Sometimes a person has a displacement of the vertebral discs, causing a rupture of the fibrous ring. The most common hernia of the lumbar spine. Less commonly, it is localized in the cervical region, even more rarely - in the chest. The functions of the discs are to create cushioning between the vertebrae. The he alth of the spine is largely determined by them.
Reasons for appearance

The main reason for the appearance of a hernia of the spine is its overstrain, which may be due to the following reasons:
- wrong posture with the creation of excessive load on some part of the spine;
- his curvature as a result of sedentary work;
- lifting heavy objects;
- stretching and bruising of this organ;
- osteochondrosis in a neglected state;
- pathology of connective tissues;
- excess weight;
- underdevelopment of the spinal muscles.
It is also believed that hereditarypredisposition.
Illness concept
The spine consists of bones that are interconnected by means of intervertebral discs, consisting of a soft inner and hard outer rings. This allows you to lighten the load on this organ, making it more mobile. When certain events occur, the outer ring breaks, and the inner ring passes in some part into the spinal cord, which causes the appearance of a spinal hernia, which should be treated immediately.
It is the most severe form of osteochondrosis, in which cartilage is gradually replaced by bone, the disc shrinks and becomes harder. Because of this, pressure on the nerve endings increases, due to which they are pinched, which leads to the appearance of pain syndromes in the area where the lesion is noted.
The disease is most common in people over the age of 30. As a result, a person temporarily loses his ability to work, and in severe cases, he can get a disability. In some situations, a spinal hernia is asymptomatic and is detected only during an MRI. But in the vast majority of cases, the main symptom is pain. As a rule, the pain is localized in a certain area, which allows a correct diagnosis.

Symptoms of a spinal hernia depend on its size and location. The following are observed:
- with lumbar hernia, numbness of the toes is felt, pain syndromes in the foot orlower legs, there may be inguinal numbness, chronic pain in the part of the spine in question, which lasts more than 3 months;
- a hernia of the cervical spine can lead to dizziness, headaches, to the observation of the same syndromes in the hands (numbness in the fingers), hypertension;
- in the presence of pathology in the thoracic region, pain occurs in it, and it is often the result of various forms of scoliosis.
The following types of hernias are distinguished by size:
- small - up to 2 mm in the cervical and up to 5 mm in the lumbar and thoracic;
- medium - in the last two departments - 8 mm;
- large - up to 6 mm in the cervical and 12 mm in the lumbar and chest.
If its size exceeds 12 mm, then it is called sequestered.
General symptoms
General weakness and numbness of the limbs. The first can be expressed in the fact that it is impossible for a person to climb stairs or pull up his leg. Numbness can occur in any limbs up to the impossibility of feeling touch. Some also experience "goosebumps" moving along the skin.
The pain is aching. It is exacerbated by sudden movements or sneezing. Sometimes pain syndromes are observed even in the supine position. The range of unpleasant sensations is quite large, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. In this regard, a hernia can be confused with arthrosis, especially if the syndromes are noted in the limbs.

For the rightTo identify the disease, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the spine using MRI and CT. All parts of the spine are examined. A hernia is detected by studying the intervertebral discs, assessing their condition, identifying the degree of the disease, which allows you to prescribe the optimal treatment. Diagnosis can also be performed using post-myelographic CT and epidurography.
In those clinics where it is not possible to conduct such examinations, the study of the spine is carried out using an x-ray.
When diagnosing using MRI, the condition of the spinal nerves is determined. With its help, you can recognize the disease in the initial stages, which will facilitate its treatment.
Drug therapy
It is aimed at relieving pain, muscle spasm, reducing the intensity of pressure on the cartilage and reducing swelling. The drugs are selected by the doctor. In general cases, the following are prescribed:

- painkillers: NSAIDs - "Ketarol", "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen", "Movalis" and others; with a slight positive reaction or its absence - anesthetics "Diprospan", "Trimikain", "Novocain";
- chondroprotectors that prevent further destruction of the intervertebral disc; their intake provides a suspension of the development of a hernia, and inflammatory processes also decrease;
- herbal tinctures and preparations: "Relanium", "Feonozipan" - with incessant severe pain;
- antidepressants for nervous conditions: Fluvomaxamine, Trimipramine, Amoxapine, etc.;
- muscle relaxants takensimultaneously with diuretics and venotonics to relieve tension and have a beneficial effect on edematous tissues: "Venoruton", "Midoklam", "Lasix", "Pentoxifylline" - reception during the week;
- vitamins of group B. They are used to restore compressed nerve tissue. At the same time, vitamins B1 and B12 are taken every other day;
- combined drugs (Neurovitan, Neuromultivit).

