Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Bronchotuberculosis: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Bronchotuberculosis: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Bronchial tuberculosis is a disease that can go unnoticed for a long time. Regular prevention and vigilance to one's own he alth will help diagnose pathology at an early stage. Features of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of bronchial tuberculosis depend on the form of the disease

Dry corn: how to get rid of it?

Dry corn: how to get rid of it?

Dry callus is a fairly common problem faced by both men and women. Such a formation can "grow" into the deeper layers of the skin, and in such cases it is very difficult to get rid of it. In addition, corns cause a lot of inconvenience to their owner, causing pain while walking

Fracture is Bone fractures: types, symptoms, diagnosis and first aid

Fracture is Bone fractures: types, symptoms, diagnosis and first aid

What is a fracture? What types of fractures are known in medicine? How to help the victim in the first minutes? You can learn about all this from this article

Dry corn: treatment with folk remedies and medicines

Dry corn: treatment with folk remedies and medicines

Dry corn, popularly known as corns, is a fairly common type of neoplasm that forms on the surface of the epidermis

Hard calluses: causes, treatment, prevention

Hard calluses: causes, treatment, prevention

If a person's skin is subjected to constant friction or great pressure for a long period of time, it turns on its defense mechanisms. It holds dead surface cells, preventing them from exfoliating. In this case, the probability of injury to the deep layers in which nerves, blood vessels are located, immunoglobulins, and other beneficial substances are located, is significantly reduced. This is the mechanism of the formation of hard corns

Purulent stomatitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Purulent stomatitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

In medical practice, there are a very large number of diseases of the oral cavity. One of them is purulent stomatitis. This pathology is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes and ulcers in the oral cavity. There are many reasons for the development of this disease. This disease can affect children and adults, especially the elderly. In this article, we will consider the causes of the development of purulent stomatitis, as well as its symptoms, preventive measures and treatment methods

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and Prevention

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and Prevention

At the end of the 20th century, another ailment added to the list of human diseases - CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms of the disease have not yet been sufficiently studied, so many people who show signs of increased fatigue are mistaken for simulators. However, CFS is fraught with the fact that it can cause damage to the organs of the central nervous system and even lead to disability if it is not taken seriously and treatment is not started

Eczema on the hands: types, causes, stages and methods of treatment

Eczema on the hands: types, causes, stages and methods of treatment

Along with such dermatological diseases as dermatitis, psoriasis, mycosis, eczema on the hands is quite common. Questions about drug treatment of this disease do not lose their relevance. Despite the fact that eczema is a disease of a non-infectious nature, the breadth of its prevalence is striking: every year eczema is diagnosed in a huge number of patients of any age, gender, social status

Inhalations for laryngotracheitis: a review of drugs, instructions for use

Inhalations for laryngotracheitis: a review of drugs, instructions for use

With the advent of cold weather, the number of viral diseases increases. Among them, diseases of the larynx are often detected. Inhalations for laryngotracheitis are effective procedures that provide a quick positive effect. You can perform them at home. The nuances of the procedure are described in the article

Parenchymal dystrophies. pathological anatomy

Parenchymal dystrophies. pathological anatomy

Parenchymal dystrophies are the basis of many diseases and are included in the symptom complex of hereditary pathologies. The mechanism of their origin is always the same, but the result is always different

Streptococcal impetigo: causes and treatment

Streptococcal impetigo: causes and treatment

Streptococcal impetigo is found everywhere in people with delicate and sensitive skin. This infection is usually the result of poor hygiene, so it often happens in children, especially in the warm season

Spirochete pale. The causative agent of syphilis is treponema pallidum

Spirochete pale. The causative agent of syphilis is treponema pallidum

Pale spirochete is a thin, long, spiral bacterium. Treponema is a type of spirochete, the causative agent of syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease. In the article you will find a description and characteristics of spirochetes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention of syphilis

