Hard calluses: causes, treatment, prevention

Hard calluses: causes, treatment, prevention
Hard calluses: causes, treatment, prevention

In the article we will figure out what to do with corns. If a person's skin is subjected to constant friction or a lot of pressure for a long period of time, it turns on its defense mechanisms. It holds dead surface cells, preventing them from exfoliating. In this case, the probability of injury to the deep layers in which nerves, blood vessels are located, immunoglobulins, and other beneficial substances are located, is significantly reduced. This is exactly the mechanism for the formation of hard corns. The legs, forced to support the entire weight of the body, as well as being in uncomfortable shoes, suffer from dry calluses much more often than the hands. It is possible to eliminate areas of excessive keratinization only by applying constant efforts.

To understand what a hard callus is, what its structure is, how to act to get rid of it in a short time, it is necessary to study the structure of the dermis and the reasons whycallosity occurs.

Skin structure

Integumentary tissue (skin) is the longest organ. It is he who first of all contacts with the conditions of the external environment and is able to weaken or completely suppress adverse factors. The protective properties of the skin are due to the fact that it has a two-layer structure.


The epidermis is called the outer layers of the integumentary tissue. In translation, the word means "located above the dermis." The epidermis in its structure resembles a five-layer brick wall. In the lower part are the cells that give rise to other layers. The last is a row formed by dead plates. It has high strength due to the protein keratin. The thickness of the last layer of the epidermis will be the thicker that more load will be placed on it.

hard corn
hard corn


The epidermis is often compared to a brick wall, and the dermis, in turn, can be described as a "water-spring mattress". It consists of a number of elements, including:

  1. Nerve terminals, special structures that are connected to the nerves and are able to respond to heat, cold, vibration, pressure.
  2. Vessels.
  3. Hair follicles.
  4. Sweat, sebaceous glands.
  5. Fibres.
  6. An intercellular matrix, which is a gel-like substance that allows to provide such an important property of the skin as straightening after gathering it into a fold. Thanks to the intercellular matrix, the skin is not damaged when bending parts of the body in the joints.
  7. Various cells: taking part in immune-inflammatory reactions, destroying microbes, penetrating the epidermis, forming other dermal structures.

How does a hard corn appear?

The process of skin keratinization

Over time, the epidermal cell begins to age and rise higher, separating from its structure (this process takes longer, the older the person). In the cell, eleidin first begins to accumulate, gradually transforming into keratin. After 28 days in young people and 72 days in elderly people, the upper, horny layer is exfoliated. Together with the scales, mechanical impurities, ammonia, s alts, and other substances that were released with sweat and were on the surface are separated. Many people wonder if it is possible to pierce a corn. More on that below.

Dry corn

Dry corn is a local thickening of the epidermis, which occurs as a result of constant mechanical irritation. A thickening is formed, as a rule, over the joints. Quite often, the formation of dry callus can be observed on the toes, in the place where they touch.

Hard calluses on the palms are formed too. From the outside, such formations are covered with many corneocytes (keratinized cells), which did not have time to exfoliate. Such a phenomenon in medical practice is called hyperkeratosis.

how to treat calluses on feet from shoes
how to treat calluses on feet from shoes

Under the layering of keratinized plates there is a core, which has a conical shape, its topdirected downward into the deeper layers of the skin. If the nucleus has a cartilage-like density and sufficient length, the formation is called a callus with a stem. It is formed around foreign bodies left in the skin (it can be a small fragment, a grain of sand, a sliver), or in a place where there was previously a wet callus. Hyperkeratoses with an axial center may be a sign that the skin is infected with a fungus or papillomavirus.

In cases where the top of the nucleus reaches the nerve endings located in the deep layers, the callus begins to manifest itself as extreme pain. The most common hard callus with a stem is formed in the following places:

  1. Mid heel.
  2. Pads under the toes.
  3. Between the first two toes.
  4. Between little finger and ring toe.

Such hard calluses on the hands are very rare. It is much more difficult to get rid of a dry corn that has a core than just a dry one. The best option for her therapy is removal with a laser.

