With the advent of cold weather, the number of viral diseases increases. Among them, diseases of the larynx are often detected. Inhalations for laryngotracheitis are effective procedures that provide a quick positive effect. You can perform them at home. The nuances of the procedure are described in the article.
About the disease
Laryngotracheitis is often mistaken for a cold because of the similarity of symptoms, but this ailment appears for other reasons. Without proper treatment, it can become chronic and lead to serious complications.

The disease appears due to:
- flu viruses, measles, adenoviruses;
- bacteria that lead to diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough, staphylococcus aureus;
- complications of rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, ARVI diseases;
- tobacco smoke and chemical fumes;
- allergies;
- poor immunity;
- contact withwhooping cough, measles, scarlet fever.
In this disease, damage to the cellular structure of the mucous membrane occurs and inflammation starts. At this time, the airways are not protected from infection and bacteria. The incubation period of a viral and bacterial disease can range from a couple of hours to several days.
The disease itself is almost always considered not independent, but a consequence of influenza or SARS (in children, the disease appears from scarlet fever, rubella or measles). Rarely, laryngotracheitis has a bacterial etiology. You can identify the disease by:
- itching and feeling of having a foreign body in the throat;
- loss of appetite and general deterioration of well-being;
- hoarse voice;
- shortness of breath and chest noises;
- dry cough;
- temperature increase to 38 degrees.
In the chronic form of the disease, the same symptoms appear, but they are not very pronounced. At times they may be missing. Only periodic coughing will remain, irreversible changes in voice are likely.
Benefits of inhalation
Using inhalation for laryngotracheitis:
- sputum liquefies;
- an expectorant action is provided;
- moisture of the mucous membranes is performed;
- swelling of the larynx and trachea is eliminated;
- remove spasms;
- inflammation is suppressed;
- pathogens are destroyed;
- stimulates microcirculation of mucous membranes;
- damaged tissues are restored;
- eliminates pain, irritation,hoarseness;
- complications are not allowed.

Procedures provide a strong healing effect on infected tissues of the larynx and trachea. Often several sessions provide recovery.
Effective steam inhalation for laryngotracheitis of all kinds. Procedures are always performed when the causes of the disease are in viruses. In the inflammatory process that appeared from bacteria, they are carried out after the exacerbation is over.

In chronic laryngotracheitis, inhalations improve a person's condition and speed up recovery. Other procedures are useful in the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, rhinitis.
Types of procedures
Inhalations for laryngotracheitis are done in 3 ways. For their implementation, it is allowed to use:
- nebulizer or other inhaler;
- teapot, on the spout of which a paper nozzle is put on;
- a vessel with treatment solution and a large towel.
The method of the procedure and the solution for inhalation with laryngotracheitis is selected based on the type of disease and the cause of its occurrence. For example, with an allergic form of the disease, a nebulizer is used. The method of performing the procedure is determined by the doctor. He also prescribes medicines for the preparation of solutions.
To perform inhalations with laryngotracheitis at home, a nebulizer or an ultrasonic inhaler is used. Devices are simple andconvenient to use. With their help, bioactive components easily penetrate to the foci of inflammation, destroying pathogenic microflora.
Procedures cannot be performed on devices when:
- temperature above 38 degrees;
- recurrent nosebleeds;
- severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
- exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
- impaired breathing;
- under 12 months of age.
Steam inhalation is prohibited at:
- appearance of purulent processes;
- laryngotracheitis, which appeared from a bacterial infection;
- certain ages - under 7 years old and the elderly.
In children aged 3-4 years, this disease is often severe. If there is a complication in the form of a false croup, it is impossible to carry out inhalations. They provide temporary relief, after which there is an increase in edema of the mucous membranes, overlapping of the airways. In the presence of spasms, antihistamines and hormonal agents are used.
Rules for the procedure
Inhalations for laryngotracheitis should be carried out according to the following rules:
- Procedures can be performed half an hour after exercise.
- Vapours should be inhaled 30 minutes before meals or no earlier than 2 hours after.
- Inhalations should be performed for 5-15 minutes.
- 2-3 sessions performed every day.
- When inhaling vapors, no deep breaths should be taken, which will protect against spasms.
- Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
- Inhale-exhale slowly andexactly.
- It is important that the solution temperature is 80-85 degrees.
- If medicines for inhalation are prescribed, they are taken with a break of 15 minutes. First, the procedure is performed with bronchodilator drugs, and then with mucolytic drugs. The session ends with the use of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.
The indicated rules are required for any type of laryngotracheitis. Compliance with these recommendations makes the procedures effective. Therefore, they must be observed by adults and children.
With nebulizer
Inhalation device nebulizer is becoming more and more popular. Easy to use, even a child can do it. There are special children's models with cartoon characters, which will make the procedure more fun.
The action of the nebulizer is based on the fact that the built-in compressor or ultrasonic sensor sprays the medicine in the form of large drops and microscopic ones like mist. With the localization of inflammation in the nasopharynx, a program is applied that releases large particles of the drug.
If there are complications in the form of stenosis or inflammation is observed in the lower respiratory tract, the device switches to fine irrigation. In this case, the drug is sprayed into small particles that immediately penetrate into the distant bronchi and lungs.
The best remedies
This device is filled with pharmacy products, the use of which is allowed by the instructions for the device. How to do inhalation with laryngotracheitis? Effectivethe following medicines:
- "Lazolvan", "Ambrobene". The drugs provide cough relief, sputum thinning. The agent is mixed with saline in a ratio of 1: 1. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on age. With procedures, sputum will come off faster and easier if plenty of fluids are provided.
- "Adrenaline", "Epinephrine", "Eufillin". Procedures with these drugs are prescribed for people who are at risk of developing bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as spasms of the larynx or bronchi. They are mixed with saline in an amount of 1:6. Such drugs should not be used without a doctor's prescription.
- Saline solution and mineral water. Medicines are used without the addition of any drugs. They moisturize and soften the larynx. It is required to perform 5-6 procedures every day.
- "Fluimucil-antibiotic". The tool is able to suppress bacterial laryngotracheitis. It acts on damaged tissues of the trachea and larynx. Its substances reach the site of infection faster than antibiotics taken in tablets. Therefore, systemic antibiotic drugs are not taken during treatment. A medication is used as prescribed by a doctor.
- "Dexamethasone". The drug allows you to get rid of coughing fits and eliminate swelling of the respiratory organs.
- "Dekasan". It is used as an antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic agent. Inhalations are effective and safe. The tool has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.
- "Ventolin". The medication relieves the condition, relieves bronchospasm. During inhalation, the drug occursrelaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and an increase in the volume of inhaled air. It stimulates the activity of the bronchial glands and allows you to remove mucus when you cough.

