Often, parents go to the doctors because the child has bruises under the eyes. If there was no injury, then this is usually regarded as a sign of a serious illness. What do bruises under the eyes mean in children? The causes of this phenomenon can be both dangerous and harmless. Read more about this in the article.
This appearance
What causes bruises under the eyes of a child? If a child has deep-set eyes, then circles under them are a common feature of appearance. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs in the parent.

Often, bruises appear in fair-skinned children who from birth have thin skin, blond hair, blue eyes. Their vessels are located close to the skin, which creates the illusion of bruising. This should not cause concern. Such a phenomenon may disappear over time, as the facial bones of the skull grow intensively, there is a change in facial features.
Dark circles under the eyesthe child may appear from overwork and lack of sleep. If there is no specific routine, such as daytime sleep, limiting TV viewing, then dark circles are a symptom of fatigue.
In this case, it is not necessary to be examined by doctors. It will only be necessary to restore the daily regimen, make sure that the child rests in quiet tea. The child should go to bed and get up at the same time. And watching cartoons and computer games should be limited.
Worms and other parasites
This is another answer to the question "what causes bruises under the eyes of a child." There may be parasites in the intestines. This is due to the fact that helminths secrete their waste products, which are toxic to the baby. Because of this, hemoglobin in the blood decreases.

It is important to closely monitor the child. If, in addition to bruising and swelling under the eyes, the child has other symptoms (loss of appetite, weight loss, headaches, itching in the perineum), then the help of an infectious disease specialist is needed. It is necessary to take blood and stool tests. If treatment is carried out to eliminate the parasites, the circles will disappear.
Unhe althy diet
The cause of dark circles under the eyes of a child may lie in an unbalanced, irregular diet. This symptom also appears when there are low-quality or spoiled foods in the diet. The reaction of the body is manifested in the form of general systemic metabolic disorders.
Bruises under the eyes of a child at 3 years old may indicate a lack of certain vitamins, usuallyB, E, A, D, as well as calcium. Check for violations allow blood tests and consultation with a pediatrician.
Weak immunity
If the baby has recently had a disease, especially a viral one, the appearance of blue circles under the eyes of a child should not be a concern. The fragile children's immunity is still "tired", hemoglobin is lowered.

Child needs rest after illness. You should not immediately take him to kindergarten or school. Useful walks in the fresh air, the use of fruits and vegetables. With the right approach, dark circles can disappear in 1 week.
In some cases, dark circles under the eyes of a child are evidence of circulatory disorders, layers in the lymphatic system. It is advisable to examine the kidneys. Usually, ultrasound is enough to identify the state of the excretory system with urine and blood tests. With kidney disease, in addition to blue circles under the eyes, the child has bags, there is a general swelling of the face.
This symptom may indicate heart problems. Their occurrence is associated with oxygen starvation of the body, which is quite often the case with cardiovascular diseases. What else causes bruises under the eyes of a child? Red spots can be symptoms of allergies, which can be different - food, seasonal, medicinal. Also, a negative reaction appears on animal hair, dust.
If a child has bruises under the eyes, then this may be a sign of inflammation and growth of the palatine tonsil. In the people this phenomenoncalled adenoids. There is a violation of nasal breathing. If this condition persists in a child for a long time, there may be mimic changes.
If the baby has bruises under the eyes, the child is pale and lethargic, this may be a symptom of hepatitis or thyroid pathologies. Saturated yellow spots are considered signs of problems with hematopoiesis.
What else causes bruises under the eyes of a child? In rare cases, this may be due to diseases of the oral cavity, such as tooth decay. In this case, you should visit a pediatric dentist. After successful treatment, the circles quickly disappear.
Bruises under the eyes appear with injuries - from blows or fractures of the nasal septum. Hemorrhage can be on one side or both. You need to visit a traumatologist who will determine the risk of injury and prescribe treatment.
In infants
In babies at 1 year of age, darker circles occur due to fatigue, disruption of sleep and wakefulness. It is also associated with a lack of iron and vitamins. Children under one year old should be shown to a pediatrician in order to find out exactly the cause, and, if necessary, to carry out treatment.

