How to know the level of testosterone: all methods, types of tests, norm and deviation

How to know the level of testosterone: all methods, types of tests, norm and deviation
How to know the level of testosterone: all methods, types of tests, norm and deviation

Testosterone is one of the most important male hormones. It plays an important role in the production of spermatozoa. It is also very important for the development of muscle and bone tissue, affects sexual activity. A drop in the level of this hormone can negatively affect men's he alth. How to know the level of testosterone in men? Analyzes are the standard way. How else can you determine if there are abnormalities in the level of this hormone in the blood? We have covered this in our article.

Deficiency symptoms

It will not work to determine testosterone in men at home (level and degree). This can be done only with the help of laboratory research. To find out the exact level of testosterone, you need to take tests. But there are a number of symptoms that may be indirect signs of a lack of testosterone in the body.

How to check testosterone levels in men
How to check testosterone levels in men


You can suspect a deviation from the norm by the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of gynecomastia.
  • Excessive dry skin.
  • Loss of body weight and muscle volume.
  • Loss of sexual desire.
  • Hair loss.
How to check testosterone levels in men
How to check testosterone levels in men

Causes of low testosterone

Hormone deficiency can cause the following conditions and behaviors:

  • Keeping an unhe althy lifestyle.
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  • Natural loss of testosterone with age.
  • Being inactive.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Rare sex life.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Taking certain drugs, such as diuretics or tranquilizers.
How to check testosterone levels in men at home
How to check testosterone levels in men at home

Impact on well-being

Insufficient testosterone levels affect both physical and psychological he alth. Low levels of the hormone can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome, which negatively affects the level of cholesterol in the blood, causes obesity, high blood pressure. A drop in testosterone levels can lead to the development of such diseases:

  • Erectile dysfunction (lack of a normal erection).
  • Depression.
  • Hypertension.
How to determine the level of testosterone in men at home
How to determine the level of testosterone in men at home

How to know the level of testosterone in the blood

Now there are many tests to determine the flawthe hormone in question in the body. The most common is ADAM (Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males questionnaire). This is a fairly quick and easy test. A man is required to honestly answer ten simple questions.

Testing methodology

With this simple study, you can determine that the level of the hormone is low, so you should consult a doctor. You need to read the questions and answer "yes" or "no" to each of them:

  1. Do you feel a lack of vitality?
  2. Have you lost any muscle mass or weight lately?
  3. Do you feel a decrease in interest in sexual relations?
  4. Have you noticed a deterioration or lack of erection lately?
  5. Do you feel sleepy or tired in the middle of the day?
  6. Have you noticed any deterioration in performance lately?
  7. Have you noticed a deterioration in mood?
  8. Do you observe a lack of physical strength and endurance?
  9. Do you have frequent mood swings?
  10. Are you experiencing a loss of interest in sports and physical activity?

If the answer was yes to four questions or more, it is worth visiting a specialist for a more accurate diagnosis. Of course, the test in no case indicates one hundred percent about the presence of pathology. A detailed laboratory analysis will determine the level of testosterone accurately.

How to know the level of testosterone in the blood
How to know the level of testosterone in the blood

Laboratory diagnostics

Only tests will accuratelydetermine testosterone levels. There are several types of such studies. The result is received within 1-2 working days. Laboratory diagnostics will help to accurately determine the level of testosterone in women and men. Types of tests:

Free. It is prescribed when the first test failed to determine the level. For example, with a high SHBG. This happens in patients with hyperthyroidism. In this case, the results of the analysis must wait 6-8 days.

Oral test. Nowadays, this method is not used very often. In this case, testosterone levels are measured in a saliva test.

In order for the results of laboratory tests to be more accurate, you must follow a few simple rules. Hormonal drugs can distort the results. Therefore, it is advisable to temporarily stop taking hormonal drugs two days before the delivery of the biomaterial, and it is advisable to refrain from smoking the day before. It is recommended to take tests in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Normal testosterone levels

The generally accepted normal hormone level for men is 12-35 nmol/liter. In the period from 25 to 30 years, testosterone is produced most actively. After 30 years, its level gradually begins to decline (by about 1-2 percent annually). However, this indicator is individual and depends on many factors. These include both genetic characteristics and lifestyle. It has been proven that if at the age of 25-26 the testosterone level was 33-35 nmol / liter, then this is enough for later life. Decrease in values with agewill affect he alth and male power.

