Hygroma of the hand is a very unpleasant phenomenon that causes physical and psychological discomfort. Education occurs not only in adult patients, but also in children. The main reason for its development is excessive mechanical stress on the hand, but it is not the only one.
What is pathology
Hygroma of the hand is a benign tumor (cyst) filled with fluid of various nature. It has the correct rounded dimensions. The cyst membrane is smooth and elastic. The fluid often contains mucus and fibrin, blood fragments.

Depending on the stage of development of education, its size may be different. The larger it is, the greater the discomfort that the patient will feel.
Most often, hygroma appears in the area of the wrist joint. It can be solitary, but in some cases a person has several cysts. They are formed due to microtrauma of the joint or the fact that the joint cannot hold the synovial fluid in the cavity, and it flows into the capsule, stretching it.
Reborn into malignanta hygroma tumor cannot, but it provokes other serious complications, so it must be fought.
Varieties of formations
Before you start treating hygroma on the hand, you need to figure out what it is. The following types of pathology can be distinguished:
- In the area of the wrist joint. They are clearly visible if they are not under the ligaments. Appear on the side, on the back or front. They are not characterized by bright soreness.
- On the fingers. They often grow to large sizes and cause intense pain as they compress the nerves.
- Under the skin of the fingers from the back. Such a hygroma is not large. Pain appears only when the formation is pressed.
- In the palm of your hand. In this case, it becomes difficult for a person to pick up some objects in his hand. The pain is caused by dysfunction of the tendons.
In some cases, the patient will need surgery, but it is better not to bring it to that.
Causes of occurrence

The causes of the hygroma of the brush are different. Negative factors include:
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Congenital weakness of the musculoskeletal system.
- Joint injury.
- Intense sports training.
- Lifting heavy objects.
- Inflammation or infection of the joint.
- Degenerative processes in the joint.
The risk group includes people who perform monotonous or hard work: seamstresses, athletes,office workers, musicians.
Over time, the hygroma of the hand can increase in size, cause severe physical discomfort. In general, the neoplasm is treated quite simply. Only in advanced cases, the patient may need surgery.
Symptoms of pathology
The main symptom of hygroma of the hand is the appearance of a round growth of the correct shape and dense consistency. If at first the limb may swell a little, then over time the bump can grow quickly or over many months. Small formations practically do not bother a person. However, large cysts are characterized by the following symptoms:
- Problems with brush strokes.
- Feeling of liquid pouring inside.
- Pain of various kinds.
- Changing skin tone. The affected area turns red. Sometimes the brush turns pale. The skin becomes rough.
- Clear outlines of education.
- Feeling of cold and numbness of the limb (if the formation presses on the nerve endings and blood vessels).
If these symptoms are present, then the patient needs to see a doctor for a choice of treatment tactics.
Diagnosis of pathology

Detection of brush hygroma (photo can be seen in the article) is not difficult. Even a therapist can make such a diagnosis, but it is better to contact a surgeon or orthopedist. It is enough for a specialist to visually inspect and fix the patient's complaints. In some cases it is requiredadditional diagnostic procedures:
- X-ray. Thanks to her, the specialist can detect the presence of other cysts and abscesses.
- Ultrasound. A study is used to determine the condition of the soft tissues.
- CT, MRI. Such techniques for the diagnosis of hygroma are used in advanced cases. They allow not only to assess the condition of soft and hard tissues, but also to find out the cause of the development of pathology.
If there is a suspicion of another type of tumor, then the patient is prescribed a puncture of the synovial fluid and a biopsy of the tumor tissue. In the future, the materials are subjected to histological and cytological analysis.
Conservative Therapy

Treatment of hygroma of the joint of the hand is carried out in several ways: conservative and alternative methods, as well as with the help of surgical intervention. No ointments or pills will help get rid of the neoplasm completely, however, it will be possible to eliminate the symptoms.
Conservative methods include:
- Puncture. It is performed under local anesthesia. A needle is inserted into the formation cavity to pump out the contents. After the procedure, antiseptic agents are introduced into the cyst, as well as glucocorticosteroids. Sometimes the patient will have to undergo a puncture 3-4 times. Its disadvantage is that there remains a high risk of recurrence of hygroma of the hand (photo of the procedure is presented above).
- Sclerosis. The presented method of therapy is similar to a puncture. First, from the formation cavity, it is necessaryremove all liquid. After that, it is washed with antiseptics. Further, special substances are introduced into the cyst, which glue the walls of the neoplasm. After the procedure, a tight bandage is applied to the brush, which must be worn for about 2-3 weeks. Also, during the recovery period, the load on the limb should be reduced.
- Physiotherapy treatment. The following procedures will be useful for the patient: paraffin or mud applications, electrophoresis with medications, ultraviolet irradiation.
- Compresses based on medicines. Local preparations are used here. However, they can temporarily relieve symptoms.
- Blockade. It is performed in the presence of a strong pain syndrome. Diprospan is used for administration. Injections are given in a hospital setting but are often not recommended.
- Crush. This method is also considered conservative, but doctors are gradually abandoning it. The method is a mechanical destruction of the formation, while the internal contents spread into the brush. Since it is sterile, there will be no particular harm to the patient. However, the presented method of therapy is painful and also ineffective. In the near future, a new appearance of the hygroma of the brush is possible. Reviews suggest that surgical removal provides the best results.
In severe cases, the pathology is treated with surgery. In this way, you can completely get rid of the pathology and prevent its occurrence in the future.

