Prostate adenoma is a common disease of the organ, characterized by its increase. The pathology is benign, but can have serious consequences. Often adenoma occurs in men who have reached the age of 50. For a long time, the patient may not be aware of the presence of the disease, since the symptoms do not appear immediately.
What is pathology?

Prostate adenoma is a benign hyperplasia of the organ, which begins with the appearance of a small nodule. Over time, the pathologically altered tissue grows. Increasing, the gland begins to squeeze the urinary canal, as a result of which the biological fluid cannot exit the body normally.
The presented phenomenon is not only uncomfortable for a person, but also carries a certain danger. Stagnation of urine causes negative consequences for the entire excretory system. Proper treatment allows you to quickly get rid of the pathology andprevent her from relapse.
Disease classification

Treatment of prostate adenoma, the size of which increases at different rates, should be started only after its type has been accurately determined. The tumor can be classified as follows:
- Penetrating into the bladder through the urethra. The internal sphincter is deformed and its function is impaired over time.
- Increasing towards the rectum. Urination in this case is slightly disturbed, but the contractility of the prostatic fragment of the urethra worsens. This prevents the bladder from emptying completely.
- Evenly compacted. There is no increase in its size. For therapy, this type of tumor has the most favorable prognosis.
In most cases, prostate adenoma requires surgery. But the last type can be eliminated with medication.
Development stages
The disease develops gradually. The first symptoms may appear even when a person needs surgery. You can distinguish the following stages of development of prostate adenoma:
- Compensated. The urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent. The situation worsens at night. The outflow of urine in this case is weak. The duration of the period presented is sometimes 12 years, although in complex cases this period is reduced to 24 months.
- Second. Here the discomfort becomes more pronounced,other symptoms appear. The walls of the bladder thicken. Muscle fibers become thinner. There is little or no urine output.
- Third. At this stage, there is a loss of muscle tone of the organ. Urine in a small amount is excreted involuntarily. Organ overflowing.
It is better to start therapy at an early stage in the development of pathology. Then there are no irreversible changes that require more time and effort to eliminate.
Causes of development and predisposing factors

Symptoms and treatment of prostate adenoma is a question that many older men are interested in. But first you need to find out what provokes the development of pathology:
- Excessive weight gain.
- Lack of movement.
- Hypothermia or excessive overheating of the prostate gland.
- Regular interruption of intercourse as a method of contraception.
- Bad habits.
- Inflammatory pathologies of a chronic nature.
Predisposing factors include a man's age, hereditary predisposition, injuries, malnutrition, hormonal changes caused by menopause. Frequent constipation and reduced immunity can also lead to an enlarged prostate.
Symptoms of the disease

Now you can consider the symptoms and treatment of prostate adenoma. A man may experience the following manifestations:
- Urinating too often at any time of the day, worse at night. At first it is difficult, the patient feels strong urges and pain.
- Drip excretion of urine, and if there is a stream, then it is sluggish and thin.
- Urine becomes involuntary.
- Impaired bowel movements, persistent constipation.
- Pain in the rectum and perineum due to dilation of blood vessels.
- Urine comes with blood impurities.
- A man loses his appetite, there is a general deterioration in his condition and well-being.
- The feeling of thirst increases, dry mouth.
- Prolonged constipation that occurs too often.
The most psychologically difficult consequence of adenoma for a man is a change in sexual function. Erection is disturbed, there may be premature ejaculation. The patient has no desire. Adenoma often leads to infertility.
With a strong growth of the gland, a person will show symptoms caused by squeezing neighboring organs.
Diagnosis of pathology
The size of prostate adenoma, the symptoms and treatment of the presented disease is what every man needs to know, since no one is immune from it. Correct diagnosis is essential for effective therapy. It provides:
- Physical examination and blood and urine tests. The prostate is palpated rectally.
- Ultrasound of the organ. Thanks to the study, the size of the gland and its structure are determined.
- Blood tests for prostate antigen andPSA.
- Uroflowmetry. This procedure is carried out using special equipment and allows you to find out the parameters of urination.
- Cystoscopy. Here, an examination of the inner surface of the bladder is carried out.
- Videoflometry.
- Additional ultrasound examination (transabdominal).
- X-ray.
Diagnosis of the disease should be differential. This will distinguish an adenoma from a malignant neoplasm.
Possible Complications
If the methods of treating prostate adenoma were chosen incorrectly or they turned out to be ineffective, then the following complications may develop in a man:
- Formation of stones in the bladder.
- Cystitis.
- Acute retention of urine and organ emptying.
- Pyelonephritis.
- Inflammatory lesions of neighboring organs.
- Problems with the functionality of the excretory system, kidney function.
- Complete occlusion of the urinary canal.
Sometimes the consequences seriously complicate the process of treatment, increase its duration.
Drug therapy