Treatment of a hernia of the spine can be performed by stretching it. In this case, the patient can be on inclined surfaces, the procedure is carried out due to body weight. Or computerized devices that are programmed to carry out this procedure can be used.
As a result of traction, the distance between adjacent vertebrae increases by 1-2 mm. This contributes to the partial retraction of the hernia of the spine, both lumbar and other departments. Swelling and pain syndromes are eliminated.
The actions taken must be careful. If the patient feels pain, the traction ends. After the procedure, the spine is fixed with a corset, in which it must stay for several hours.
exercise therapy
She is prescribed during the period of remission. They can not make sudden movements. Initial exercises should provide a minimum load. These classes are prescribed, first of all, to those patients whose muscles have been inactive for a long time. Load on damageddiscs are reduced compared to the passive position, the chances of recovery are increased.
Physiotherapy treatments
For the treatment of lumbar hernia of the spine, like any other, these methods can be used. The main ones are as follows:
- diadynamic currents that have a positive effect on blood circulation, anesthetize, and help to relax the nervous tissue;
- drug electrophoresis, which injects anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs, and in some clinics, papain, which is an enzyme that breaks down hernia and reduces its size, into tissues.
Operational Methods
Treatment of spinal hernia is sometimes impossible to carry out by therapeutic methods. With exacerbations, severe discomfort from pain, surgical intervention may be required. It must be used when life-threatening conditions occur.
The main ones are as follows:

- endoscopy, which consists in an incision or puncture of the skin up to 2 cm, into which an endoscope is inserted under local anesthesia - a hernia of the cervical spine takes 15 minutes, the maximum duration is an operation on the lumbar region - 45 minutes, it is performed with a small hernia; after a few hours, the patient begins to move independently and is discharged after 2-3 days;
- laser exposure - by inserting a laser fiber with a thick needle or endoscope, which reducesthe size of the hernia and the volume of the disc; cold plasma (nucleoplasm) may be used instead;
- laminectomy - performed when a large hernia occurs; an incision is made on the back, through which a part of the vertebra is removed, a disk fragment is excised with an increase in the intervertebral space; rarely assigned;
- Microdiscectomy is the most common type of surgery, prescribed if a conservative treatment method has not given the expected effect for 3 months. Part of the hernia formation is removed, and, if necessary, part of the vertebra by excision of the skin by 4-6 cm. Surgical intervention is performed under a microscope. The patient can return to light work, not associated with the performance of physical work after 3-5 days, and to previous loads after 2-3 weeks. For a month, they wear a medium-hard corset and do not lift weights.
Folk remedies
Treatment of lumbar hernia of the spine can be performed by them to relieve pain syndromes and reduce the inflammatory process. In particular, an alcohol tincture may be used. For its preparation, one of the following herbs can be taken:

- melilot;
- comfrey;
- wormwood;
- sabelnik;
- St. John's wort;
- birch;
- mint;
- garlic.
The raw materials are crushed and poured with alcohol. Then it is infused in a dark, cool place, after which it is filtered and used as rubbing. They are produced until the epidermis becomesdry. The course of treatment with one herb is 10 days, after which you can switch to another plant and so on until the symptoms disappear.
There are other methods: garlic compresses, application of Kalanchoe gruel, horse fat compresses, turpentine baths, dandelion decoctions. With a hernia of the lumbar spine, massage is also done.
In closing
Hernia of the spine occurs in its different departments. The most common is the intervertebral lumbar variety. All of them require timely treatment. Therapeutic methods are mainly used. In complicated cases resort to surgical intervention. Also prescribed exercise therapy, physiotherapy.