Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Ingrown callus - causes and treatment methods

Ingrown callus - causes and treatment methods

Probably everyone has heard the expression - "step on a sore spot". Such a species as an ingrown callus can cause a lot of inconvenience to its owner. How to protect yourself from this disease and overcome it if it occurs - in our article

Mouth amoeba: causes of infection, symptoms, treatment

Mouth amoeba: causes of infection, symptoms, treatment

Entamoeba gingivalis, or oral amoeba lives in the oral cavity (on the teeth, palate tonsils, in the alveoli, in dental plaque) and belongs to the protozoan parasites. As a rule, this microorganism feeds on fungi and bacteria and reaches 60 micrometers in length. Gingival amoeba develops in people suffering from various pathologies of the oral cavity, for example, caries

Stomach hurts with cramps: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Stomach hurts with cramps: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Why does my stomach hurt? It will not be so difficult to answer this question after reading this article. Here you will find the causes and symptoms of abdominal cramps, as well as the characteristics of some diseases. But remember: you should not self-medicate, in case of paroxysmal pain, you should consult a specialist

Mushroom poisoning: symptoms, first aid, treatment

Mushroom poisoning: symptoms, first aid, treatment

Because these situations are considered very common, many people are looking for more information. What are the symptoms and signs of mushroom poisoning? After how many hours do the first "bells" appear? How to help a person in a similar situation? What methods of treatment does medicine offer? What are the consequences of poisoning? The answers to these questions are important

Alcoholic epilepsy: symptoms and treatment

Alcoholic epilepsy: symptoms and treatment

Few people know that alcohol abuse can lead to serious illnesses and, first of all, it can be alcoholic epilepsy. What exactly is this disease dangerous for, and how to help the victim should know every person in whose family there is an incorrigible alcoholic

Can there be bronchitis without coughing and fever?

Can there be bronchitis without coughing and fever?

Inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs cause a lot of discomfort and are mainly accompanied by characteristic symptoms: fever, severe cough. If there are no such signs, you should not hope for a mild course of the disease

How to relieve a coughing fit? Cough remedies for adults and children

How to relieve a coughing fit? Cough remedies for adults and children

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body to irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It can occur suddenly or recur constantly. Sometimes a cough torments a person with seizures. They do not let you sleep at night and interfere during the day. This can happen for various reasons. And before looking for a way to relieve a coughing fit, you need to understand why it appeared. After all, any means will be ineffective if the cause of the attack is not eliminated

Coughing up blood with a cold. Blood when coughing: causes

Coughing up blood with a cold. Blood when coughing: causes

Sometimes there may be blood streaks in the sputum produced during coughing. If this symptom is episodic, then it indicates damage to the vessel. In this case, there is no room for panic. But, if coughing up blood with a cold is protracted, then it's time to sound the alarm. After all, this symptom can signal serious diseases of the internal organs

Swollen upper eyelids: the main causes and methods of getting rid of the problem

Swollen upper eyelids: the main causes and methods of getting rid of the problem

Swollen upper eyelids is a problem that almost every person has faced at least once in their life. It is good if the swelling can be removed with a simple cold compress, but what if it does not disappear and, moreover, is accompanied by pain and discomfort?

Lyme disease (borreliosis): photo, symptoms, treatment, consequences, prevention

Lyme disease (borreliosis): photo, symptoms, treatment, consequences, prevention

Lyme disease (borreliosis) is a disease characterized by a special variety of appearances. The clinical pictures of two patients may have little in common despite the same diagnosis. To this day, specialists in the field of medicine have not developed a unified approach to how to diagnose borreliosis, how to properly treat it. What can we say about ordinary people? The level of awareness is extremely low

Schlatter's disease in adolescents - causes, symptoms and treatment

Schlatter's disease in adolescents - causes, symptoms and treatment

Schlatter's disease (another name is Osgood-Schlatter) is an inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, in which one or another part of the tubular long bones, that is, the tibial tuberosity, suffers. There is a whole list of similar pathologies that are observed most often in adolescents and children, they are called osteochondropathy

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis: effective techniques and what you should pay attention to

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis: effective techniques and what you should pay attention to

In order to try to prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to take preventive measures that will help reduce the load on the spine. It is worth considering useful tips on proper nutrition, he althy sleep and organization of the workplace

