Heart hurts, left hand goes numb: what to do?

Heart hurts, left hand goes numb: what to do?
Heart hurts, left hand goes numb: what to do?

Many people quite often complain of pain in the heart and numbness of the hand, and these symptoms appear simultaneously. This negatively affects the general state of he alth, as a person begins to worry about the disease. Far from always, such symptoms indicate a cardiac disorder. In order to accurately diagnose, it is recommended to seek qualified medical help.

Most often, pain of this nature occurs when there are problems with blood flow. In most cases, this happens with heavy physical exertion and emotional stress. In some patients, symptoms worsen significantly, so they require emergency care. If the nature of the pain is identified in time, complications can be prevented. If a person feels sick, his heart hurts, and his left hand goes numb, there can be many reasons.

heart hurts and left arm goes numb after alcohol
heart hurts and left arm goes numb after alcohol


Under the ischemia of the heart, it is customary to understand disorders that can combine a number of ailments. The main difference is related tomyocardial damage. With him, the heart hurts, the fingers of the left hand go numb. In medicine, several diseases of this kind are distinguished.


With angina pectoris, discomfort appears behind the chest, most often during physical exertion or severe stress. Pain passes to the left side of the body, that is, the arm, neck and even the jaw. The patient feels a constriction of the heart. Also in the region of the heart it hurts, the left arm and leg go numb. If the symptoms begin to intensify, then there is a panic fear of death. Angina lasts no more than 10 minutes, so do not confuse it with other diseases. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take "Nitroglycerin" and calm down. When these recommendations are followed, the attack resolves without medical attention. As a preventive measure, preference should be given to drugs that help strengthen and restore the main muscle of the body.

heart hurts and numb left hand sick
heart hurts and numb left hand sick

Vascular obstruction

Often, patients have vascular obstruction, so the body does not receive enough nutrients through the blood. When a spasm occurs, the instant death of certain parts of the muscle begins. Of the symptoms, a burning sensation appears, as well as severe pain on the left side. If you take a drug to expand blood vessels, then this will not give the desired effect. In some cases, on the contrary, the signs will only increase. It is important not to hesitate and immediately take measures to hospitalize a person.


Another cause of heart pain is the inflammatory process of the main muscle. When a pathological condition is detected, a violation of excitability occurs and the ability to contract slowly begins to disappear.

heart hurts numb fingers of the left hand
heart hurts numb fingers of the left hand


Signs make themselves felt already 10 days after the onset of the disease. Almost always, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • tingling inside;
  • pain syndrome shifts to the left side;
  • there is a breakdown and a broken state;
  • significantly increased perspiration;
  • when moving the body, a number of unpleasant sensations appear, provoking shortness of breath;
  • temperature rising;
  • starting to have trouble sleeping at night;
  • Heart rhythms are erratic.

It is important to remember that the symptomatology intensifies only at the moment of complete rest. The development of asthenia should be considered as the first signal, but not all patients are ready to immediately consult a doctor. Most often, attention is paid to he alth after about a week. True, during this time the disease flows into an advanced stage, and now long-term treatment and recovery will be required. Do not forget that the disease manifests itself only at the moment of rest.

heart hurts numb left arm and leg
heart hurts numb left arm and leg


If the pericardial sac is inflamed, then this indicates the presence of an infectious, fungal orbacterial disease. This also includes autoimmune problems. This process is characterized by the accumulation of fluid between the surfaces of the pericardium. As a result, a "motor" tamponade is formed. The organ can no longer contract in the same rhythm, so there are signs of heart failure. These include:

  • shortness of breath;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • development of dizziness;
  • numbness of left hand;
  • dry cough;
  • swelling of the lower extremities of the body;
  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • possible loss of consciousness.

If the patient still has pericarditis, the doctor can easily identify it due to a distinct noise. It appears as a result of friction of the walls of the pericardium.