Other remedies
If a child develops false croup or allergic laryngotracheitis, an antihistamine is prescribed and corticosteroid inhalations are performed. Often prescribed "Pulmicort", "Dexamethasone", "Hydrocortisone".

As indicated in the instructions for use, "Pulmicort" for inhalation for adults is prescribed 0.5-4 mg. At first, the dosage should not be more than 2 mg throughout the day. Pulmicort is used for inhalation for children. With laryngotracheitis, it is prescribed for up to 12 years. Procedures are performed when mixed with saline in an amount of 1:1. According to the instructions for use, "Pulmicort" for inhalation for adults allows for maintenance treatment.
Other drugs may be used as prescribed by the doctor. Effective for laryngotracheitis inhalation "Berodual". For therapy, the solution is diluted with saline to obtain 3 or 4 ml. Then inhalation is performed for 6-7 minutes. "Berodual" for inhalation with laryngotracheitis for children should be used after consultation with a pediatrician. At the age of 6-12 years, 10-60 drops are used for 1 procedure, it all depends on the severity of the condition. The procedure can be performed up to 4 times a day.
Glucocorticosteroids are prescribed for inhalation in complex forms of the disease. On thefor 4-7 days, 7-14 procedures are carried out. To perform inhalations with laryngotracheitis with a nebulizer, drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor. If you follow his recommendations for treatment, the positive effect will be noticeable very quickly.
Folk remedies
To eliminate laryngotracheitis, doctors prescribe herbal solutions with a mucolytic and antiseptic effect. Eliminate the disease allow decoctions based on chamomile, sage, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, oregano, mint, calendula. Plants are used individually and preparations are made from them.

Herbal blends have a strong effect compared to a single plant. Herbs should be mixed in equal amounts. For the procedure you need 1 tbsp. l. collection, which is brewed with boiling water (200 ml). Infusion is performed for 15 minutes. For procedures 3 tbsp. l. infusion is added to hot water (800 ml). Vapors should be inhaled for 10 minutes.
Effective Procedures
Swelling of the larynx disappears after inhalation based on essential oils. Steam solutions are made with mint, menthol or eucalyptus oil. In 500 ml, add 1 drop of each agent. Breathe over the solution for 5-15 minutes.

For soda solutions, you need 1 tsp. sodium bicarbonate. Add it to 500 ml of hot water. The treatment procedure lasts 5-10 minutes. Inhalations should be performed on the advice of a doctor, observing the dosage and duration of the procedures. The drugs used, especially medical ones, are notare completely harmless. They can damage the ciliated epithelium and lead to negative side effects.
To achieve positive results in treatment, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions regarding the implementation of all therapy. This also applies to the implementation of recommendations for inhalation. It is also important to take into account all the rules specified in the instructions for use.
Acute laryngotracheitis, in which there are no complications, has a favorable prognosis. For people whose profession is related to speech, singing, the prognosis is worsened by probable professional unsuitability.
Inhalations perfectly eliminate swelling, inflammation, pathogens on the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. With the right therapy, it will be possible to cure laryngotracheitis. Moreover, the procedures operate without harm to he alth.