Symptoms and treatment of urethritis in women

Symptoms and treatment of urethritis in women

Urethritis is an inflammatory pathology of the urinary system, in which the patient feels significant discomfort. Lack of treatment entails serious complications and even dysfunction of the excretory system as a whole

How to treat trichomoniasis: causes, description of symptoms, therapy and prevention

How to treat trichomoniasis: causes, description of symptoms, therapy and prevention

Trichomoniasis is a disease of the genitourinary system, the causative agent of which is trichomonas vaginalis. The pathology is transmitted sexually and is characterized by the ability to remain inside the genitourinary organs for a long time. What types of this disease is, how to treat it? Let's look at this later in the article

Inflammation of the colon: symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the colon: symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the colon is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In medical practice, this pathological condition is called colitis. To understand what causes the inflammatory process and what are its signs, we will consider all the moments of this deviation in more detail

Trichophytosis in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs. Ringworm

Trichophytosis in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs. Ringworm

Trichophytosis is a fairly common disease among street dogs. But it can also occur in pets, the condition of which is constantly monitored by the owners. Let's talk about the causes of the disease, its symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention

Skin mycoses: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, symptoms

Skin mycoses: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, symptoms

Fungal diseases are quite common in modern society. According to statistics, about 40% of all dermatological lesions are caused by mycotic infections. As a result of infection with a fungus, a person begins to feel itchy. The sore spot is flaky, covered with spots. If skin mycoses are diagnosed, treatment is extremely necessary for the patient. Otherwise, intoxication of the body may occur

Causes of prickly heat on the hands

Causes of prickly heat on the hands

Miliaria is a special form of dermatitis that occurs due to increased sweating or exposure to an irritant on the skin. The disease is characterized by the appearance in different parts of the body of small bubbles, itching and discomfort. Hand prickly heat is less common and is associated with poor hygiene and increased body or environmental temperature. For a successful recovery, treatment must begin immediately

Scabies in children: causes, signs, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Scabies in children: causes, signs, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Any child can get scabies. Unpleasant symptoms in the form of a rash and itching torment both very small crumbs and older children and adolescents. What is this disease and how can it be de alt with?

Demodex folliculorum. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Demodex folliculorum. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Very often people have such a disease as acne gland, which brings discomfort to its owner

Scabies: the first signs in children and adults. Scabies: diagnosis, treatment

Scabies: the first signs in children and adults. Scabies: diagnosis, treatment

Scabies is a dermatological disease that has a high prevalence in the world. It is caused by the intradermal microparasite Sarcoptes scabiei and is very easily transmitted to other people

Chapped lips: causes and treatments

Chapped lips: causes and treatments

The problem of dry and chapped lips is familiar to many people firsthand. It is especially often encountered in winter, when cold winds blow and it is frosty outside. How to care for lips so that they remain soft and attractive? What to do if you have chapped lips?

Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue: causes, forms of the disease, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue: causes, forms of the disease, treatment and prevention

Panniculitis is a progressive process of inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, which destroys fat cells, they are replaced by connective tissue, nodes, infiltrates and plaques are formed. With the visceral type of the disease, the fat cells of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, fatty tissue of the omentum or the area behind the peritoneum are affected

Testicular cancer - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Testicular cancer - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Testicular cancer is a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. How to quickly recognize the disease and is it possible to completely get rid of it? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the article

Cracks in the skin: causes and treatments

Cracks in the skin: causes and treatments

Cracks in the body give people discomfort and physical suffering. Wounds on the hands interfere with the performance of many types of work, cause wary glances of others. What causes cracks to appear? Is it possible to get rid of them using only external means in the form of ointments and creams? Are there any preventive measures against wounds on the skin?

