Children are more likely than adults to suffer from respiratory diseases. Probably, every mother is familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose in a child. It usually results from an infection in the upper respiratory tract. By itself, this symptom is not dangerous, but it can lead to the development of complications that can be serious. Today, pediatricians often resort to homeopathic remedies for the treatment of colds and rhinitis in children. According to the instructions for use for children, reviews, Corizalia copes well with a runny nose. The drug acts in a complex, eliminating the cause and consequences of a cold.
Characteristics and description of the drug
Corisalia gets mostly positive feedback. Instructions for use for children and adults indicate that this drug is available in the form of tablets. They are white and have no smell.

Snot pills for children "Korizalia" contain the following active ingredients:
- Onion -0.333 mg.
- Belladonna - 0.333 mg.
- Sabadilla - 0.333 mg.
- Kalium Bronchicum - 0.333 mg.
- Gelsemia - 0.333 mg.
- Pulsatilla - 0.333 mg.
As additional components are: magnesium stearate, talc, wax, gelatin and others.
One package contains two blisters of twenty tablets each.
The homeopathic remedy "Korizaliya" is prescribed in such cases:
- From the common cold for children and adults.
- Complex therapy for colds.
Therapeutic action
The action of the drug is due to the components that make up its composition. Onion has a diuretic, sedative, anthelmintic, bactericidal effect. It contains a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances.
Sabadilla has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, well eliminates the common cold.
Kalium bronchicum is widely used in the treatment of rhinitis and cough. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Gelzemium has a tonic effect, improves metabolic processes in the body. Pulsatilla has a stimulating effect on the immune and hormonal systems.

In combination, all the components of the drug help fight rhinitis, including purulent discharge, bronchitis, and other colds.
Instructions for use
Before using the product to treat a childyou need to study the instructions for use for children and reviews of the Corizalia. But self-medication is not recommended, only the doctor should prescribe this homeopathic remedy.
Pills are taken orally. Children over two years of age and adults take one pill every hour for twelve hours, then reduce the frequency.
The tablet must be slowly dissolved in the mouth. Children under six years of age can dissolve the pill in water. The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor in each case. Usually it is about five days.

Use restrictions
The drug is contraindicated for use in such cases:
- High susceptibility to drug ingredients.
- Hereditary fructose intolerance.
- Galactose intolerance.
Before using the product, you should consult a doctor.
Development of adverse reactions, overdose
According to the instructions for use (for children), reviews, Corizalia is well tolerated by young patients. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur.
In medical practice, no cases of overdose have been recorded. When taking a large number of tablets, it is necessary to wash the stomach, take a sorbent, go to the clinic. Therapy is symptomatic.

Additional information
The drug can be used in conjunction with other medicines. But before using it, you must tell your doctor if you are taking any medications. The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.
The drug does not require any special storage conditions. It must be stored at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees in its original packaging. Shelf life is five years from the date of issue.
Cost and purchase of medication
You can buy the drug in some pharmacies of the country, including online. The medication is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. "Korizalia" has a price of about two hundred and fifty rubles. In some pharmacy chains, the drug can cost three hundred and twenty rubles.

If for some reason it is not possible to take this drug, the doctor may prescribe its analogue. These include:
- "Brialis Edas-307" - cost 307 rubles.
- "Passambra Edas-306" - the price is one hundred and forty rubles.
- "Passiflora Edas-111" has a cost of about two hundred rubles.
- "Rinitol Edas -131" has a price of one hundred and thirty-six rubles.
All of the above remedies are homeopathic and require a doctor's prescription. Self-medication is not recommended.
The drug receives positive feedback from patients and physicians. Has good reviews "Korizalia". For children with adenoids, it is often prescribed by specialists, and the reviews note that the medicine helped to cope withthis problem.
Many say that this drug is effective in the treatment of the common cold. But you need to take it strictly according to the instructions or according to the scheme that the doctor prescribed. The effect comes after a short period of time. Also, patients say that the drug is not addictive, has a natural composition. The effect of the drug is long-lasting.
According to the instructions for use (for children), reviews, "Korisalia" for several days should lead to an improvement in the patient's condition. Otherwise, see a doctor.