"Ambulance" must be called in case of sharpening of the child's facial features and the appearance of pronounced bruises, breathing problems, severe weakness. Such manifestations may be evidence of heart problems that require urgent hospitalization and qualified assistance.
Also, an ambulance is called when an emergency occursdeep bruising under the eyes with vomiting or prolonged diarrhea. In this case, the circles indicate acute dehydration. Dehydration is deadly for children.
Don't panic. If bruising is not a common feature of appearance, then you need to visit a pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe blood, urine, stool tests. If necessary, ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract is performed.

If the cause lies in the kidneys, then the treatment will be performed by a nephrologist and a urologist. When the kidneys are in order, they visit a cardiologist to check the work of the heart. The doctor will find out if there is vegetative-vascular dystonia, measure the pressure. If necessary, an electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels are performed. When the cause is not identified, a visit to the allergist is required, who will conduct allergy tests. Need to check for allergies.
Therapy differs depending on the cause. If worms are detected, antihelminthic drugs and vitamins are needed. Allergies require antihistamines. If kidney damage is detected, diuretics and antibiotics should be taken.
Since the circles themselves are not a disease, they do not need to be treated. It is required to eliminate the pathology that led to such a symptom. In most cases, diseases are not detected, but it will not hurt to get tested.
The child should correct the regime of the day, provide a good rest. He should walk more in the fresh air and have very little timespend at the computer and TV. Usually bruises disappear after a few days with an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. The child's menu should include foods with iron - chicken yolk, buckwheat porridge, seaweed, liver.
The house must be free of allergens. Therefore, cleaning should not be done with detergents containing chlorine. Baby clothes and bedding are washed with hypoallergenic baby powders.
The correct drinking regimen is also important. When you use an insufficient amount of fluid, the metabolism is disturbed. The norm of water is set according to the formula: the weight of the child x 30. You only need to use clean drinking water, fruit drinks, compote, tea. All drinks should be at room temperature as they are quickly digested in the small intestine.
What not to do
It is forbidden to self-medicate, as it can cause deterioration. This is especially true in cases where the cause of bruising lies in the disease. It is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective therapy.
If, in addition to bruises, pallor of the face is noticeable, the child should be urgently taken to the pediatrician. A blood test is mandatory at the hospital to determine the cause of this condition.

Only a doctor can select medicines. The patient's condition should be monitored by a specialist. If there are complications, you need to stop taking the drug. The doctor may prescribe another. It is forbidden to increase the dosage of drugs on your own.
Not worth ituse folk remedies in the presence of pathologies. In this case, they will be useless, the drugs prescribed by the doctor are needed.
To protect against the appearance of blue circles under the eyes of a child, you need to follow a few recommendations from doctors:
- Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and the entire body. You should take care of the cleanliness and humidity of the air in the room. The child must walk outside every day.
- The daily routine is of great importance. Preschoolers need to sleep at least 10 hours, schoolchildren - at least 8 hours. The sooner sleep comes, the better. Afternoon sleep is the prevention of fatigue and deterioration of protective forces.
- Food should be he althy and complete. Parents should make sure that their child gets the right amount of minerals and vitamins. Preservatives, dangerous fats, toxins should be included in the diet as little as possible.
- Parents should monitor the mental and physical activity of the baby. When he is overtired, activity restriction is required. In this case, the child needs rest in a calm environment.
- Even slight changes in a child's well-being is a reason to be wary. The development of many ailments is almost asymptomatic, but some of their manifestations can make themselves felt. The sooner the disease is detected, the better the prognosis.
- For a good condition of the organs of vision and the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to limit the child's stay at the computer and gadgets. Instead, walks onoutdoor activities and books.
The child should be explained that even the slightest injury can be hazardous to he alth. Especially carefully it is necessary to protect the head from bruises and cuts.
Even if the cause of bruises is physiological and hereditary, you need to carefully consider the he alth of the child. If there is any doubt, it is better to take the child to the doctor.
How to hide bruises under the eyes?
Quickly eliminate dark circles can herbal lotions. It is necessary to boil the collection, cool it and put it in a small amount on gauze. In 100 ml of water, 3 tbsp. l. herbs. The compress is placed on the area under the eyes for 5-10 minutes. For these purposes, the use is excellent:
- daisies;
- sage;
- calendula;
- tea.

Swelling can be relieved by ice applied to the problem area. It is advisable to take the previous recipe as a basis and make ice from the broth. This improves efficiency.
Thus, bruises under the eyes of a child occur for various reasons. Parents should not panic ahead of time. After all, the cause of this condition may not be dangerous, and the symptom may quickly disappear.