Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Ingrown toenails: causes and treatments

Ingrown toenails: causes and treatments

Ingrown toenails (or onychocryptosis) are a disease characterized by the nail plate cutting into the soft side of the toe (roller). In this case, an inflammatory process occurs with noticeable redness, pain and swelling of the damaged area

Typhoid - what is it? Symptoms of the disease, prevention and treatment

Typhoid - what is it? Symptoms of the disease, prevention and treatment

Typhoid - what is it? This is a serious disease caused by salmonella. Experts say that it occurs most often where there is a large crowd of people

How does Hippel-Lindau disease manifest itself?

How does Hippel-Lindau disease manifest itself?

Hippel-Lindau disease: incidence rate, how the disease manifests itself, diagnostic methods, approaches to therapy

Rupture of the ligaments of the foot: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Rupture of the ligaments of the foot: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Rupture of the ligaments of the foot is considered the most common injury that can occur at any time - during an unsuccessful jump, while running or walking on a slippery surface. What to do in such a situation and how to provide first aid

Protracted runny nose in a child: how to treat?

Protracted runny nose in a child: how to treat?

Protracted runny nose in a child… Which of the young mothers has not encountered this problem? Surely a lot. Unfortunately, in childhood, a runny nose is a fairly common phenomenon, and the reasons due to which it occurs can be very different

Pandemic - what is it? How is a pandemic different from an epidemic?

Pandemic - what is it? How is a pandemic different from an epidemic?

What is a pandemic and how is it different from an epidemic? Why and when do they happen? What can cause a pandemic in the modern world? If you want to know - read the article

How Ebola is transmitted: symptoms and treatment of fever

How Ebola is transmitted: symptoms and treatment of fever

Ebola… For several months now, the Internet has been full of reports about it, not a single television news release can do without them. Just a couple of months ago, it was considered a regional problem, and doctors assured that this disease would definitely not spread outside of Africa. Meanwhile, at least two US citizens have already become infected

Burning and itching in the eyes: causes, treatment

Burning and itching in the eyes: causes, treatment

Various diseases of the organs of vision can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, you should not “brush off” and endure if itching appears in the eyes. There are several diseases that are accompanied by burning and itching in the eye area, you need to find out the cause and try to relieve the symptoms yourself or consult a doctor. All this in detail in the article

Jamming in the corners of the mouth: causes, remedies, prevention

Jamming in the corners of the mouth: causes, remedies, prevention

There are seemingly simple diseases, but they can also indicate the malfunctioning of internal organs, weakened immunity and other diseases. Seizures in the corners of the mouth are not so difficult to treat, sometimes they even go away on their own, but you need to pay special attention to them if this is a frequent occurrence for you

Seizures in a child in the corners of the mouth: causes and treatment

Seizures in a child in the corners of the mouth: causes and treatment

It is extremely unpleasant and annoying if a child has seizures. This problem is often perceived by others as the result of poor hygiene. But it is not always the case. Seizures can signal an infection in the body or a serious illness. It is important to start by finding the source of the problem

Inflammation of the auricle: photos, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the auricle: photos, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the auricle, which in medicine is better known under the term "perichondritis", is a very common problem. The disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process, which is localized in the skin and perichondrium. Of course, many people are interested in additional information. Why does ear inflammation develop? Symptoms and treatment, risk factors and possible complications are important points to be aware of

Lymphoproliferative diseases. Tumors of the lymphatic system

Lymphoproliferative diseases. Tumors of the lymphatic system

In the human body there are not only blood vessels, but also the so-called "white" vessels. They were known for a long time, and in the middle of the 18th century, knowledge about the lymphatic system became more extensive. Unfortunately, lymphoproliferative diseases are not uncommon, and they can occur in any organ

Varicosis, initial stage: description, causes, prevention and treatment features

Varicosis, initial stage: description, causes, prevention and treatment features

Varicosis is a common disease, characterized by a violation of the outflow of venous blood, which leads to their deformation, the appearance of knots. Such processes occur when the vessels lose their elasticity, they stretch, become wide and cease to function correctly. If the disease is started, the only way out of the situation will be a surgical operation. In order not to lead to such consequences, it is important to pay attention to alarming symptoms in time and take action