The exact causes of cardiomyopathy have not yet been established. Typically, such a diagnosis is made to those patients who do not have a congenital anomaly of development or valvular disease. If a disorder begins in the myocardium, this will lead to impaired functioning of the heart. The patient quite often feels tingling and aching pain, as well as numbness of the left side of the body and sleep disturbance.

Stroke is commonly understood as changes in the functioning of the brain, which are closely related to insufficient blood flow to its individual areas. Quite often, this condition occurs when:

  • blockage of blood vessels, that is, there is an acute shortage of nutrients, and the brain experiences hypoxia (the type of disease is ischemic);
  • vascular aneurysm (a hematoma appears anda more severe course of the disease occurs).

Disturbances in the functionality of the body depend on the affected area.

If we talk about general symptoms, then here they distinguish:

  • constant feeling of dizziness;
  • partial problems with speech, memory and vision;
  • loss of sensation in limbs;
  • the emergence of a constant feeling of weakness or, loss of consciousness;
  • cramps of the muscular system.
  • the left hand goes numb and the heart hurts
    the left hand goes numb and the heart hurts

How to diagnose a stroke?

When a person is suspected of having a stroke, it is recommended to ask for:

  • smile (noticeable asymmetry);
  • open mouth, show tongue (will be twisted);
  • ask something simple enough (speech becomes incoherent);
  • raise your hands up (it happens very unevenly).

When identifying characteristic signs, an ambulance should be called immediately. With a large loss of time, serious complications can develop. In some cases, a person becomes permanently disabled.

pain in the region of the heart numbness of the left arm
pain in the region of the heart numbness of the left arm


Pain in the heart area and numbness of the hand do not always indicate problems with this organ. Other reasons are known that provoke the appearance of such ailments.

First of all, you need to highlight neuralgia. This disease affects the peripheral nervous system. Most pain is noted in intercostal pathology. There is a burning sensation inchest, and a shooting pain appears in the shoulder girdle. Strengthening occurs after raising hands, and no pills for the heart can alleviate the patient's condition.

The disease develops in the presence of appropriate factors.

  1. The man got severe hypothermia.
  2. Strong physical labor in progress.
  3. Has had an infectious or viral illness before.
  4. When the intervertebral disc and cartilage are damaged, metabolic processes and the functioning of the circulatory system significantly deteriorate. At the very beginning, the discs lose their original strength and elasticity, and over time they simply dry out. Gradually, the height will also decrease. If a person continues to engage in strong physical exertion, this will lead to deformation of the fibrous ring or rupture. As a result, an intervertebral hernia may appear, which provokes:
  • persistent headaches (up to migraine);
  • pain in the sternum of a pulling nature (gives to the shoulder blades and increases when raising the arms);
  • discomfort when taking a deep breath or lifting a heavy weight;
  • numbness of some parts of the body.

Osteochondrosis manifests itself most in the evening hours.

heart hurts numb left hand what to do
heart hurts numb left hand what to do


Kardialgia is characterized by a recurring or permanent character. True, painful sensations do not arise due to damage to any organ, but due to the work of the patient's subconscious. A strong feeling and a sense of fear are capable ofcreate a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Such a he alth problem is called a panic attack, that is, a person is afraid of death due to cardiac arrest. Attacks last for a couple of minutes, but sometimes stretch for several hours. Of the symptoms, high blood pressure, a feeling of heaviness, a heartache and a numb left hand are distinguished. After alcohol, these symptoms are more pronounced. Sometimes a person shows a specific place that provokes the development of such signs. No drug for the heart is able to eliminate discomfort.

What should I do, my heart hurts and my left hand goes numb?

If there is pain in the region of the heart and, together with this, numbness of the left side begins, then the current situation should not be ignored. It is better to consult a specialist, and this should be done even with minor symptoms. This will help prevent the development of complications and start treatment in a timely manner. In no case should you self-medicate, only after the examination, the doctor will select the appropriate course. In any case, prevention is better than cure.
