Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Treatment of the spinal cord: description of diseases, methods and methods of treatment, effectiveness, reviews

Treatment of the spinal cord: description of diseases, methods and methods of treatment, effectiveness, reviews

Treatment of the spinal cord is selected individually for each patient, as it largely depends on the characteristics of the lesion of this organ and its localization. If you experience unpleasant symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Lordosis of the spine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Lordosis of the spine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Often among the various pathologies of the spinal column, lordosis of the spine occurs. The human spine is not straight, it has several natural curves that provide cushioning. In the presence of a strong curvature of the bend, when it is significantly turned forward, they speak of pathological lordosis

Inguinal ligament sprain: treatment, symptoms, possible causes, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and recovery period

Inguinal ligament sprain: treatment, symptoms, possible causes, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and recovery period

In the article, we will consider the treatment of sprained inguinal ligaments. This pathology is a violation of the integrity of the connective tissue fibers that fasten the thigh muscles to the lower parts of the skeleton. Thanks to this muscular frame, a person can walk, change the direction of movement

Plantar wart: how to get rid of at home. Causes of plantar warts

Plantar wart: how to get rid of at home. Causes of plantar warts

Warts on the sole can significantly spoil the quality of a person's life, because sometimes it happens that it even hurts to walk because of them. On the one hand, experts do not recommend removing these benign skin lesions on their own, as they have a deep core. You are unlikely to be able to remove it completely, and after a while the wart will grow again. On the other hand, not every person has the time or opportunity to visit a dermatologist if he is already tired of a plantar wart

Fungal conjunctivitis: types, description with photos, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Fungal conjunctivitis: types, description with photos, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Fungal conjunctivitis is a disease that is associated with eye damage. It is characterized by chronic and acute inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is provoked by the activity of fungi. It should be noted that the symptoms, methods of treatment and the course of the disease will depend on the type of microorganisms

Treatment of blepharitis with traditional methods and methods of traditional medicine

Treatment of blepharitis with traditional methods and methods of traditional medicine

Earlier, the eyes were considered the most magnificent gift that human nature has bestowed. And even now this organ is under close study, and poets continue to sing the beauty of the eyes. Therefore, it is especially insulting that some disease can spoil this beauty

Clots in the lungs. Pulmonary embolism: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment

Clots in the lungs. Pulmonary embolism: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a life-threatening disease. After all, we are talking about the formed blood clots. Among all pathologies, PE is distinguished by threatening statistics. Blood clots in the lungs can clog an artery at any moment. Unfortunately, quite often this leads to death. Almost a third of all sudden deaths in patients result from blockage of the pulmonary artery by a blood clot

Gastroesophageal reflux: degrees, symptoms and treatment

Gastroesophageal reflux: degrees, symptoms and treatment

Gastroesophageal reflux is a disease of the esophagus caused by improper diet. Many reactions take place in the stomach to aid in the digestion of food. And without an acidic environment in the cavity of the stomach, a person would not be able to live. But if acid enters the esophagus, the walls begin to collapse, ulcers form

Lesha - Nihan syndrome: photo, type of inheritance, causes, symptoms, treatment

Lesha - Nihan syndrome: photo, type of inheritance, causes, symptoms, treatment

Lesch-Nihan syndrome is classified as a hereditary disease associated with metabolic disorders. The disease manifests itself from the first months of life. It is dangerous because there is no specific therapy against it. Treatment helps only to stabilize the condition, but not to heal the child completely by eradicating the cause. What are the features of this pathology? What is the likelihood of developing such a syndrome?

HIV - is it treated in the early stages? Is HIV completely curable?

HIV - is it treated in the early stages? Is HIV completely curable?

HIV infection is a severe disease with an unfavorable outcome. Can it be cured in the early stages? What are the basic principles of therapy?

Types of electric shock, first aid, consequences

Types of electric shock, first aid, consequences

Electrical trauma often causes severe organ dysfunction and even death. Failure to follow safety precautions can cause such damage. How to provide first aid?