Tunnel syndromes and their treatment

Tunnel syndromes and their treatment

Tunnel syndromes form a separate group of tunnel neuropathies, which are a whole complex of trophic, sensory and motor disorders resulting from compression in the channels of peripheral nerves

Deformed arthrosis, causes and treatment

Deformed arthrosis, causes and treatment

Deformed arthrosis (osteoarthritis) refers to diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus, which affects almost 15% of the population, and the number of cases increases with age. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, but the most commonly affected are those that are subject to greater stress

Heart failure in a child: symptoms, signs, treatment methods

Heart failure in a child: symptoms, signs, treatment methods

Heart failure in a child can occur immediately after the birth of the baby or at an older age. It is due to a variety of provoking factors. It is very important to visit a doctor at the first signs of the disease for diagnosis and treatment

Why does the neck crackle: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Why does the neck crackle: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Why does my neck crackle? Few people know the answer to this question. Therefore, we decided to devote this article to this topic. From it you will learn about the causes of the development of such a pathological phenomenon, its diagnosis and treatment methods

Osteochondrosis - what kind of ailment is this? Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine: symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis - what kind of ailment is this? Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine: symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis is a problematic disease of the spine, which affects every fourth inhabitant on planet Earth. Among the most common diseases in the world, this disease ranks second, second only to cardiovascular diseases

Gangrenous appendicitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Gangrenous appendicitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Gangrenous appendicitis is a pathology characterized by tissue necrosis of the vermiform segment and a typical clinical picture, which allows it to be differentiated from other forms of the inflammatory process directly in the appendix

Catarrhal appendicitis: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnosis, treatment options

Catarrhal appendicitis: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnosis, treatment options

Statistics show that in the field of surgery, appendicitis is the most common disease and accounts for 90% of all operations. This pathology does not select people either by age or by gender

Appendicitis: signs, diagnosis and treatment

Appendicitis: signs, diagnosis and treatment

In the article, we will figure out which side of appendicitis is in a person and what are its signs. Appendicitis is an inflammatory process in the appendix that extends from the caecum. This is one of the most common pathologies in surgery

Frostbite of the hand: symptoms and treatment

Frostbite of the hand: symptoms and treatment

Winter brings not only traditional snowball fights, sledding, skiing, but also some of the problems inherent in this period of time. At the same time, not only a cold or a bruise on sleet. The cold season brings a problem, sometimes of a rather serious nature, - frostbite of the hand

Indurative edema: description, symptoms and treatment

Indurative edema: description, symptoms and treatment

Primary syphilis is the initial stage of pathology development. In most cases, people miss the early symptoms of the disease because they have no idea about it. But the disease must be able to recognize at an early stage in order to be able to recover from it without the development of serious consequences. One of the manifestations of primary syphilis is the formation of a hard chancre and indurative edema

Ureaplasma urealiticum - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasma urealiticum - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of ureaplasmosis

How does ureaplasma urealiticum penetrate into the human body? What are these diseases that develop against the background of the activity of this microorganism? What is the danger associated with such an infection? These questions are of interest to many. After all, according to statistics, about 40% of the world's population are carriers of these bacteria

Ureaplasma: types, causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods

Ureaplasma: types, causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods

Everything you need to know about ureaplasma, its types and treatment: symptoms and causes of pathology, danger of subspecies, possible complications, methods of diagnosis and therapy

Chlamydia is Symptoms, treatment and consequences

Chlamydia is Symptoms, treatment and consequences

What is chlamydia, how is it transmitted and how dangerous is it? These are the main questions that people ask when faced with an infection. With certainty, we can only say that chlamydia is treated, and quite successfully. And absolutely anyone can get infected with it, even a child, despite the fact that the pathology belongs to STDs

Hands go numb: what to do, possible causes and treatment with folk remedies

Hands go numb: what to do, possible causes and treatment with folk remedies

Many people have numb hands at a young age. Should this phenomenon be of concern, or is it of little importance? After all, if you ask a doctor about this, he will answer that hand numbness is not the most common complaint among he althy people. Find out in the article why, if your fingers go numb, you should first consult a doctor

What are hemorrhoids and how to deal with them?