Risk groups

Experts have long figured out the reason for the appearance of such zones of excessive keratinization. First of all, this is the performance of work that is associated with friction and pressure on certain areas of the skin:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes.
  2. Wearing shoes over a loose sock that gathers in pleats.
  3. Forced long walking (especially if the person is overweight and not physically fit).
  4. Pathologies causing foot deformity (arthritis, arthrosis).
  5. Handle frictionhand tools.
  6. Friction against sports equipment.
  7. Friction against musical instruments.
compeed corn pencil
compeed corn pencil

In some cases, a corn is not just a cosmetic defect, but indicates diseases of its carrier, such as:

  1. Fungal infection. The skin of the entire foot becomes dry, the area of the transverse arch of the foot and heel becomes redder, becomes thicker and begins to crack. The main method of treating dry corns in this case will be the use of local antifungal medicines.
  2. Deficiency in the body of vitamins A, E. As a result of their lack, the skin becomes dry, the ability of the skin to resist various infections is significantly reduced.
  3. Vascular diseases of the lower extremities, against which there is a violation of the nutrition of the tissues of the foot. Such diseases can be: obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis.
  4. Diabetes. Therapy of dry corns that occur against the background of diabetes mellitus, exclusively with local medicines, will be ineffective. Glucose correction required.

How to treat calluses on the feet from shoes, learn below.

Symptoms of dry corns

Areas of rough skin that do not have a core inside, outwardly look like formations, the boundaries of which are rounded and clear. The structure, as a rule, has a yellowish color, slight reddening may be observed around it. When probing the corn, its special dryness, pressure of painful sensations are detected.does not call.

The callus looks a little different:

  1. A section of roughened dermis resembles a mushroom cap.
  2. Has a whitish or yellowish color.
  3. Pressure causes pain.
  4. In the middle of education is a crust. If it is removed, a depression will be found that has an increased density and a light color.

So what to do with the corn?

Corn Therapy

When a dry callus appears, you should pay attention to the problem and start timely therapy. Otherwise, as the callus grows, there will be difficulty in working or walking, accompanied by significant soreness. In order not to injure the area, a person begins to position the foot or palm differently, as a result of which the axis of movement of the joint is disturbed. Such a violation can lead to the development of arthritis, arthrosis and other unpleasant diseases.

removal of hard calluses on toes
removal of hard calluses on toes

Corns with a core must be removed, as over time they can crack. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to penetrate into the formed cracks, which provoke infection and get the opportunity to penetrate into the bloodstream. In such situations, blood poisoning is not ruled out. How to treat calluses on the feet from shoes?

Painless callus therapy

Treatment of dry calluses, newly formed, nailless, not cracked or infected, is a fairly simple process. The patient procedure should be as follows:

  1. Necessarybe examined for diseases that can cause the permanent formation of hyperkeratotic zones. The examination is carried out by four specialists: an endocrinologist (who primarily excludes diabetes mellitus), a vascular surgeon (examines the condition of the vessels located in the legs and arms), a neuropathologist (recommends the necessary therapy in cases where hyperkeratosis occurs against the background of pathological changes in the nerve fibers of the limb), dermatologist (prescribes an examination to detect fungal infection and papillomavirus).
  2. Hygienic procedures should be carried out: steam the feet in a solution of soda and soap, treat the coarsened areas with a pumice stone, scrub for the feet. After the skin on the legs is cleaned and dried, it is necessary to apply a fat cream. Suitable for this purpose is any baby cream, Bepanthen, D-Panthenol, a self-prepared mixture of oil-based vitamin A and baby cream (proportion 1: 1).
  3. It is important to change your existing shoes for more comfortable ones that suit the weather and purpose. The ideal option would be if the shoes are seamless inside, will have arch support, a wide heel, a rather wide toe, a heel of 3-4 cm.
hard calluses on palms
hard calluses on palms

Can a corn be pierced? Supporters of this method give several arguments proving the benefits of piercing the growth. Among them: the disappearance of pain and discomfort during movement, rapid healing, sterility due to preparedness (if the corn bursts on its own at an unexpected time, it may not be at handturn out to be a first aid kit).

Puncture is necessary if the corn is in an open place and there is a risk that it may inadvertently burst if the blister has become inflamed to a huge size. Only water types of calluses are subject to autopsy.

Removal of calluses, painful formations

If a corn with a stem appears, you should, as in the previous case, first of all undergo an examination. Therapy can be carried out at home only in a few cases:

  1. Dry callus is not infected (i.e. not accompanied by redness, blueness, sanious or purulent discharge).
  2. The appearance of corns is not provoked by a fungal infection.
  3. Corn did not appear as a result of exposure to papillomavirus.

Home therapy for hard corns on the legs is as follows: it is necessary to steam the callused areas and apply local remedies (folk, pharmacy) to them that can exfoliate excess dead skin cells. If it turns out that such remedies are ineffective, and the corn is of a fungal origin or provoked by a human papillomavirus infection, you should contact a dermatologist to remove the formation.

How to get a hard callus everyone should know.


The baths help soften the areas to be treated. They should be performed, adhering to several rules:

  1. Water should be moderately hot (up to 45 degrees).
  2. Steam time - up to 20 minutes, until the water cools down.
  3. The volume of water used should be about 5 liters.

