Bezoar of the stomach: concept, description with photo, symptoms, causes, clinical and surgical treatment and prevention of appearance

Bezoar of the stomach: concept, description with photo, symptoms, causes, clinical and surgical treatment and prevention of appearance
Bezoar of the stomach: concept, description with photo, symptoms, causes, clinical and surgical treatment and prevention of appearance

Bezoar of the stomach is a foreign body that forms in the stomach when certain elements of natural or artificial origin are swallowed. It is expressed by pain in the epigastrium, a decrease in appetite, nausea, vomiting, and an instant feeling of fullness when taking a small amount of food. Diagnosis is based on anamnesis data, radiography of the stomach and gastroscopy. In some cases, a bezoar may also appear from Smekta. What is a bezoar in the stomach? A photo of education is presented in the material.

human stomach bezoar
human stomach bezoar


This disease occurs when there is repeated ingestion of objects related to inorganic food. Let's highlight several components of this manifestation:

  1. Mental disorder. When a person is faced with schizophrenia, trichotillomania, nervousness and mental retardation, this leads to the fact that he can endlessly absorb objects that are not related to food. Patients can eat hair, glue, plastic, and all that.consumed in large quantities.
  2. Stomach disease. When there is insufficient release of hydrochloric acid, the contents of the duodenum undergo a pathological change. Thus, calculi subsequently appear. Excess reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida occurs in the body.
  3. Stomach surgery. If surgery has been carried out, secretory functions are reduced, thus digestion is disturbed.
  4. Wrong diet. If you do not chew fibrous food well and swallow it in pieces, this can provoke a stomach bezoar.
stomach bezoar photo
stomach bezoar photo


The rate of creation of gastric calculi is varied, ranging from a couple of days to decades. It depends on the composition of the foreign element and the personal characteristics of the patient's body. With a small size of the calculus, there are no signs of the disease. As they grow, unhe althy feelings arise in the epigastric region, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which is not related to eating. Patients record rapid saturation with a small amount of food, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, loss of appetite and body weight. There is frequent belching with an unpleasant odor.

Bezoar in the stomach
Bezoar in the stomach

Subsequently, the pain increases, taking on a strong or cramping character. There is a feeling of a foreign body in the abdomen, which can change its location. In individuals with an asthenic physique, in some cases, a dense formation is palpated inepigastric zone. The presence of a bezoar is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases. In children, due to the pathology of metabolic processes and hypovitaminosis, hypoproteinemia, edema of soft tissues and lower extremities appear.

bezoar ailment photo
bezoar ailment photo


What is it - a person has a bezoar in his stomach? The classification is as follows:

  1. Phytobezoar. The bulk of people who suffer from bezoar got this disease as a result of eating the skins, seeds of fruits and berries. Vegetable substances that enter the human stomach are gradually overgrown with mucus and fat, and thus their mineralization occurs.
  2. Trichobezoar. This deviation from the norm is formed as a result of hair entering the stomach. Most often this is due to a psychological disorder. Another name is the hair bezoar of the stomach.
  3. Stibobezoar. This formation is formed as a result of frequent consumption of fatty foods of animal origin. When food enters the stomach, it transforms and thickens.
  4. Shelacobezoars. This disease occurs as a result of the fact that inedible products of chemical origin are used in food. When the substance interacts with water, getting into the stomach, it precipitates, and thus stones are formed.
  5. Lactobezoars. They are formed in newborns at the time of feeding them with artificial mixtures.
what is a stomach bezoar from smecta
what is a stomach bezoar from smecta


Diagnosing a stomach bezoar is quite difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that there are no specific symptoms that would indicate the presence of this disease. In order to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo several examinations.

  1. Examination by a gastroenterologist. A specialist in this area conducts a survey about the patient's lifestyle, finds out how the disease proceeds. Performs a physiological examination and as a result makes a preliminary diagnosis.
  2. X-ray of the stomach. When using contrast in this study, the doctor has the opportunity to identify defects that are oval or round in shape, which have clear edges. Once this is detected, it becomes clear that this disease is present.
  3. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This method is the main one at the time of diagnosis visually. With the help of this study, it is possible to determine not only the size, but also the shape of education.