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Staphylococcus epidermidis is a gram-positive bacterium, one of 33 known species belonging to the genus Staphylococcus. It is part of the normal flora of the human skin (commensal)

Paraurethral cyst: causes, symptoms, operation, consequences

Paraurethral cyst: causes, symptoms, operation, consequences

In urological practice, there is such a disease as a paraurethral cyst. The disease is based on blockage of the glands located near the urethra in women. This pathology is extremely rare. That is why the disease often raises many questions both in the diagnosis and in the methods of dealing with it

Pyelonephritis: symptoms, features of treatment in women and men

Pyelonephritis: symptoms, features of treatment in women and men

One of the most famous and common diseases of the kidneys is called pyelonephritis. Pathogenic microflora in the form of Escherichia coli, chlamydia, staphylococcus or other pathogen that penetrates from the urethra into the kidneys causes an inflammatory process in them. It can affect one or both kidneys at once. In women, this disease is diagnosed more often than in the opposite sex

Aneurysm: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Aneurysm: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Causes, treatment of aneurysms are hot topics for modern medicine due to the high risk of such a condition. The term is used to denote the processes of stretching of the arterial walls, leading to the protrusion of a separate area. As an independent pathology, aneurysms localized in the aorta, heart, brain and peripheral circulatory system are considered

Periodic illness: symptoms and treatment

Periodic illness: symptoms and treatment

Periodic illness is a rather complex problem that cannot be completely de alt with. However, it is still necessary to be treated so that the symptoms do not interfere with normal life

Tonic convulsions. Classification of seizures, causes and treatment

Tonic convulsions. Classification of seizures, causes and treatment

Perhaps there is no person who would not be aware of involuntary muscle contractions that appear unexpectedly, like an attack, and most often do not last long. But there are people for whom this phenomenon has become regular, lasts a long time and causes a lot of problems, affecting both their performance and even their personal lives. What causes convulsions, how they are classified and what means will help fight them, we will tell further in the article

Causes of pus in the urine

Causes of pus in the urine

Why does pus appear in the urine? Diseases that cause pus in the urine. What is pyuria and how to get rid of it?

Lump in the chest: which doctor should I contact? What does a chest x-ray show?

Lump in the chest: which doctor should I contact? What does a chest x-ray show?

Chest pain is one of the most common pathologies. Unpleasant sensations in the chest can occur with various diseases, so patients with such ailments usually undergo additional examinations, and for this purpose you need to consult a specialist. The thorax is the upper region of the body, which looks like a truncated cone. The thoracic cage consists of the sternum, ribs and spinal column

Fracture of the big toe: symptoms. Do I need a cast for a broken big toe?

Fracture of the big toe: symptoms. Do I need a cast for a broken big toe?

Fractured big toe is a common occurrence. The phalanges of the limbs are vulnerable to many external influences, and are also subjected to constant pressure from the weight of a person. From the materials of this article you will learn what symptoms this pathology accompanies and how long it takes to treat it

Osteochondrosis: psychosomatics of the disease, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis: psychosomatics of the disease, symptoms and treatment

Distinguish between osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine and osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. But regardless of the type of disease, a person always complains of pain. In which part of the back it manifests itself and whether it radiates to the limbs depends on the location, that is, on which part of the spine dystrophic processes have occurred

Jaundice in newborns: causes and consequences, diagnosis and treatment

Jaundice in newborns: causes and consequences, diagnosis and treatment

Parents are extremely sensitive to the he alth of their children. Especially when it comes to newborns. But what if the baby, recently born, was given a strange diagnosis of "jaundice"?

Osteochondropathy of the patella: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Osteochondropathy of the patella: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Osteochondropathy of the patella refers to a group of diseases in which aseptic necrosis of bone tissue occurs. Destructive processes most often occur due to mechanical damage. The disease is quite rare and occurs in 3% of patients who visit orthopedic doctors. Pathology affects children, adolescents and men under 30 years of age. With timely treatment, the disease passes without a trace, but it can still lead to serious complications and even disability of the patient. Below are the details

Etiology and pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis

Etiology and pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis

The etiology and pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis have been studied quite well, which is why it is easy to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment during the course of the disease. Therapy involves the use of medications, as well as diet. In severe cases, surgery is required

Sore heels in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Sore heels in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

If a child has sore heels, then such a symptom should alert parents. This may be a sign of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which require immediate treatment. Also, often discomfort in the feet can occur after trauma. With minor injuries, children may not experience pain in the first days

A child has a knee pain: causes and treatment

A child has a knee pain: causes and treatment

Children often complain of knee pain. It could be a sign of a serious illness

What is candidiasis and how to deal with it?