Is it possible to get rid of the disease or prepare for surgery without drugs? Thanks to traditional therapy, it is possible to significantly reduce the size of the neoplasm and prevent its further growth. The doctor may prescribe these drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma:
- Antibiotics:"Gentamicin". They are necessary to eliminate a bacterial infection, if it was she who provoked the inflammatory process and tissue growth.
- Alpha-blockers: "Doxazosin", "Tamsulosin". These funds reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder, facilitate the process of urination.
- M-cholinolytics: "Fesoterodine". The presented drug is able to reduce the frequency of visits to the toilet.
- Dihydrotestosterone inhibitors: "Dutasteride". Tissue growth is stimulated by excessive testosterone production, so inhibition of its synthesis will reduce the tumor.
- NSAIDs: Voltaren, Diclofenac.
Anspasmodics will be needed to eliminate pain. An obligatory component of drug therapy are drugs that improve blood circulation, for example, Trental.

Surgical treatment of prostate adenoma is carried out if the enlargement of the prostate cannot be stopped, and the overgrown tissues press on other organs, disrupting their functions. There are such indications for intervention:
- Acute urinary retention.
- Serious kidney dysfunction caused by prostate enlargement.
- Presence of stones inside the bladder.
- Accession of other infections.
- Presence of blood in the urine.
There are several types of operations that are shown to men independing on the type and degree of complexity of the pathology:
- Cystostomy. This procedure helps to restore the normal discharge of urine. To do this, a fistula is created in the pubic bone area.
- Laser operation. It allows you to quickly cope with the pathology without serious consequences. Reduces the risk of infection of the wound surface, as well as the occurrence of relapse.
- Stenting of the urinary canal. It is carried out by inserting a special tube inside the urinary canal to prevent its narrowing.
- Transurethral resection. It is performed using endoscopic equipment. The procedure is carried out through the urethra. The overgrown tissues are partially removed.
- Radical prostatectomy. It involves the removal of the prostate completely. This is done through an incision above the pubis or in the perineum. It can cause serious complications.
- Microwave operation. There is a destruction of pathological tissues with the help of short thermal waves emitted by the electrodes. Such an operation passes without complications, but not everyone can use it.
- Cryodestruction. Enlarged tissues are destroyed by freezing. This procedure is also not suitable for everyone.
Surgery for the treatment of prostate adenoma is an obligatory part of complex therapy.
Unconventional treatment

National treatment of prostate adenoma is an additional componentcomplex therapy. On its own, it will not give the desired effect. The following recipes will be useful:
- Infusion of nettle roots. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of raw materials into 300 ml of boiling water, insist for 2 hours and take 100 ml three times a day. Drink the drug should be 30 minutes before meals.
- Pumpkin seeds. Half a kilogram of raw materials must be passed through a meat grinder and mixed with honey (250 g). A remedy is taken for 1 tsp. twice a day.
- Infusion of celandine. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs and 250 ml of boiling water. The mixture should be infused for 2 hours. It is necessary to use the medicine for 30 days, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. It is better to drink the infusion half an hour before meals.
- Decoction of burdock roots. You need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour half a liter of boiling water, boil for an additional 15 minutes on low heat and insist 3 hours. Next, the product should be cooled, strained and taken in a third of a glass up to 4 times a day.
The presented remedies can reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, stop the growth of damaged tissue, and improve the outflow of urine. They contribute to the elimination of symptoms.
Other treatment
Treatment of prostate adenoma at home involves dieting, giving up bad habits, doing physical therapy exercises. In addition, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy procedures:
- Phonophoresis.
- Magnetic therapy.
- Vibromassage.
An effective method of treatment is massage of the prostate gland and the arealoins. The first type of procedure should be done by a urologist. Also useful treatment with leeches, exercise therapy.
Disease prevention
In order not to experience the discomfort that an adenoma can provoke, it is necessary to prevent its occurrence:
- Eat right (fruits and vegetables should be present in the diet).
- Completely eliminate alcohol, tobacco from life.
- Take multivitamin complexes periodically to strengthen immunity.
- Practice light sports.
- Avoid genital overheating.
Prostate adenoma is a common disease, the treatment of which cannot be delayed. Timely and correct therapy will provide a positive prognosis.