Conjugative jaundice: diagnosis, causes, treatment

Conjugative jaundice: diagnosis, causes, treatment

Jaundice is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom of some pathologies. In many cases, it can be physiological, that is, not associated with any disease (in newborns). The cause of this condition is an increase in bilirubin in the blood, which gives an icteric color to the skin, mucous membranes and sclera

Bloom Syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bloom Syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bloom's syndrome is a rare congenital disorder. It is completely impossible to cure it, however, symptomatic therapy will help patients avoid many severe complications and early death

Longitudinal flatfoot 2nd degree: diagnosis, treatment features

Longitudinal flatfoot 2nd degree: diagnosis, treatment features

Longitudinal flatfoot grade 2 is a degenerative disease characterized by pathological lowering of the longitudinal arch of the foot. As a result, its structure changes, depreciation properties deteriorate. Gradually, there is a redistribution of loads to other areas of the supporting apparatus, which are not adapted to them by nature

Neuralgia in women: signs, symptoms, causes, treatment

Neuralgia in women: signs, symptoms, causes, treatment

This is a disease that is accompanied by damage to the nerves located on the periphery. The pain syndrome is localized in the area where there was a violation of innervation. Against the background of pathology, motor activity is not limited, and the sensitivity of tissues is not disturbed

Lymphogranulomatosis: symptoms, blood test, treatment

Lymphogranulomatosis: symptoms, blood test, treatment

One of the hard-to-diagnose diseases is Hodgkin's disease. Symptoms in the initial stage of the pathology are absent, the disease is detected only at the stage of enlargement of several lymph nodes. Modern medicine successfully copes with treatment, more than 80% of patients after a course of therapy achieve stable remission

Chronic enteritis: symptoms and treatment, diet

Chronic enteritis: symptoms and treatment, diet

Chronic enteritis occurs as a result of harmful bacteria entering the body. Diet is necessary to regulate the state of the body

Aper's syndrome is a complex genetic disease

Aper's syndrome is a complex genetic disease

Aper's Syndrome is a rare condition affecting one in 20,000 newborns. This is a complex genetic disorder, which is characterized by a change in the shape of the skull, due to premature synostosis (overgrowth) of the cranial sutures, and anomalies in the development of the limbs, namely, symmetrical syndactyly of the hands and feet (complete or partial fusion of adjacent fingers or toes)

Hepatitis: classification, signs, treatment and consequences

Hepatitis: classification, signs, treatment and consequences

Hepatitis, the classification of which is presented in this article, is a very relevant topic in modern medicine, since the disease is very widespread among the population. Often the disease does not manifest itself and develops latently. There is a high risk of infection. It concerns the infectious form

Reactive hepatitis: symptoms and treatment

Reactive hepatitis: symptoms and treatment

Reactive hepatitis in children - what is it? How dangerous is it? Is it worth it to be afraid? In fact, many people ask similar questions. And there is nothing wrong with that, as they say, forewarned means forearmed. Reactive hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver

Reactive liver changes: what does it mean, causes, symptoms and treatment

Reactive liver changes: what does it mean, causes, symptoms and treatment

Reactive changes in the liver are called pathologies that have arisen due to the influence of external factors. This disease is always secondary and is a kind of liver response to other pathological processes occurring in the body and often not directly related to the organ itself. In most cases, the pathology is benign

Synovitis of the knee joint: treatment depends on the cause

Synovitis of the knee joint: treatment depends on the cause

Synovitis - inflammation of the articular bag. The knee hurts and swells. How to help? It is necessary to consult a surgeon who will find out the causes of the disease

Cold on the face: features, possible causes and features of treatment

Cold on the face: features, possible causes and features of treatment

If there is a cold on the face, then much becomes inaccessible. It hurts to smile, you can't kiss, and waiting for it to go away on its own is too long. Where does this unpleasant skin manifestation come from, and how can I get rid of it? Unfortunately, this is not a cosmetic problem at all

Rash on the legs: causes and treatment in adults and children

Rash on the legs: causes and treatment in adults and children

Rash on the legs is an unpleasant symptom that can appear in many diseases. In no case should you self-medicate. A qualified dermatologist will determine what pathology you have encountered and prescribe the appropriate therapy

Herpes on the eye: treatment, causes, drugs

Herpes on the eye: treatment, causes, drugs

Why does herpes occur near the eye? The causes of this disease will be discussed below. We will also present the symptoms of ophthalmic herpes and drugs that treat this disease