Prostate adenoma: treatment, symptoms

Prostate adenoma: treatment, symptoms

Prostate adenoma is an enlargement of the organ, in which the urinary canal is compressed. The pathology is benign, but it can disrupt the functionality of the entire excretory system, leading to problems in a man's sexual life. Can't wait with treatment

Hygroma of the hand: photos, treatment methods, reviews

Hygroma of the hand: photos, treatment methods, reviews

Hygroma of the hand is a very unpleasant phenomenon that causes physical and psychological discomfort. Education occurs not only in adult patients, but also in children. The main reason for its development is excessive mechanical stress on the hand, but it is not the only one

What is asthma? Prevention of bronchial asthma

What is asthma? Prevention of bronchial asthma

This article will discuss such a problem as bronchial asthma. Prevention of the disease, various levels of prevention of the occurrence of the disease, as well as measures intended for children - all this can be read in the text below

Prevention and treatment of purulent conjunctivitis

Prevention and treatment of purulent conjunctivitis

Ophthalmologists know that this serious disease is quite common among adult patients and children. Purulent conjunctivitis should be treated by an experienced specialist, so self-medication, advice from “knowledgeable” neighbors and girlfriends in this case are unacceptable. The disease can be of several varieties, and therefore the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the correct diagnosis

Chronic kidney disease: classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic kidney disease: classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic kidney disease is a pathological condition associated with impaired functioning of the named organ. It is very important to recognize the course of the disease in a timely manner, to diagnose and subsequently comprehensive treatment

Nepritic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Nepritic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Nepritic syndrome is a dangerous inflammatory process that involves the glomeruli of the kidneys. This pathology is characterized by an increase in the level of nitrogen in the blood. It is worth noting that many confuse nephritic and nephrotic syndrome. These are two completely different kidney diseases, differing from each other in pathogenesis and clinical manifestations. In the first case, we are talking about inflammation of the organ, and in the second - about the damage to the kidney tissues

Pyelonephritis of the kidneys: symptoms, treatment, nutrition

Pyelonephritis of the kidneys: symptoms, treatment, nutrition

Pyelonephritis of the kidneys is an infectious disease that is provoked by various pathogens. Treatment must be comprehensive and include medications, folk methods, as well as diet

Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis

Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis

Duodenitis is an inflammation of the duodenum. Many people ignore the clinical manifestations of the disease, but this pathology can lead to serious consequences: peptic ulcer, cancer. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to start treatment of duodenitis in a timely manner

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin: causes and treatment

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin: causes and treatment

An article about the causes of inflammation in the lymph nodes of the inguinal region. The features of symptoms in men and women are considered. Recommendations and recipes of traditional medicine are given

Hernia of the spine: symptoms and treatment

Hernia of the spine: symptoms and treatment

Hernia of the spine occurs in its different departments. The most common is the intervertebral lumbar variety. All of them require timely treatment. Therapeutic methods are mainly used. In complicated cases resort to surgical intervention. Also prescribe exercise therapy, physiotherapy procedures

Trophoblastic disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trophoblastic disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trophoblastic disease is a group of benign and malignant tumors that arise from placental trophoblasts. The term includes such pathologies as hydatidiform mole (partial and complete), invasive hydatidiform mole, placental site trophoblastic tumor, choriocarcinoma, and trophoblastic epithelioid tumor

Cellulite on the pope and hips, its stages

Cellulite on the pope and hips, its stages

According to French doctors, cellulite on the pope is a disease of subcutaneous fat, which can and should be fought

Candles from cracks in the anus: recommendations for use

Candles from cracks in the anus: recommendations for use

Candles for cracks in the anus can be purchased at a pharmacy or made at home. In any case, this dosage form is the most convenient to use

How to remove swelling from the face and give it tone

How to remove swelling from the face and give it tone

Puffiness of the face, caused by various reasons, can spoil not only the appearance, but also the mood. How to remove swelling from the face if only food is at hand?

Soft tissue abscess: first signs, description with photo, treatment and prevention

Soft tissue abscess: first signs, description with photo, treatment and prevention

Abscess in Latin means "abscess". In medicine, this term is understood as a limited accumulation of purulent exudate in tissues and organs. Purulent inflammation can occur anywhere. Soft tissue abscess is a space filled with purulent exudate and located under the skin in fatty tissue or muscles. The disease is characterized by swelling, redness and soreness of the skin