Miliaria is a special form of dermatitis that occurs due to increased sweating or exposure to an irritant on the skin. The disease is characterized by the appearance in different parts of the body of small bubbles, itching and discomfort. Hand prickly heat is less common and is associated with poor hygiene and increased body or environmental temperature. For a successful recovery, treatment must begin immediately.

Sweating on the hands occurs with excessive sweating. Violation of the sebaceous glands is manifested due to poor or improper hand washing, excessive fullness or in hot weather. The disease can develop in both children and adults, but is most common in babies. Their skin is thinner and still reacts poorly to external temperature changes.
In the photo, prickly heat on the hands looks intimidating, but in reality there are practically no traces on the skin after treatment. Sweating is manifested by swelling and small blisters on the hands and between the fingers, which itch and eventually burst. The disease is not contagious, but it causes discomfort to the wearer, so you need to get rid of the causes of the onset and relieve the symptoms as soon as possible.
Provocative facts
Not every person develops sweating on the hands, there are people who are more prone to profuse sweating in one way or another. They are characterized by the location of a large number of sebaceous glands per 1 sq. see Keeping your palms wet is more likely to cause prickly heat than warm weather or strenuous exercise.
Also, a provocative fact can be thin skin, which simply cannot cope with sweating when the temperature rises. Those who tend to be overweight sweat twice as much as normal weight people. But most often, prickly heat on the hands occurs due to a combination of internal and external factors.

Causes of prickly heat
All young mothers have experienced prickly heat in their baby. It occurs when the baby is excessively wrapped up, the “favorite” places of prickly heat are the armpits, the neck area, the folds on the legs. In adults, prickly heat can appear on the back, legs, armpits, on the stomach, where the body is almost always covered by clothing. Hand prickly heat is a rarer condition in adults and is usually associated with a number of problems:
Internal Causes
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- endocrine diseases, thenhave diabetes;
- deviations in the functioning of the nervous system, in which the body's thermoregulation systems are disturbed;
- infectious diseases, namely fever;
- obesity;
- excessive exercise.

External causes
- wearing closed or overly tight clothing;
- synthetic fabric, when wearing gloves made of this material for a long time, an unfavorable environment appears on the hands;
- Using oily creams or products containing moisture retaining enzymes;
- extended stay in a poorly ventilated area.
Because the treatment of prickly heat is associated not only with the elimination of external manifestations, but also with the clarification of provoking factors.
If the body works normally, with an external increase in temperature, the pores open, sweat is released, which cools the body. But the above factors can interfere with the inclusion of the body's natural defenses. For example, a too humid and warm environment or the presence of a greasy cream on the surface of the skin slows down the evaporation of sweat, which, in turn, leads to the multiplication of microorganisms and inflammation of the sweat glands.

How prickly heat looks on the hands, depends on its treatment. Dermatologists distinguish three main types, but the manifestations are sometimes mixed, and in some cases the doctor can determine the type of prickly heat only after taking the appropriate tests.
- The crystalline form is characterized by multiple rashes of small transparent bubbles, most often on the palms.
- Red. Here, in addition to bubbles, swelling and severe itching appear. Later, individual bubbles merge into one or more red spots. With this form, the child may experience apathy, loss of appetite and general deterioration in he alth.
- Deep prickly heat on the hands of a child can lead to serious complications when inflammation penetrates into the lower epithelium of the skin. At this stage, infection is added to the external manifestations of the disease.
Treatment depends on the type of disease, as well as on the stage of the course. The first form, crystalline, usually does not require special treatment, while observing the rules of hygiene, all symptoms disappear on their own. In the case of red and deep sweating, you need to contact a dermatologist.
Determination of prickly heat on the hands of adults and children does not cause problems for a professional doctor. To make a diagnosis, it is enough to conduct a visual examination with a pediatrician, therapist or dermatologist. Sometimes the manifestations may resemble an allergic reaction, in which case additional data collection about the patient is required.
The first symptoms are a rash, redness or itching. They appear alternately: at first itching, later redness and rash. In the case of crystalline prickly heat - only transparent bubbles. An alarm signal is the appearance of an unpleasant odor, wet spots on the skin and severe itching. In this case, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

In the case of the crystalline form of the disease, the treatment of prickly heat on the hands of adults implies compliance with the rules of hygiene, as well as the exclusion of uncomfortable or synthetic clothing from the wardrobe. The first week the main rule is to let the skin breathe. At first, the skin will peel off, then it will completely clear and become without any visible marks.
In more complex cases, an integrated approach is required. The degree of complexity of the stage will be determined by the doctor, the following methods of treatment can be prescribed:
- antibacterial agents for external and internal use;
- external preparations to stabilize the s alt balance of the skin;
- antihistamines to help reduce puffiness.
As a supplement, the doctor may advise taking vitamins or means to improve metabolism. In addition, it is recommended to carry out the following procedures yourself:
- ventilate the room more often;
- walk more;
- wash more often, rinse and dry well with a towel;
- avoid overheating.
It is not recommended to exercise in extreme heat, wear several layers of clothing. As a preventive measure, take a bath with a potassium permanganate solution once a week.

Treatment by folk methods
Our grandfathers, grandmothers and distant ancestors suffered from prickly heat, for several generations folk methods of dealing with the disease were developed. Usually used to treat prickly heat on the handsdecoctions and tinctures of herbs are used, which contribute to the normalization of sweating. Baths are very effective for babies.
Among the most popular recipes are the following:
- Talc or baby powder is effective for both children and adults. White powder must be sprinkled on damaged areas, even between the fingers. This method contributes to the drying of the skin.
- Garlic oil - finely chop a few cloves of garlic and put on fire, gradually add olive oil, bring to a boil and let cool. After that, the mixture is placed in a warm sunny place for 10-12 days, it should be stirred 2-3 times a day. After 10 days, the mixture is poured into a bottle, eucalyptus oil is added, such a medicine can be stored for up to 3 months.
- Oak bark has long been considered an effective antiseptic. It is recommended to take a bath with a decoction of oak bark.
- Calendula, chamomile and string are traditionally used to treat prickly heat on the hands. They can be harvested in the summer or buy ready-made mixtures at the pharmacy.
Soda solution relieves itching well: 1 spoon for 1 glass of warm water, as well as ordinary laundry soap without any additives.

But it is best to prevent the development of the disease. If for adults, prickly heat passes more or less imperceptibly, then in small children, itchy blisters cause discomfort and a general deterioration in he alth.
Prevention includes elementary rules:
- choose clothesespecially for children, made of natural fabrics;
- try not to wear too tight, go 1 size larger to let your skin breathe freely;
- after exercising, be sure to take a shower or at least wipe the sweat thoroughly;
- after taking a bath or shower, wipe the whole body dry;
- ventilate the premises at work and at home more often;
- regulate excess weight, fullness contributes to increased sweating.
Also, don't wrap up your child too much, clothes should be appropriate for the weather, you should avoid wearing diapers in the heat. Prickly heat on the hands or other parts of the body is very easy to prevent, you just have to follow the basic rules of hygiene and monitor the surrounding microsphere.