If the testosterone level at this age was 12 nmol/liter, then it is important to pay close attention to your lifestyle. If the level of the hormone in youth is less than 12 nmol / liter, then this is considered a deviation from the norm. There can be many reasons for this. It has already been said that this can be caused by he alth problems. A person's habits and lifestyle also play a role.

In the female body, testosterone must also be present, but in much smaller quantities than in men. The norms are as follows:

  • Up to 39 years - from 0.12 to 3.1 pg/ml.
  • From 40 to 59 years, the level should be between 0.12 and 2.6 pg/ml.
  • Over 60 years, the norm is from 0.12 to 1.7 pg/ml.
How to determine testosterone in men at home
How to determine testosterone in men at home

Why testosterone levels are falling

The main reasons include the following:

  • Childhood illnesses such as mumps. As a result of such ailments, failures in the production of testosterone may occur.
  • Testicular dysfunction. This may manifest as a consequence of illness or injury.
  • Drug addiction, radiation exposure, poor ecology contribute to the emergence of communication defects between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testicles. As a result, testosterone production in the body may be reduced.

Also, testosterone levels can be reduced as a result of certain diseases. These include:

  • Klaifelter Syndrome.
  • Heredity.
  • Kallman syndrome.

Exceeding the norm in men

It can be assumed that the higher the level of testosterone, the better for the body. Actually it is not. Deviations in any direction are considered pathological. If testosterone levels are excessively high, a man becomes hyperactive, sometimes aggressive. Body hair grows more intensively. Excess testosterone destroys nerve cells. It provokes insomnia, nervous breakdowns, contributes to frequent mood swings, muffles the instinct of self-preservation. There is a tendency to take rash risks, for example, to speeding while driving a car. Men with high testosterone tend to resolve conflicts through the use of physical force.

How to check testosterone levels in women
How to check testosterone levels in women

Excessive emotional and physical activity negatively affects the cardiovascular system, leads to jumps in blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

An extremely negative consequence of an excess of the hormone testosterone can be infertility. An excess of testosterone causes an increase in the number of red blood cells, which leads to a decrease in the number of sperm.

Excess hormone contributes to prostate enlargement, can lead to problems in sexual life. Often the reason for the increase in testosterone levels is the use of anabolic steroids to gain muscle mass. If the above situation is the cause, then there is a possibility of testicular atrophy. In addition, the increase in testosterone due to the intake of anabolicsteroids can lead to kidney failure and bile stasis.

In women, the excess of the male hormone is manifested by the appearance in the nature of cruelty, aggressiveness, increased hair growth in those parts of the body where they should not be (on the face, on the chest, on the stomach), obesity, insomnia, excessive sweating, coarsening of the voice, infertility.

How to bring hormone levels back to normal

To determine the cause of excess testosterone, it is necessary to take tests, undergo an examination. If the increase in the level of the hormone is caused by the use of dietary supplements, then to normalize the situation, it is enough to refuse the use of such drugs. If steroids have been taken for a long time, then after giving them up, the hormone level may drop below normal, since the body, accustomed to receiving testosterone from external sources, stops producing it itself. In this case, hormone therapy may be needed.

Often, diet is used as an additional method to reduce the level of the male hormone. Red grapes, flax oil, soy are introduced into the diet. Very good remedies that lower testosterone levels are clover and hop infusions.

Recommendations for treatment can only be given by a specialist. As a rule, the patient is selected drugs that bring the hormone level back to normal. With signs of a deficiency or excess of testosterone, you should immediately consult a doctor. To increase the level of the hormone, testosterone capsules, patches (glued to the scrotum), drugs "Nebido", "Prostatinol","Tribulus", "Erectogenon" and others. To lower the level, Nafarelin, Cyproterone, Finasteride are prescribed.

We looked at how to find out the level of testosterone in men at home, as well as other useful information about this hormone in the human body.
