Nose bleeds every day: causes and what to do

Nose bleeds every day: causes and what to do
Nose bleeds every day: causes and what to do

It happens that adults or children have nosebleeds. Often this phenomenon is not dangerous, but it has a certain reason. It often seems that the pathology manifests itself by itself: nothing disturbed, and the bleeding suddenly began. But this is an erroneous opinion: there is a reason, and often there is more than one. Why does the nose bleed every day and what to do when it appears? How to stop the unpleasant process and whether you need to seek medical help - we will discuss all issues in the article.

Nasal bleeding: the root cause

Bleeding from the nose is not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous, so it should not be ignored. Sufficient sense of smell is an important part of human life. In addition, the nasal mucosa is a filter that prevents various infections from entering the body. Therefore, ather damaged disease will attack the body much more often and more successfully.

Why does the nose bleed every day in an adult or a child? The reasons may be different. But the main factor is weak vascular turgor. The nose contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels, many of which are localized under the epithelial layer in the region of the nasal septum. Weakness and thinning of the vascular walls provokes bleeding, which occurs as a result of their damage.

nose bleeds every day
nose bleeds every day

Mechanical causes

If your nose bleeds every day, the reasons may be different, and in some cases this is a dangerous sign. As for local processes that can affect the occurrence of an unpleasant phenomenon, they include mechanical injuries of the nose or mucous membrane. This happens due to falls, bruises, blows or fractures of the nasal septum.

It is not uncommon for the nasal mucosa to be injured in young children. This is due to the fact that babies put objects in their noses or inadvertently scratch the inner surface of the respiratory passages with their nails.

why does my nose bleed every day
why does my nose bleed every day

Inflammatory processes

If a child has a nosebleed every day, inflammation in the nasal area may be the cause. Such diseases include acute rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. Due to the occurrence of these conditions, scales inevitably form in the nose. The child, feeling discomfort, tries to remove them thaninjures the mucosa.

Allergic reactions are also the cause of daily nosebleeds. The mechanism is simple: blood rushes to the vessels, and they, in turn, cannot withstand the pressure, burst.

Overwork and other factors

Fatigue and overwork are also the cause of this ailment. Among other things, the vessels are injured due to damage to the nasal septum or atrophy of the mucous membrane, as well as neoplasms in the nasal region.

nose bleed every day
nose bleed every day

General pathologies of the body and nosebleeds: the connection is obvious

It should be remembered that nosebleeds can occur not only for external reasons, but also due to serious pathologies of the body. Therefore, the provocateur of this state may lurk deeper.

Nosebleeds often occur with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, hypertension and atherosclerotic problems in the brain, circulatory disorders in the cervical region of the spine. In this case, the normal circulation of blood through the vessels changes for the worse, the pressure in the nasal capillaries increases sharply, as a result of which they cannot withstand and break.

Nosebleeds can also be a symptom of bleeding problems, hereditary factors, or medication overdose.

Thermal effects on the human body also often provoke nasal bleeding. This can happen due to excessive exposure to the sun or fever due to infections.

Such an extremely unpleasant phenomenon also occurs with a sharp change in pressure, for example, in climbers, due to hormonal imbalance or during pregnancy.

Whatever leads to bleeding, it is very important to give yourself first aid correctly, and then consult a specialist. Regardless of the cause of such a pathology, treatment should be promptly started.

nosebleed every day in an adult
nosebleed every day in an adult

When you need the help of specialists

Many who have encountered a similar problem are wondering in what cases the help of a specialist is needed and whether it is really necessary. It is needed when nosebleeds are a symptom of serious pathologies. When a situation forces a patient to seek professional help:

  1. Doctor's intervention is necessary if there is a suspicion of a fracture of the nose, as well as bleeding caused by deformity in the nasal bone, swelling and pain.
  2. In cases where nosebleeds occur due to the use of certain medications, including hormonal ones.

With regard to bleeding associated with headache, accompanied by dizziness - it is imperative to carry out the following event: measure blood pressure. In addition, it is recommended to lie down in bed, and if this is not possible, then it is better to sit down.

why does my nose bleed every day
why does my nose bleed every day

Daily bleeding: when to sound the alarm

Whenbleeding lasts more than 10 minutes or increases, the face becomes pale. The person begins to freeze quickly, lose consciousness. If this happens frequently, you should definitely make an appointment with a specialist and get tested, especially when it comes to recurrence of this condition with bruising on the body or bleeding gums.

To the reasons indicating that you need to see a doctor, rank bleeding from the nose due to the suspicion of the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passages. In this case, only a doctor is able to provide proper medical care and remove the object. Trying to do it yourself is strongly discouraged.

