituitary gland is damaged (tumors, injuries, intoxications). After all, it is these glands that control the activity of the adrenal glands. Predisposing factors for Addison's disease: severe infections, amyloidosis, atrophy of the adrenal cortex. The latter is a consequence of an autoimmune process with the formation of antibodies to the body's own tissues. Chronic secondary adrenal insufficiency, the symptoms of which are almost the same as in primary, can develop gradually.

Acute Addisonian crisis is a condition that requires emergency care. It can develop with a sharp cessation of hormone intake, after removal of the adrenal glands, and also against the background of chronic insufficiency. This condition can also be the result of birth trauma, infections, hemorrhages in case of injuries to the abdomen and chest, peritonitis, burns. With it, there is a rapid drop in the level of corticoids in the blood, and the body loses the ability to adapt to stress.
Adrenal insufficiency: symptoms and descriptions
Hypocorticism gives a very strong hyperpigmentation of the mucous membranes and skin. This happens gradually. First, exposed areas of the body that are exposed to the sun, such as the skin of the face, hands, darken.

Then those parts of the skin that are normally significantly pigmented: nipples, perineum, armpits. A characteristic sign of hypocorticism is the darkening of the folds on the palms. It is clearly visible in the background.light areas of the skin. The color of pigmented integuments can be either a light coffee shade, similar to a natural tan, or very dark - bronze, smoky. The mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, rectum, vagina become blue-black. In addition, patients are diagnosed with vitiligo (only with autoimmune hypocorticism), they lose weight, experience constant weakness and irritability. Their sexual desire decreases, lethargy, depression, disability, arterial hypotension, fainting, digestive disorders are noted.