"Bio Blis": reviews, instructions for use

"Bio Blis": reviews, instructions for use
"Bio Blis": reviews, instructions for use

In the article, we will consider reviews of Bio Blis.

Pharmacological agent is a unique probiotic product based on a patented bacterium called BLIS K12.

New Zealand Professor John Tagg, on the basis of many years of scientific research, found that beneficial bacteria of the S. salivarius class in children who do not suffer from otitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases differ significantly from bacteria of the same class in children prone to these pathologies, the ability to produce natural antibacterial substances - lantibiotics, which are able to suppress pathogens.

instructions for use
instructions for use

These strains of bacteria were called BLIS K12. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they produce two powerful antimicrobial substances (salivaricin B and salivaricin) that can suppress or significantly limit the growth of pathological bacteria that lead to the developmentdiseases of the ear, throat, gums, nose, teeth, and are also responsible for the occurrence of an unpleasant odor in the mouth. Reviews of "Bio Blis" will be presented at the end of the article.


Each tablet of this pharmacological agent contains: Streptococcus Salivarius K 12 (BLIS K12) -1×109, as well as excipients: strawberry essence flavoring, sorbitol sweetener, silica carrier, magnesium stearate emulsifier, cellulose carrier.

This product is available in the form of lozenges, 30 pieces per package.

Pharmacological properties

It is a unique tool that helps to restore the imbalance in the microflora of the oral cavity, which helps to eliminate bad breath. Reviews of Bio Bliss probiotic are mostly positive.

bio blis reviews
bio blis reviews

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for use in the following pathological conditions:

  • Otitis, tonsillitis.
  • Weakened immunity, through prophylactic use 2-3 times a year.
  • Prophylactically taking people who have contact with a sick person.
  • When developing viral infections in order to prevent secondary bacterial infection.
  • When bad breath and pathologies of teeth and gums occur.

Instructions for use

Assigned means "Bio Blis" one tablet once a day. For 1-3 months it can be used continuously. In addition, it is recommended to use thismedication before or after antibiotic treatment.

bio bliss reviews for kids
bio bliss reviews for kids

Treatment in childhood

Bio Bliss Kids has been specially developed for children. It prevents streptococcal infections, prevents them from multiplying in the throat, ears, and has been proven effective in preventing ear infections and tonsillitis in children. This drug significantly reduces the need for antibiotic therapy and does not harm the normal balance of the bacterial flora of the body.

According to reviews, "Bio Blis" is ideal for children.

The drug helps prevent pathologies such as:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • halitosis;
  • otitis media.


No restrictions on the use of this remedy are indicated in the instructions for use, since it is absolutely safe and well tolerated by patients of any age. This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of "Bio Blis".

bio blis instructions reviews
bio blis instructions reviews


The list of therapeutic benefits of this pharmacological product includes the following facts:

  1. A friendly bacterium that provides unique protection against strep infection in the throat, mouth and ear.
  2. Reducing the need for the use of antibiotics, which significantly disrupt the normal flora on the mucous membranes of the body.
  3. Product can be used with3 years of age in children for whom a separate preparation "Bio Bliss Kids" has been specially developed.
  4. Provides strong oral protection and dental he alth (prevents cavities).
  5. It has a pleasant strawberry flavor.
  6. Product easy to use (lozenges).
  7. The product is absolutely safe for daily use.
  8. Made from natural ingredients.
  9. It is allowed to store the drug at room temperature. Of course, it is better to read reviews about Bio Bliss in advance.
probiotic bio blis reviews
probiotic bio blis reviews

Manufacturer and price

Means for the prevention of staphylococcal infection "Bio Blis" is produced by the Israeli pharmaceutical company SubHerb. Has an approximate price of 1300-1500 rubles per package.

Reviews about "Bio Blis" from doctors

Medical experts in the field of otolaryngology note that in order to reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, it is necessary to reduce the risk of staphylococcus infection. For these purposes, according to doctors, it is desirable to use natural preparations and additives that do not have a powerful chemical effect on the body and are absolutely harmless. This is especially important in childhood, when the immune system is not yet sufficiently formed and cannot repel the attacks of pathogenic bacteria. In this situation, Bio Blis can come to the rescue, which acts naturally, has no contraindications and side effects, and can be prescribed even to the smallest patients.

Patient testimonials

People who took this drug or gave it to their children note that its effect cannot be characterized as pronounced. Many patients say that they managed to reduce the incidence of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, infectious ear diseases only through long-term use of Bio Blis. Such a course of treatment in some cases reached six months.

There are also negative reviews about this supplement. Consumers in them note that the additive has a rather high price, and the effectiveness of this tool leaves much to be desired. In this case, in order to achieve maximum results, you need to take this pharmacological drug for quite a long time, but it turns out to be very expensive.

As for the negative effects on the background of taking this remedy, no side effects were noted by patients. They say that such a drug can be taken for a long time and not be afraid that such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, upset stools, etc., which almost all medicines purchased at a pharmacy have, will appear.

We reviewed the instructions and reviews for Bio Blis.
