Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Circulatory hypoxia: causes, signs, treatment, consequences

Circulatory hypoxia: causes, signs, treatment, consequences

Often, in diseases of the cardiovascular system, circulatory hypoxia develops as a result of a decrease in cardiac output and circulatory disorders. With the development of shock or collapse, the cause of a violation of the supply of oxygen to the tissues is a decrease in the amount of circulating blood

Cardiosclerosis - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of pathology of the heart muscle

Cardiosclerosis - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of pathology of the heart muscle

Cardiosclerosis is a pathology of the heart muscle, which manifests itself in the growth of connective scar tissue that occurs in the myocardium. The disease is serious, as it leads to deformation of the valves and replacement of muscle fibers. And this is fraught with serious consequences. Why does this pathology occur? What symptoms indicate its presence? How to deal with it? Well, that's what we're talking about now

Demodex tests: what to take and how to prepare? Symptoms and treatment of demodex

Demodex tests: what to take and how to prepare? Symptoms and treatment of demodex

The demodex parasitic mite, localized in the hair follicles and fatty ducts, causes such a pathological process as demodicosis. Infection occurs with a decrease in the body's defense reactions to the introduction of a parasite into it. The tick provokes several diseases at the same time, so doctors set themselves the task of diagnosing the pathology in time

Causes and symptoms of pleurisy. Treatment and consequences

Causes and symptoms of pleurisy. Treatment and consequences

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleural sheets, which can be either an independent disease or a consequence of chronic or acute processes occurring in the lungs. True, it rarely occurs separately from other ailments. It is very important to immediately pay attention to the symptoms of pleurisy and consult a doctor, otherwise you will have to deal with the consequences later. What signs indicate the presence of this disease? What causes it? How to treat it? This and much more will now be discussed

Compression fracture of the vertebra: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Compression fracture of the vertebra: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Compression fracture - violation of the integrity of the vertebrae, in which they are compressed. There is no rupture of the spinal cord. This disease is capable of giving severe complications, so it is impossible to delay a visit to the doctor

NDC for hypertensive type: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

NDC for hypertensive type: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The full name of this disease is neurocirculatory dystonia. If the pathology proceeds according to the hypertensive type, then its signs resemble the symptoms of high blood pressure. At the same time, no organic changes are noted in patients, but their he alth deteriorates greatly. Manifestations of the disease are associated with functional disorders of the autonomic nervous system

Primary immunodeficiencies. Primary immunodeficiencies: treatment

Primary immunodeficiencies. Primary immunodeficiencies: treatment

The article describes from a medical point of view primary immunodeficiencies, methods of their diagnosis and treatment. The most informative classification of primary immune diseases is given in detail

Aortic enlargement: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Aortic enlargement: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

At first glance, a harmless pathology actually carries an incredibly great danger to human life. The fact is that the expansion of the main vessel can provoke a sudden rupture of the aorta at any time, which can cause instant death. Therefore, it is necessary to take the treatment of this pathology with full seriousness and adequately. It should be remembered that any delay of the patient can cost him his life

Sports Injuries: Torn Menisci

Sports Injuries: Torn Menisci

Meniscal tears are one of the most common knee injuries. The meniscus is a disk that creates a soft layer between the bones of the knee. There are only two menisci in the knee joint. One is located in the inner cavity, the second - in the outer. These discs support the stability of the joint and distribute the load of body weight on it. If the meniscus is damaged, then this, of course, will lead to a malfunction of the knee joint

Injury to the collateral ligament: types, symptoms and treatment

Injury to the collateral ligament: types, symptoms and treatment

If the collateral ligament is damaged, it may tear or completely tear. Depending on the complexity of the person's condition, an operation can be performed or the doctor decides to do with conservative methods of treatment

Meniscus injury. What to do in case of injury?

Meniscus injury. What to do in case of injury?

Injury to the meniscus in various injuries (sports, domestic, transport, etc.) occurs quite often. Its rupture can also occur against the background of age-related (degenerative) changes in the bones

Prepatellar knee bursitis: symptoms and treatment

Prepatellar knee bursitis: symptoms and treatment

Of all types of periarticular pathologies after injuries, prepatellar bursitis of the knee joint is most often observed. This disease is common in people who are actively involved in sports

Complications of bronchitis: causes and consequences

Complications of bronchitis: causes and consequences

After many diseases, various complications can occur. Bronchitis is a diffuse inflammatory disease. It affects the bronchial mucosa. Their inflammation or damage occurs as an independent process, or as a complication of a previous disease. Bronchitis itself is not particularly dangerous. The threat is posed by complications that may arise against its background

Bronchitis during pregnancy how to treat?

