Human kidneys are the biological filters of the body, with the help of which the blood passing through them is cleansed, and harmful substances are removed from the body. In addition to all this, they regulate blood pressure. Kidney problems negatively affect the human body, provoking heart pathologies, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies, and everything can end in a fatal outcome. To learn how to cure kidney pathologies and what actions should be taken to prevent them, you should understand them in more detail. This article lists the main symptoms and causes of such ailments, as well as the main preventive measures for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

How to understand that the problem is in the kidneys?
Often people believe that pain in the back indicates the presence of kidney pathologies, but this is a delusion. Before we begin to understand the causes of such ailments,it should be understood whether the pain syndrome is really due to renal pathology. The symptoms that are distinguished in the pathologies of the kidneys are listed below.
At the very beginning of development, a person feels chills, and in general a feeling of discomfort, the patient quickly gets tired, why at the very beginning it is easy to confuse it with a common cold. If a person ignores such symptoms, then his temperature will rise.
Pain in the lower back
When the simplest pathologies of the spine make themselves felt after any activity, the pain in the kidneys reminds of itself even in a calm state, when a person is resting - at night. And also the center of pain is not in the lower back itself, but is moved a little higher or lower to the hip joints.
Increased blood pressure
The more kidney pathologies develop, the more fluid is gained. And the circulatory system does not need it in such quantities.
Problems with urination
Such diseases occur with certain changes in urination. There are frequent urges to the toilet, in certain cases, everything ends with urinary incontinence.
Problems with kidney function are always accompanied by swelling that is in the upper body, on the face, eyelids and around the eyes. The companions of edema are irresistible thirst and the appearance of "dryness" in the mouth.
If you notice these symptoms, then do not even think about self-treatment, immediately consult a doctor who will help you in establishing the exactdiagnosis and treatment plan determination.

Why does kidney disease develop?
Pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system include a wide range of pathologies. The development of the disease occurs due to the influence of certain factors:
- Hypocooling of the kidneys affects the development of the inflammatory process. Try to avoid such problems.
- Alcohol has a very negative effect on the condition of the kidneys. They help remove alcohol from the body. If you drink alcoholic beverages regularly, then the human kidneys will work hard and lose their excretory and filtration function. Such activity is very dangerous. Alcohol affects the occurrence of various kidney pathologies.
- Infections and pathogens are often the culprit behind many kidney and urinary tract diseases.
- Constipation can adversely affect kidney pathology. All due to the fact that with a long stay of feces in the intestines of the patient, it happens that it begins to rot.
- Spasmodic changes in temperature. Because of this, the process of filtering the blood becomes more difficult, this concerns an increase in temperature. With regard to low temperatures, there is a change in blood flow, which aggravates the functioning of the excretory system.
- Constant stressful situations and fatigue definitely affect the decline in human immunity and affect the weakening of the body.
- Antibiotics. There is a huge group of antibiotics thatinterfere with the excretory and absorption functions of the kidneys.

The whole process of treating such an ailment will depend on what level of development it has reached and on its form. Note that the correct treatment of urinary tract pathologies can only be prescribed by a specialist who takes into account all the various options for the development of diseases.
Pathologies caused by infection are treated with antibiotics. It is absolutely not recommended to use such strong drugs on your own, be sure to contact a specialist who will prescribe them for you.
Such pathologies of the kidneys occur with an increase in temperature. In this situation, you need to use antipyretic drugs.

To increase immunity for the prevention of kidney disease with drugs, you need to use immunomodulators. Such medicines help the body to overcome such a disease. Such medicines should also be used only after being prescribed by a doctor, they cannot be taken on their own.
In addition to drugs, diet should be followed to prevent kidney disease in men and women. It helps limit s alt and caffeine intake because they dehydrate the body.
Proper nutrition in the prevention of chronic kidney disease is an essential requirement for a complete cure. It provides for the exclusion from the menu of spicy dishes, absolutely all rich broths, various seasonings to increase the taste, as well as strong coffee and alcohol.
Calorie contentfood should not be underestimated, an adult should consume up to 2500 kcal per day. The menu should be balanced in the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and contain a full range of vitamins and minerals.
Optimal is a plant-milk diet with the addition of meat and fish dishes.
It is necessary to introduce various vegetables into the daily menu: potatoes, zucchini, beets, cabbage, as well as a variety of fruits.

Using folk methods
Treatment and prevention of kidney disease can be carried out with the help of folk remedies. Today, medical methods of treatment are always carried out in combination with phytotherapy. Many symptoms characteristic of pathologies of the urinary system are always treated with the help of folk remedies. Without phytotherapy in such situations, nowhere. Herbal remedies reduce the likelihood of recurrence. The use of herbal remedies helps in strengthening the human body after the use of antibiotics, and also protects the intestines from their negative effects. Almost all of the recipes below are very budgetary and proven, and there should be no problems finding ingredients. These miracle cures include:
- Linden leaves. Leaves, flowers and inflorescences of such a tree are famous for their diuretic properties.
- Thyme. Such a plant contains not only diuretic and immunostimulating functions, but also helps to calm down and has an analgesic effect.
- Sage leaves. A solution of sage leaves is advised for pathologies of the gallbladder,liver and kidneys. It contains diuretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties.
- Infusion on motherwort. Such a plant is part of many diuretic solutions. Also used as an antispasmodic and antiseptic.
- Birch sap. It not only has a diuretic effect, but also has a positive effect on stimulating metabolism, with a variety of liver pathologies and inflammatory processes.
- Flaxseeds also have a strong effect and diuretic effect, because of this, they should be consumed in conjunction with a huge amount of liquid. Experts advise taking one teaspoon every morning.
The use of such remedies and infusions is highly discouraged in the event of edema, and also in cases where it is required to limit fluid intake. The use of stale plants can be fraught with chemical poisoning, it is because of this that it is necessary to pay attention to where these plants come from and how they were collected at all. Pay close attention to your he alth.

Such diseases can be avoided if timely start to engage in preventive procedures that include certain actions:
- You will need to give up bad habits that negatively affect the body, because the human cleansing organs have to work hard, and this will not lead to good.
- Constant physical activity reduces the risk of blood stasis in the body.
- Strengthening immunity. A very important and necessary item. A specialist will help you with this.
- You need to stick to proper nutrition. You will need a certain diet, try to avoid unhe althy foods. It is advisable to consult a dietitian who will help you in compiling a he althy diet.
- Be sure to observe personal and intimate hygiene.
- You will also need to follow the correct drinking regimen. From drinks, choose the most ordinary water or green tea, as well as herbal decoctions. Note that the decoctions must be from fresh herbs, be sure to pay attention to how they were collected.
- Don't take unnecessary medications.

The kidneys play an important role in regulating blood pressure by producing hormones. Kidney hormones such as erythropoietin control the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. The kidneys also influence the amount of calcium in the blood and the production of vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for mineralization, which helps keep bones strong. Therefore, you should treat your body with care and listen to the advice of a specialist, and also conduct a full examination from time to time to identify the presence of problems and eliminate them as soon as possible, if you adhere to all this, then everything will be fine and kidney problems can be avoided. We wish you a speedy recovery!