What is candidiasis and how to deal with it?

No one is safe from candidiasis. But it just so happened that most often women suffer from thrush. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more girls are wondering what candidiasis is, how to treat it. Before answering it, it is necessary to find out what are the causes of this disease

Candida urethritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Candida urethritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Candidiasis urethritis is localized in the urethra at a time when the immunity of its walls is very low. In this case, it turns out that infection of the urethra occurs regularly. The fungus can penetrate the skin, from the intestinal tract, but more often during sexual intercourse

Causes and symptoms of urethritis in men

Causes and symptoms of urethritis in men

Inflammation of the urinary canal is a very common disease. According to statistics, young people aged 20 to 35 are more susceptible to it, although at a later age the likelihood of an inflammatory process is also not excluded. Therefore, many are interested in information about what are the main symptoms of urethritis in men, and why the disease occurs

Gonorrhea: symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment regimen

Gonorrhea: symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment regimen

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection. Its causative agent is gonococci, which usually parasitize on the mucous membranes. Unfortunately, the disease is not rare. What are his symptoms? What are the main signs? What are the consequences? What does diagnosis imply, and how is this disease treated? This and much more will now be discussed

Subarachnoid hemorrhage - causes, symptoms, consequences and features of treatment

Subarachnoid hemorrhage - causes, symptoms, consequences and features of treatment

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a condition that is caused by cerebral bleeding, when blood begins to accumulate in the subarachnoid spaces of the cerebral sheath. This pathology is characterized by intense and sharp pain in the head, short-term loss of consciousness, its confusion, which can be combined with hyperthermia and a complex of meningeal symptoms. Diagnose subarachnoid bleeding in accordance with CT data and angiography of the brain

Emphysema: treatment and prognosis

Emphysema: treatment and prognosis

What is emphysema? The symptoms and treatment of this disease are quite serious. It is accompanied by shortness of breath, severe cough, respiratory failure. The disease affects the heart and lungs, so if left untreated, the likelihood of death is high

Paraparesis of the lower extremities in children and adults: causes, treatment

Paraparesis of the lower extremities in children and adults: causes, treatment

Paraparesis is a paralyzed condition of the limbs. This can happen to both hands and feet. You should know that paraparesis of the lower extremities is associated with dysfunction of the spinal cord. In some cases, the brain is affected

Burning in the head: causes, symptoms, treatment and possible diseases

Burning in the head: causes, symptoms, treatment and possible diseases

People who suffer from chronic headaches sometimes start to feel a burning sensation in their head. And even someone who has never had headaches can feel it. The cause of such pain can warn of a serious illness. But do not rush - sometimes this is just a signal that you should take a break from work and everyday affairs, at least for a while. This article looks at the symptoms, causes of a burning sensation in the head, and treatment

Treatment and symptoms of laryngotracheitis in children and adults. Acute laryngotracheitis

Treatment and symptoms of laryngotracheitis in children and adults. Acute laryngotracheitis

Laryngotracheitis (symptoms and treatment will be discussed below) is an inflammatory disease that affects the larynx and trachea. This happens due to some kind of bacterial or viral infection

Causes of vomiting in a child. How to stop vomiting in a child

Causes of vomiting in a child. How to stop vomiting in a child

A child in every family is always the main object of attention and care for parents. And when a child suddenly shows signs of ill he alth, adults perceive it as a disaster

Headache and vomiting in children: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, necessary tests

Headache and vomiting in children: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, necessary tests

Headache occurs not only in adults, but also in children. Parents usually attribute this to overwork. In this case, children can have both a headache and vomiting at the same time. These symptoms may indicate various ailments. The causes and treatment are described in the article

Inflammation of the middle ear: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the middle ear: symptoms and treatment

Article on the development and characteristics of otitis media in adults and children. Considered therapeutic measures and possible consequences

Tormented by cystitis. What to treat?

Tormented by cystitis. What to treat?

Cystitis is a disease of the bladder that is not as easy to cure as it might seem at first glance. Tortured cystitis - how to treat? About this article