Bronchitis during pregnancy how to treat?

Bronchitis during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, as the immune system is weakened and the body's susceptibility to various infections increases. Therapy should only be carried out by an experienced specialist

Signs of acute bronchitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Signs of acute bronchitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

The term "acute bronchitis" refers to a pathological process of an inflammatory nature. The defeat of the bronchial tree most often occurs against the background of the active life of viruses. Regular contact of the body with toxic compounds can also act as a provoking factor. Signs of acute bronchitis are similar to the clinical manifestations of colds, and therefore some people do not see a doctor in time

Bronchial asthma pathogenesis and etiology

Bronchial asthma pathogenesis and etiology

Asthma is a chronic disease and usually episodic. This is the most severe form of allergy. Increased sensitivity of the bronchi to various environmental influences leads to chronic inflammation

Emergency Asthma Care: Algorithm and Recommendations

Emergency Asthma Care: Algorithm and Recommendations

Asthmatic status is a complication that occurs during a severe attack of bronchial asthma. This attack can last for several hours or even days. This condition is characterized by blockage of medium and small bronchi, as well as the development of acute respiratory failure. Those drugs that the patient takes at home are ineffective in this case. Therapy is possible only in a hospital setting

Allergic tracheobronchitis - symptoms, causes, treatment and diagnosis

Allergic tracheobronchitis - symptoms, causes, treatment and diagnosis

What is allergic tracheobronchitis. Characteristic symptoms and main causes of the disease. Conducted diagnostic measures and effective methods of treatment. Useful tips and prevention

Asthma in a child: treatment, prevention and recommendations

Asthma in a child: treatment, prevention and recommendations

Drugs for children and adults with asthma are the same. But the dosage of funds is very different, especially for children under 4 years old. The age of the child dictates the form of medication. You can use inhaled or liquid means, such as aerosol preparations, also known as breathing devices

Myelodysplastic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet, prognosis

Myelodysplastic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet, prognosis

Myelodysplastic syndrome refers to a group of hematological pathologies that are caused by a malfunction in the production of one or more blood cells, such as red blood cells, platelets or white blood cells in the bone marrow. Let us consider this disease in detail, find out its main causes, symptoms and find out what the treatment is

Diarrhea and fever in an adult. Causes and first aid

Diarrhea and fever in an adult. Causes and first aid

Most often, diarrhea and fever occur with poisoning. But there may be other reasons for these symptoms. If you are experiencing diarrhea accompanied by a high fever and/or vomiting, then this article will be helpful in finding the cause of your diarrhea

Diverticulum - what is it? Causes and treatment

Diverticulum - what is it? Causes and treatment

A diverticulum is a blindly ending protrusion of the wall of a tubular or hollow organ. It is worth noting that this is a very common pathology, because such structures can be found within almost any organ system

HIV: treatment and support of the body

HIV: treatment and support of the body

Many consider HIV to be a verdict - its treatment today does not guarantee recovery, and sooner or later a person dies anyway. But do not exaggerate too much, because there is a certain set of methods and means that can significantly reduce the power of the virus and prolong the life of the infected

How does gout appear in women, and what are the main methods of its treatment?

How does gout appear in women, and what are the main methods of its treatment?

Gout is a disease of the joints, which is accompanied by s alt deposits of uric acid. In women, this pathology is most often diagnosed after menopause. Its main manifestations include severe pain resulting from the formation and inflammation of gouty nodes. You should not let the disease take its course, otherwise the quality of later life may deteriorate significantly

Cadaveric poison in our time. Poisoning with cadaveric poison: signs

Cadaveric poison in our time. Poisoning with cadaveric poison: signs

It has long been known about the presence in the bodies of dead people and animals that have lain for some time, the so-called cadaveric poison. This applies not only to deaths during epidemics or other mass infections. Even those who died during blockades or encirclements were tried to be separated in some way from the external environment. For example, in medieval castles they tried, if not to bury, then at least to burn. Cadaveric poison has served as a weapon of revenge and warfare for many centuries

Treatment of gouty arthritis with medicines and folk remedies

Treatment of gouty arthritis with medicines and folk remedies

Man is the result of centuries of evolution. Nature foresaw everything in her crown of creation. But in only one thing she made an irreparable mistake - she made her creatures very fragile. According to statistics, about three people out of a thousand managed to pull out a "lucky" ticket and experience all the "charm" of gout. What is the disease and what should be the treatment of gouty arthritis?

