Analogues of glutamic acid. What are they needed for?

Analogues of glutamic acid. What are they needed for?
Analogues of glutamic acid. What are they needed for?

Glutamic acid is one of the valuable amino acids for the body, which is part of proteins. Yes, the body can synthesize it on its own. Yes, and some products also contain it. But in some cases, taking this drug in tablets is still justified. It is worth understanding the instructions for the use of glutamic acid, analogues and synonyms.

Why does the body need glutamic acid?

Glutamic acid is an active participant in normal metabolism, and it affects all people in different ways. In fact, this is a kind of intermediary that transmits signals through the nerves to the brain.

In order to avoid poisoning the body, ammonia in certain chemical reactions passes into urea, which is less dangerous. In addition, glutamine stimulates the adrenal glands, which makes it much easier for the body to endure stress, as well as more effectively resist allergies and inflammation.

But don't take glutamic acid right away! As notedabove, the body is quite capable of producing it. But the independent use of this substance can cause great damage to he alth. However, like other amino acids in the chain, where, in addition to glutamic acid, valine, histidine, leucine, threonine, proline are present.

rilutek drug
rilutek drug


Glutamic acid, which is very important for the body, regulates metabolic processes, additionally providing a detoxifying and nootropic effect by binding ammonia. It is an important amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter, is characterized by increased metabolic activity, stimulating the process of oxidation in the brain, and also ensures normal protein metabolism.

The substance contributes to the normalization of metabolism and can even change the functionality of the endocrine system. Glutamine promotes the transfer of increased excitation to the synapses, thereby contributing to the accelerated removal of ammonia from the body.

This is a special component of myofibrils, which is responsible for the full synthesis of acetylcholine, urea, adenosine triphosphate, and other equally important amino acids for the full functioning of the whole organism. In addition, it maintains and transports potassium ions in the concentration necessary for this, thereby preventing a decrease in the oxidation process, combining the exchange of carbohydrates and nucleic acids.

cerecard drug
cerecard drug


Glutamic acid has a high degree of absorption, it easily passes through the histohematic and blood-brain barrier,shells and membranes of cell formations. The drug tends to accumulate in body tissues, as well as in the kidneys and liver. It is noteworthy that the substance is excreted from the body in its pure form.

glycised acid
glycised acid

Drug interactions

Don't mindlessly use the drug. In combination with pyridoxine and thiamine, this acid is used to prevent or cure neurotoxic phenomena.

Side effects

With an excessive excess of the dose of glutamic acid in a person, loose stools, vomiting, insomnia and increased nervous excitability may occur. With prolonged use, leukopenia may develop, as well as a decrease in the content of hemoglobin in the blood.

mexidol tablets
mexidol tablets

Analogues of the drug

The main analogues of glutamic acid are:

  1. "Cytoflavin" is used mainly for chronic cerebral ischemia, the initial stages of vascular encephalopathy, endotoxicosis, acute poisoning with toxic and hypoxic encephalopathy.
  2. “Glycised” is used for the treatment of organic and functional diseases: neurosis, consequences of neuroinfection, various forms of encephalopathy, neurosis-like conditions, cranial and brain injuries, which are accompanied by emotional instability, sleep disturbance, and decreased brain performance.
  3. "Enerion" is suitable for the treatment of mental and physical asthenia, which may be accompanied by a decrease in activity and apathy. Additional indications for useof the drug is asthenia of students and athletes, post-infectious asthenia, as well as asthenia that occurs as a result of somatic diseases.
  4. "Keltikan" - an analogue of glutamic acid is used to treat neuropathy of metabolic, osteoarticular and infectious origin. In addition, it is effective in the inflammatory process in the trigeminal and facial nerve, lumbalgia, as well as intercostal neuralgia.
  5. "Mexidol" is effective in acute or chronic disorders of the brain blood supply, the consequences of cranial trauma, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, cognitive atherosclerotic disorders, neurocirculatory dystonia, myocardial infarction, as well as intoxication with antipsychotic drugs.
  6. "Cerecard" is indicated for neurosis, withdrawal syndrome, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, cognitive disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders, acute circulatory disorders, as well as coronary artery disease.
  7. "Rilutek" - an analogue of glutamic acid is used in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The active substance has an effect on neurotransmitter processes, contributes to a muscle relaxant and sedative effect.
  8. "Trigamma" is used in the complex treatment of neurological diseases: neuralgia, neuritis (including retrobulbar), polyneuropathies, radicular syndromes, myalgia, herpes zoster and paresis of the facial nerve.
keltikan tablets
keltikan tablets


Glutamic acid amino acids are very important for the body. They play a very important role in its full functioning. Butnevertheless, the remedy should be taken only after a thorough examination and agreement with the doctor.