Do they take to the army with tachycardia? Types and symptoms of the disease

Do they take to the army with tachycardia? Types and symptoms of the disease

Do they take to the army with tachycardia and what is the failure of the disease? Types of tachycardia, symptoms and causes

Atopic march: causes, treatment and clinical guidelines

Atopic march: causes, treatment and clinical guidelines

Which of the parents has not encountered such a problem as redness and rashes on the baby's cheeks? And more and more often sounded diagnoses: diathesis, eczema and the like. However, today doctors have come to a consensus: children do not have eczema, and hyperreaction of the skin is nothing more than an atopic march, which in everyday life is usually called an allergy

Valgus foot in a child: diagnosis or sentence

Valgus foot in a child: diagnosis or sentence

Valgus foot in a child is a pathology associated with weakness of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the foot due to disturbed nervous excitation

Bloating: treatment, causes

Bloating: treatment, causes

Almost all people are familiar with the problem of flatulence, or bloating. However, not everyone knows what factors cause discomfort. But in order to find out how to treat bloating, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of occurrence. What is flatulence and how to deal with it?

Stopping nosebleeds: methods and techniques

Stopping nosebleeds: methods and techniques

Nosebleeds are a very common medical problem. Nosebleeds occur in both children and adults. Tips and ways to stop nosebleeds described in this article will help eliminate the problem in the shortest possible time

Spiral fracture: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Spiral fracture: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Due to direct and indirect impact on the limbs, a person can be seriously injured. Such damage in medicine is called a helical fracture in a spiral, because it looks like a screw. Direct injury can be obtained with a precise impact on the lower leg, for example, after a heavy load is dropped on the leg or as a result of persistent pressure

Bull tapeworms: diagnosis and treatment

Bull tapeworms: diagnosis and treatment

Worms-parasites that live in the human body and have a pathogenic effect not only on individual organs, but also on he alth in general, are called bovine tapeworms

Bull tapeworm: photo, life cycle, signs of a parasite and human treatment

Bull tapeworm: photo, life cycle, signs of a parasite and human treatment

Beef tapeworm: morphology and life cycle of the parasite, geography of distribution. Symptoms of infection in humans, which animals are carriers. Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease: the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and general malaise. Diagnosis of the presence of worms, traditional and non-traditional treatment

Cold nose in humans: causes, what is dangerous and how to treat

Cold nose in humans: causes, what is dangerous and how to treat

Sometimes people complain about a constantly cold nose - both in the heat and in the cold, even indoors. Violation of thermoregulation, namely peripheral circulation, is the most common cause of a cold nose in humans. What else causes this condition? What are the treatments?

Black spots on the body: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Black spots on the body: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Causes of dark spots on the body of an adult and a child. What is important to know about dangerous diseases, a symptom of which are black spots on the human body? Diagnostic measure and course of treatment

Red spot on a child's cheek: causes, manifestations and features of treatment

Red spot on a child's cheek: causes, manifestations and features of treatment

A red spot on a child's cheek is often the result of exposure to allergens on a fragile children's body. But sometimes it is a symptom of another, more dangerous disease

Symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland. Causes of an enlarged thyroid gland, treatment

Symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland. Causes of an enlarged thyroid gland, treatment

It is important to know what may indicate possible problems, which symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland should be paid attention to first. In most cases, consultation with an endocrinologist is indispensable

Atopic dermatitis in a child: treatment and symptoms

Atopic dermatitis in a child: treatment and symptoms

Chronic inflammatory disease of the skin with allergic reactions is called atopic dermatitis. The definition of "atopic" is assigned because various unusual reactions occur to ordinary stimuli, which under normal conditions should not cause inflammation. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the first year of a child's life

Mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Causes, diagnosis, treatment

Mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Causes, diagnosis, treatment

Venerology includes many diseases. Mycoplasma and ureaplasma are considered conditionally pathogenic, that is, not all experts consider it necessary to treat these pathologies. But other doctors prescribe drugs. And which one is right? What should the patient do? What tests help detect these bacteria?

Dull pain in the stomach: the main causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dull pain in the stomach: the main causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dull pain in the stomach can occur for a variety of reasons. This is due to malnutrition and lifestyle or serious illnesses