You can add to the bath water: a mixture of two tablespoons of crushed laundry soap and ten teaspoons of soda, decoctions of celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile, a mixture of four tablespoons of sea s alt and one liter of milk (cream, whey), up to 4 tablespoons of starch, a few crystals of potassium permanganate.

removal of hard calluses
removal of hard calluses

After steaming the feet in the bath, they should be wiped dry, processed with a file, pumice stone. Then an ointment intended for dry corns, a greasy cream, another remedy of folk or pharmacy origin, which has keratolytic properties, is applied to the skin. After some time, it must be washed off, applied to the affected area of the skin with a greasy cream.

What else is used to remove hard calluses on the toes?

Topical medicines

Get rid of dry corns with an external remedy that can break the bond between unnecessary layers of keratinized plates. Most often, the following drugs are used for this purpose:

  1. Ointments from hard corns and other products based on salicylic acid. For example, the patch "Salipod", salicylic ointment. These products, when applied to pre-steamed and towel-dried skin, give a peeling effect, destroying the bonds between dead cells and exfoliating them. "Nemozol cream" has a similar effect. It contains salicylate, which helps soften and separate corns. The sulfur present in the cream acts as an antiseptic and antimycotic agent, allowing cracks and wounds to heal in areas of hyperkeratosis.
  2. Preparations containing hydrocolloids. One of these means is the "Compid" patch. It is made of silicone, which allows you to create a humid environment at the place of its gluing. The salicylic acid present on the surface of the patch at this time is struggling with an array of corneocytes. The patch for hard corns "Compid" is produced by the manufacturer in various forms, which are convenient for sticking on the heels and spaces between the fingers. They should not be removed until they peel off on their own.
  3. Gel preparations containing trichloroacetic acid. The most popular is Wartner Gel. It is produced in the form of an applicator pen, convenient to use.
  4. Preparations containing refrigerants. For example, Cryopharm. Horny particles are removed under the influence of the drug due to the cessation of nutrition of the surface zone of the dermis. Initially, a blister forms on the treated area of the skin, which eventually disappears.
  5. Products based on phenol, which can cauterize hyperkeratotic areas.
  6. Preparations containing natural ingredients. The most popular among "Papillek", "Super-cleaner", which contains in its composition an extract of celandine. Apply the drug to the affected surface, avoiding contact with he althy areas. The agent should not be rubbed. As a rule, with the help of celandine, you can remove the corn in a week.
  7. Combineddrugs. They contain natural and chemical keratolytic substances.
hard callus
hard callus

Corn Pencil Compeed:

  • acts as a natural lubricant to instantly reduce friction and chafing;
  • almost invisible on the skin, colorless;
  • Provided in stick form for easy application.

If you do not use the miracle drug beforehand or ignore the first signs of the appearance of a build-up and do not take appropriate measures, then the formation of a large callosity is not excluded. Compeed Corn Pencil can help prevent this.

Folk remedies for removing corns

You can try to remove dry corn using the following folk recipes:

  1. Applying propolis to the surface of the corn, which is then fixed with a plaster.
  2. Applying a cut aloe leaf to the corn for a day.
  3. Applying a tortilla made from grated raw potato. This cake is left overnight, tied with a bandage.
  4. Applying onion gruel to the corn, which is then covered with polyethylene, fixed with a plaster, leaving for half an hour.
  5. Applying a few drops of previously washed celandine juice to the surface of the corn.

These are the most popular remedies for hard calluses on the feet.

Surgical therapy

The main method of therapy carried out by specialists is the removal of corns with a laser, electric current, liquid nitrogen. Also canused medical pedicure.

  1. Removal of dry callus with a laser is indicated in cases where its appearance is provoked by a viral, fungal infection, and also if the callus has a stem or infection has occurred. Dead cells are painlessly and bloodlessly evaporated from he althy tissues under the influence of a laser. It takes approximately one session to remove a callus with a laser.
  2. Medical pedicure by dermatologist or podologist.
  3. Electrocoagulation is rarely used. As a result of such removal, a crust remains in place of the corn.
  4. Removal using liquid nitrogen. This method is used if the hyperkeratotic area has a small area, since the effect of nitrogen in depth is difficult to predict, unlike a laser. After cryodestruction, a blister (wet necrosis) is formed at the site of the removed callus, the healing of which takes quite a long time. It is possible that a second removal procedure will be required.

It is important to remember that only timely treatment of hard calluses on the foot and on other parts of the body will avoid the appearance of pain and complications.