In situations where nosebleeds are common, it is very important to undergo a full examination. If necessary, you will have to go for additional tests. However, quite often, cases of bleeding have completely understandable and completely removable causes.

nose bleeds every day
nose bleeds every day

Preventive measures

It is very important to be attentive to preventive measures and in no case ignore them. What can I do to avoid repeated episodes of bleeding?

  1. Be sure to humidify the air in your apartment. This is where the steam generator comes in handy. If it is not possible to purchase it, then during the heating season lay wet towels on the batteries. The room can also be sprayed with a spray bottle, in addition, the house should have a large number of indoor plants.
  2. When the nose often formscrusts, then in no case should you forcibly get rid of them. From time to time, you should drip your nose with sea buckthorn oil or rose hips.
  3. Also, in order to take preventive measures, it is recommended to take Ascorutin. The course takes about 30 days and helps to strengthen the walls of the capillaries.

All about first aid for nasal bleeding

Often when a nosebleed occurs, people reflexively throw their heads back, and also rush to help themselves by applying cold to their nose. However, this is the wrong action, moreover, it is categorically not recommended to do so. Such an approach is fraught with involuntary ingestion and inhalation of blood. This is especially true for heavy bleeding. In such cases, even vomiting occurs, and the bronchi become clogged with bloody secretions.

How to properly stop the process?

  • You need to sit down, tilt your head forward and look down - then the fluid from the nose will drain and the situation will return to normal.
  • It is also necessary to try to calm down, unfasten outer clothing, loosen the belts and underwear, thereby providing air access.
  • If bleeding occurs while you are at home, ice should be applied to the bridge of your nose. For this purpose, frozen foods are perfect. A similar method will help vasoconstriction and help stop the unpleasant process.
  • Pinch the wings of the nose with your fingers and hold your hands in this position for several minutes.
  • In addition, you can insert a ball of sterile cotton wool soaked in a 3% solution into the nasal passagehydrogen peroxide. Thus, the vessel is clamped and the bleeding stops.

Stop the blood with drops

There are situations when all the above methods do not help, but you can try to use vasoconstrictor drops that are used for a cold. Drops can be purchased at any pharmacy, they help in such a situation.

  • You need to prepare a cotton swab and dip it in a healing liquid.
  • Then place a swab in the nasal cavity, and try to make it deep and tight.

If the bleeding was caused by the presence of dry crusts on the mucosa due to a runny nose, then the following steps will be required. It is necessary to regularly lubricate the nose with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. As a result, the crusts will soften and the bleeding will stop.

why does my nose bleed every day
why does my nose bleed every day

If the cause of bleeding is overheating

Why does my nose bleed every day? The reason is often associated with exposure to high temperatures. The victim should go to a dark room and immediately apply a cool compress to the nose. When there is a suspicion that a heat stroke has occurred, you should seek medical help, since the possibility of hospitalization of the victim is not excluded. Therefore, it is necessary to contact specialists as soon as possible.

It is equally important to pay attention to nutrition. It should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to introduce foods containing magnesium into the diet. Limit drinks such as strong coffee andBlack tea. It is advisable to drink herbal decoctions.


Many people wonder why nose bleeds every day. When such a phenomenon occurs daily, it is extremely unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous. It is necessary to read the reviews of those who have encountered a similar problem before and were able to cope with it.

Some users claim that in winter, due to various infections, it happens that the nose bleeds every day. This sometimes confuses people as they don't know how to deal with the problem. Attempts to get rid of bleeding by blowing your nose are useless and, as it turns out later, unsafe. Many argue that only after contacting a doctor, the problem was quickly resolved, since the specialist prescribed treatment for the underlying disease that provoked bleeding.

It's not uncommon for nose to bleed every day, also in the summer - a lot of people talk about it. As already mentioned, this occurs due to overheating. Reviews say that in such situations, applying something cold to the bridge of the nose (wet towels, ice, etc.) helps a lot.

Some patients say that they were worried about this problem every day. The bleedings were quite long and there was no way to stop them. Again, the condition was normalized after contacting a specialist, who explained that you can’t throw your head back, but, on the contrary, you should keep it in an inclined position and wait for the blood to drain. Many users advise this method as safer and not entailingno complications.

In general, there are a lot of reviews about why the nose bleeds very strongly every day and what to do about it. If we summarize all the advice of the victims, we can highlight the main idea: you should carefully approach the solution of the problem, since a seemingly frivolous symptom can signal problems in the body.

If, despite all the measures, it is not possible to stop the blood, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Even seemingly small blood loss threatens with anemia, dizziness and fainting.


Summing up the above, it is worth noting that it is not worth ignoring the fact that nosebleeds run every day. Be sure to contact a specialist to establish the cause-provocateur. In particular, a similar problem in children should not be ignored. According to the observations of specialists and according to the reviews of parents, this phenomenon occurs a little more often in babies.