Scabies mite in humans: treatment, first signs, ways of infection. Ointment from scabies mite

Scabies mite in humans: treatment, first signs, ways of infection. Ointment from scabies mite

Today we will talk about how the scabies mite manifests itself in humans, we will consider the symptoms and treatment in detail. We will tell you what measures you need to take to get rid of this parasite. Also consider the types of this disease

Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis is a severe pathology occurring against the background of hemorrhagic rash, renal failure and Raynaud's syndrome. According to statistics, cryoglobulins in the blood are found in 40% of the world's population, although it does not necessarily provoke pathological processes in the body

Microscopic polyangiitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Microscopic polyangiitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The term "microscopic polyangiitis" refers to a serious disease, the course of which is accompanied by inflammation of small blood vessels, the formation of areas of necrosis in tissues that are located in close proximity to arterioles, venules and capillaries. Pathology belongs to the group of systemic vasculitis. Currently, several methods have been developed for the treatment of microscopic polyangiitis. However, it is important to know that the disease is extremely difficult to treat

Horton's disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Horton's disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

One of the most common and dangerous vascular diseases is Horton's disease. Why it is dangerous and how it is treated will be discussed here

Symptoms of polio - a terrible viral disease

Symptoms of polio - a terrible viral disease

The dangerous polio virus that causes spinal paralysis (another name is Heine-Medin's disease) affects the gray matter of the spinal cord and the motor nuclei of the brainstem. This disease leads to deformation of the limbs and partial immobilization. Let's get acquainted with the general information about this disease. After all, the symptoms of polio need to be known even now, in the age of vaccinations

Definition and symptoms of salpingo-oophoritis

Definition and symptoms of salpingo-oophoritis

Salpingoophoritis, or adnexitis, is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages

Staphylococcal pneumonia - causes, symptoms and treatment features

Staphylococcal pneumonia - causes, symptoms and treatment features

Pneumonia is an infectious disease that affects the lungs. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections. During illness, the infection can spread both in both lungs and in one, while the alveoli (air sacs) become inflamed. Due to the inflammatory process, fluid or pus begins to fill them, this causes breathing problems, as the respiratory functions of the lungs are disturbed

Is it possible to get rid of balanoposthitis in a child?

Is it possible to get rid of balanoposthitis in a child?

How to get rid of balanoposthitis in a child? How is this disease different? What are its primary symptoms? This is what we will talk about in detail in this article

Smegma in boys is a common problem

Smegma in boys is a common problem

Smegma in boys is a problem for many parents who do not know about proper care of the genitals

Acne on the face: how to get rid of them?

Acne on the face: how to get rid of them?

Facial acne is a fairly common problem faced by both men and women. Statistics show that teenagers are most susceptible to acne. Large, inflamed acne on the skin of the face brings a lot of difficulties to a person’s life, as well as physical and emotional discomfort

Lymph nodes on the back of the head. Reasons for their increase

Lymph nodes on the back of the head. Reasons for their increase

Lymph nodes on the back of the head, as well as on other parts of the body, are a formation of connective tissue in those places where several vessels are combined. Their functions include not only filtering the lymph, but also cleaning it from bacteria, various viruses and harmful microorganisms. Cells of the immune system are involved in this process

Kidney prolapse: symptoms, consequences and treatment

Kidney prolapse: symptoms, consequences and treatment

Kidney is an organ that has mobility. Normally, it can shift, but not more than a few centimeters. The omission of the kidney is scientifically called nephroptosis. Pathology is characterized by an abnormal displacement of the organ down by two or more vertebrae with any movement of a person

Ointment from chiria. Treatment of chiria at home

Ointment from chiria. Treatment of chiria at home

It is necessary to start fighting the boil at an early stage of its appearance. In this case, you can treat yourself at home with the help of external preparations. You just need to know which chiria ointment helps better

Sputum in tuberculosis: causative agent, rules for seeding, analysis, diagnosis and medical diagnosis

Sputum in tuberculosis: causative agent, rules for seeding, analysis, diagnosis and medical diagnosis

Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease that affects the internal organs of humans and animals. Despite modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of this disease, the statistics of the spread of tuberculosis remains sad. In addition, tuberculosis occurs even in members of we althy families with a high standard of living. Therefore, it is so important to undergo regular medical examinations and, if necessary, take a sputum test for tuberculosis