Do you know what a "hussar runny nose" is? If you do not have such information, then it will be presented in the materials of this article.

Basic information
"Hussar runny nose" is a sexually transmitted disease called gonorrhea. By the way, in medical practice, such a disease is often called gonorrhea.
Why does gonorrhea have such an unusual name as "hussar runny nose"? According to historians, this disease began to be called this way during the reign of King Charles II. What is it connected with? The fact is that in those days, for most hussars, such a “runny nose” was as familiar and common as the usual one.
It is no secret to anyone that in ancient times, military personnel were unusually loving, as they were especially successful with the fairer sex. But, unfortunately, then people did not hear about any methods of protection. Therefore, every second hussar was sick with gonorrhea, which means that he was a source of infection for others.
Features of the disease
"Hussar runny nose" is a venereal disease that affects the human genitals. ATIn most cases, it is transmitted sexually. However, there were often situations when infection with this disease occurred through household attributes (for example, through someone else's underwear, washcloths, towels, etc.).

"Hussar runny nose", or gonorrhea, is a classic venereal disease. Most he alth workers do not perceive this disease as something special. It should be noted that the presence of gonorrhea in a person characterizes him as frivolous and leading a promiscuous sex life.
"Hussar runny nose": symptoms
What are the first signs of gonorrhea you know? Experts say that with such a disease, almost all patients feel pain when trying to urinate. At the same time, greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor appears on the patient's underwear.
If you find such symptoms in yourself, you should immediately contact a venereologist. You should also inform your partner about the problem. This should be done only after the gonorrhea has been confirmed by tests.
By the way, some experts say that even using a contraceptive method such as a condom does not always prevent infection with this disease.

Types of diseases
"Hussar runny nose", the symptoms, the treatment of which is discussed in this article, is provoked by the bacterium gonococcus. As mentioned above, most often it is transmitted sexually.
It should be noted that thethe disease can progress in different ways. Currently, experts distinguish between subacute, acute and chronic gonorrhea. Consider the signs of each species in more detail.
Subacute gonorrhea
Subacute gonorrhea is characterized by symptoms such as:
- burning and itching in the canals;
- crusting;
- small highlights;
- swelling of the lymph nodes located in the groin.
The type of disease in question is more dangerous than others. This is due to the fact that it often provokes the appearance of purulent foci in the genital area, abdomen, pubis and groin. Such an unpleasant phenomenon can occur only if these areas get purulent discharge directly from the penis. In this regard, if you suspect gonorrhea, you should immediately contact a venereologist.
Acute gonorrhea

Signs of such a "hussar cold" are very pronounced. These include the following symptoms:
- high body temperature;
- stinging or pain when urinating;
- purulent discharge;
- pain in the ovaries and above the pubis.
In the absence of proper treatment of acute gonorrhea, the disease becomes chronic, which greatly complicates the process of its treatment.
Chronic disease
Typically, gonorrhea of a chronic nature resolves without any symptoms. However, the development of such a disease can quickly lead to disastrous consequences. A possible complication of this disease ischronic prostatitis, chronic cystitis, infertility, decreased sex drive and pelvic pain syndrome.
How to treat the "hussar (French) runny nose"?
The disease in question at the first stage is much easier to cure in advanced cases. At the same time, in no case should you neglect the advice of doctors, as well as self-medicate.
Depending on the degree of development of the disease, the patient may need completely different options for complex therapy. If the patient has contraindications to antibiotics, then local procedures are performed.

It should be especially noted that all of the above symptoms (eg, pain when urinating, discharge) can occur not only in men, but also in women. Although the signs of a "hussar runny nose" in the fairer sex sometimes do not appear at all. At the same time, time passes, and the disease progresses. Often, women learn about the problem only after the occurrence of complications. Therapy in this case will be longer and more complex. Therefore, asymptomatic gonorrhea in women is especially dangerous.
Preventive measures
To prevent the development of sexually transmitted diseases, it is imperative to use protective equipment during sexual intercourse. It is also necessary to meet only with a permanent partner, strengthen your immunity and regularly undergo examinations by a gynecologist or urologist.