The operation of the hygroma of the hand is carried out according to certain indications. It is needed in case of a strong increase in the size of the formation (more than 1 cm), limitation of arm mobility, accompanied by severe pain. An indication for intervention is compression of nerve fibers or blood vessels.
Intervention is necessary when the cyst is infected. There are several ways to get rid of the problem:
- Traditional operation. It involves cutting the neoplasm with a scalpel. This type of operation takes about an hour. It provides for a subsequent period of rehabilitation. The disadvantage of intervention is the possibility of infection in the wound, as well as a long recovery period.
- Laser removal. This is a modern method of dealing with pathology, which is considered the safest and most effective. It reduces the risk of complications or relapse to a minimum. Also, the operation is characterized by minimal blood loss, no scarring.
- Endoscopic surgery. The presented intervention is more preferable, as it is less traumatic. To remove the hygroma, small incisions are needed, from which there is no trace. After endoscopy, the recovery period does not last long, but the arm should not be loaded for a while.
During recovery, the patient needs to limit the load on the arm. For this, orthopedic devices or an elastic bandage are used. If this period is missed, then the person will have a relapse.
Surgical operation of hygroma on the hand is the method that is used as a last resort. In order to avoid intervention, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In no case should you self-medicate.
Folk recipes

Treatment of hand hygroma with folk remedies will be effective if it is carried out in complex therapy in the early stages of the development of the disease. It will not be possible to completely eliminate the neoplasm, but you can get rid of the symptoms. The following recipes will be useful:
- Celandine juice. From a fresh plant, squeeze 1 tbsp. l. liquids. The affected area of \u200b\u200bthe brush must first be steamed, after which celandine juice is applied to it. Next, the hand is wrapped with gauze and polyethylene. The compress must be fixed and kept for 12 hours. The course of therapy lasts 2-3 weeks. The compress is applied once a day.
- Cabbage leaves. They need to be loosened up a bit. Next, honey is applied to the sheet and applied to the affected area. The compress must be well fixed. Sheets need to be changed every 2 hours. In general, the procedure lasts up to 8 hours. The duration of therapy depends on the degree of complexity of the disease, and it lasts until the symptoms disappear.
- Kombucha. A compress is also made from it.
- Decoction of lilac. Requires 2 tbsp. l. flowers of the plant and half a liter of water. The mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. Next, the liquid is filtered and applied to wipe the affected area. Treatmentlasts until symptoms disappear.
- Decoction of pine branches. They are filled with water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. Next, the decoction is used to knead the dough, from which cakes are formed and applied to the hand.
- Mixture of red clay and s alt. After connecting the components, the result should be a viscous porridge, the agent is applied to the hygroma. The compress lasts throughout the day. The course of therapy is 10 days.
- Ointment based on propolis. Before using it, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction. 70 g of raw materials and the same amount of butter are placed in the container. Next, the mixture is sent to the oven for 2.5 hours. The resulting product is placed in the refrigerator. After it has cooled, it is necessary to apply the ointment daily to the affected area.
- wormwood. The fresh plant is crushed, and the resulting slurry is applied to the brush as a compress. The minimum duration of therapy is 1 week.
Folk recipes are not a panacea and often can only remove the symptoms, and not get rid of the cause of its occurrence.
Possible complications and prevention

Removal of brush hygroma is carried out only as a last resort. However, if there are indications for intervention, but it is not carried out, then the patient may experience the following complications:
- Purulent tendovaginitis or bursitis.
- More difficult treatment for recurring hygromas.
- Development of degenerative processes in the area of the hand, which will lead tolimiting her mobility.
To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to consult a surgeon in a timely manner and not self-medicate. Education does not degenerate into a malignant tumor, but it can provoke the development of destructive processes in the limbs that cannot be reversed.
Hygroma is an unpleasant and often painful disease that sometimes requires surgery. However, this pathology can be avoided. To do this, follow the following recommendations of experts:
- Correctly distribute the load on the hand so that it does not constantly lie on the same joint. To reduce it, you can use orthopedic devices. This applies to all members of the risk group.
- Avoid hand injury.
- If the limb was damaged, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment and rehabilitation. Untreated injuries cause the development of hygroma.
- It is important to avoid the spread of the infectious process to the joints or treat it in time.
- Remove any negative factors contributing to the development of pathology.
The presented disease must be treated immediately after the first symptoms appear. It is better not to bring it to such an extent that the neoplasm squeezes the blood vessels and nerves. This condition disrupts tissue nutrition, which is fraught with serious complications.
Reviews of the pathology are very different. Laser removal helped many, others are afraid of such an intervention and use folk methods. How to treat the disease -it's up to you.