What are hemorrhoids and how to deal with them?

Not everyone knows what hemorrhoids are. However, this disease occurs in a fairly large number of people. So knowing about this disease will not hurt anyone

Hemorrhoids: classification by disease stages and treatment

Hemorrhoids: classification by disease stages and treatment

Classification of hemorrhoids: acute and chronic form. Stages of the chronic course of the disease, what is the clinical picture. diagnostic activities. What therapy is indicated at different stages of the disease, when conservative therapy will help, and when surgical intervention is indispensable

Disease bartholinitis: treatment at home

Disease bartholinitis: treatment at home

The article describes the inflammation of the Bartholin's gland, indicates the etiology and clinic of this pathology, as well as methods of treatment that can be used at home

What is insulin dependent diabetes mellitus?

What is insulin dependent diabetes mellitus?

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, according to experts, is a disease in which there are serious hormonal changes in the body, due to which glucose is not used as an energy source

Twitching fingers: causes of tics, types of involuntary muscle contractions and treatment

Twitching fingers: causes of tics, types of involuntary muscle contractions and treatment

It is not uncommon for people who are under severe emotional stress to have a finger twitch. This does not bring serious discomfort, but you should not ignore such a manifestation. You should immediately consult a doctor, it is this condition that often leads to serious consequences. Therefore, it is better to get rid of twitches than to try to eliminate the complications that have appeared

Tourette syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Tourette syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Tourette syndrome is a serious neurological disorder. It usually occurs in children and adolescents under 20 years of age. Boys suffer from this pathology much more often than girls. The disease is accompanied by involuntary movements, tics and cries. A sick person is not always able to control these actions. Pathology does not affect the mental development of the child, but serious deviations in behavior make it difficult for him to communicate with others

Maffucci syndrome: photo, treatment, frequency of occurrence

Maffucci syndrome: photo, treatment, frequency of occurrence

Maffucci syndrome is a serious disease that belongs to congenital pathologies and is not inherited. Accompanied by changes in bone and cartilage tissues, the patient has irregularly shaped growths on the skin. Neoplasms have a nodular shape and provoke deformation of the limbs. Most often, pathology is diagnosed in the male part of the population

Celiac disease: causes and treatment

Celiac disease: causes and treatment

In the modern world, the mysterious diagnosis of celiac disease is increasingly heard. What is it and how is the pathology that has received unprecedented distribution connected with eating bread and pasta? The symptoms, causes, and treatments for celiac disease are detailed in this article

Aspirin triad: symptoms and treatment

Aspirin triad: symptoms and treatment

Aspirin triad - what is it? Not many patients know the answer to this question, but almost all doctors can easily define this term

LDG - what is it? Reasons for the increase in LDH

LDG - what is it? Reasons for the increase in LDH

Modern medicine does not stand still, but continues to develop every day. Many tests are used to diagnose various diseases. It can be difficult for an ordinary person to understand all their names. Take, for example, LDH. What it is, not every layman knows, but meanwhile doctors use this research method quite often. What diseases can be diagnosed using the analysis of LDH, what threatens its increased or decreased level in the blood. Let's figure it out

Lactose deficiency in infants: what to do?

Lactose deficiency in infants: what to do?

Lactose deficiency in infants is a rather serious and even dangerous problem. After all, such a violation is associated with the inability of the body to absorb dairy products, including mother's milk

Leukocytes in the urine are increased: causes and consequences

Leukocytes in the urine are increased: causes and consequences

If the white blood cells in the urine are elevated, then this may indicate some he alth problems. And what diseases can be accompanied by this symptom? More about this in the article

Intestinal amebiasis: diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal amebiasis: diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal amebiasis is an acute infectious disease that develops after penetration into the body of a dysenteric amoeba. It can destroy intestinal tissue, as well as cause disorders of other organs and systems