Also, these studies help determine the cause of the bezoar, because at the time of the examination, the endoscopist takes part of the material from the stomach in order to study the composition of this formation.

hair bezoar of the stomach
hair bezoar of the stomach

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention in the human body with bezoar disease (see photo above) is a last resort. It is used only if conventional therapy does not bring any effect. An operation is necessary when a large formation or a dense accumulation of a bezoar is found.

The operation itselfdoes not carry serious complications, does not apply to dangerous. Its essence lies in the fact that the stomach is dissected, due to which access is opened, and the bezoar stone is removed.

If the disease is not amenable to drug treatment, then there are indications for surgical intervention. It is also worth considering the general condition of the patient.

The operation takes a little time, the main thing is proper preparation. When an operation is scheduled, a complete diagnosis and examination is carried out, medical preparation is carried out, and only after that the patient is sent to the surgical table. Before performing the operation, all possible consequences are prevented.

bezoar what is it in a person
bezoar what is it in a person

Pharmacological treatment

Depending on the diagnosis, the concept of treatment of the intestinal and stomach bezoar is prescribed. This disease has several types, so the concept and composition of medicines is determined depending on the pathology. If the gastric stone is small, then it may well leave its location on its own. Conservative treatments are effective if the bezoar is medium in size and has a soft texture. Most often it is a formation of plant origin. In order to get rid of such formation, alkaline solutions based on soda are prescribed. It is also recommended to eat mineral water and proteolytic enzymes.


Also, a light massage of the epigastric region also brings positive results. It is worth considering thatThis massage is performed by a professional. Before going to the procedure, it is necessary to undergo an examination, establish an accurate diagnosis so that the massage therapist does not bring negative results. In addition, the patient is prescribed a sparing diet, where the amount of fruits, fatty foods and meat is limited.

Other methods

If the formation is small, and it is possible to crush it endoscopically, then this is done, and over time, the stone leaves the body on its own. If the patient suffers from an obsessive desire to eat inedible foods, a psychotherapist is appointed, who will talk with his patient, find out the cause of what is happening, and also carry out preventive work to prevent future consumption of inedible foods.

If the diet and special massages do not help get rid of the stone in the stomach, then it will be necessary to contact a surgeon who will surgically remove this formation.

bezoar photo
bezoar photo


If a patient is diagnosed with a stomach stone, then it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors. In no case should you let the situation take its course and self-medicate, because this can ultimately lead to serious consequences. The only thing to consider with a similar stomach disease is the recommended food list.

  1. It is better to eat boiled vegetables and fruits. Increase the amount of milk soups that will not strengthen.
  2. Reduce the amount of food consumedof bread. Eat only yesterday's dried wheat bread.
  3. Lean meat and mushrooms are allowed, they must be steamed.

Folk treatment

In order to get rid of the unpleasant feeling of heaviness for a while, it is recommended to drink blueberry tea or a decoction of St. John's wort, where a little chamomile or calendula is added.

During this disease, there is an excess of acidity in the stomach. In order to reduce it, you need to add carrot juice to your diet. The higher the acidity of the stomach, the more carrot juice should be consumed. But it is worth accepting the fact that self-medication in matters of the stomach is not the best solution.

intestinal bezoars
intestinal bezoars


Everyone is well aware that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. To prevent this disease, you need to eat right and remember some factors that will help protect you from the disease.

  1. In no case should you eat large quantities of coarse food, eat berries and fruits in large quantities, especially those that have thick skins.
  2. You need to chew your food thoroughly. In no case should you rush while eating. Snacking on the go should be taboo for you.
  3. Pay attention to children who bite their nails too much or even pull their hair into their mouths, this can also lead to bezoar. This deviation from the norm is a psychological disorder. Perhaps the child is experiencing some kind of psychological stress. Follows with itfigure it out.
  4. It is necessary to undergo periodic examination of the whole body and pay attention to the stomach.

The bezoar disease itself is rare, but quite dangerous, so you should never start it, otherwise you will have to go under the surgeon's knife, and then after the operation you will have to follow a special diet.
