Every person should know about the signs and treatment of sinusitis. This disease, correctly referred to as sinusitis, is very common. It is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses.
What causes it to happen? What symptoms indicate the presence of this disease? And, most importantly, how to treat it? This and much more should now be told in full detail.
Before you start a story about the signs and treatment of sinusitis, you need to pay a little attention to the causes and prerequisites for its development.
As a rule, this disease is caused by chlamydia, streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, viruses, Haemophilus influenzae, and mycoplasma. In adults, most often the disease occurs due to the ingestion of a virus. As a rule, these are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.
In childrenmost often, the disease develops as a result of exposure to the body of mycoplasma or chlamydia. In immunocompromised patients, as well as in seriously ill patients, sinusitis is caused by saprophytic and fungal microflora.
You also need to take into account the impact of predisposing factors. In this case, these include conditions and ailments that complicate the ventilation of the maxillary sinus, which contributes to the entry of infection into the cavity. You can select them in the following list:
- Rhinitis of any etiology (acute and chronic).
- Pharyngitis and chronic tonsillitis.
- Adenoids.
- Caries on the upper molars.
- Narrow nasal passages from birth.
- Surgical intervention that was performed on the alveolar process of the upper jaw, or on the teeth.
- Deviated nasal septum.
It is important to note that the risk of developing the disease under discussion increases significantly in autumn and winter. This is due to a natural decrease in immunity.

Productive sinusitis
The signs, symptoms and treatment of this form of sinusitis should be mentioned first, since the disease requires specific therapy. Productive sinusitis is accompanied not only by inflammation of the mucosa - its degeneration also occurs. This form of the disease can go into a more serious condition:
- Polypous sinusitis. Based on the name, you can understand what it is fraught with. Polyps begin to form on the mucosa, which overlapexcretion pathways, as well as interfere with normal breathing. The following symptoms appear: lack of smell, discomfort, difficulty swallowing. If therapy does not help, an operation is prescribed to remove the formed polyps.
- Hyperplastic sinusitis. It is characterized by excessive thickening of the mucous membrane. Of the specific symptoms, one can also note impaired breathing. The cause is a deviated septum, which can be corrected through surgery.
Also, in some cases, a cyst grows in the nose. This is a benign tumor that is filled with fluid. If it is not removed, it will grow. In the future, the cyst may completely block breathing.
So, if a person noticed the first signs of sinusitis, treatment and therapy should be started immediately (of course, this requires examination and diagnosis). After all, if the disease progresses, then it will be difficult to manage with medicines - an operation will be needed. Only she is able to save a person from the manifestations and consequences of sinusitis of a productive form.
Exudative sinusitis
Now you can move on to the study of the signs and treatment of sinusitis of this form. This type of disease is characterized by a change in the sinus mucosa.
Symptoms of exudative sinusitis can be listed as follows:
- Pain syndrome of a specific nature. A person is disturbed by discomfort in the sinus area, but they can also spread to the entire head. However, the pain is clearly dependent on the positionbody. With head tilts and nods, it is significantly enhanced. If a person takes a supine position, it decreases. Why? Because at such moments, the exudate in the sinus cavity is redistributed.
- Masses discharged from the nose. Before infection with bacteria, they usually have a whitish color or are completely transparent. The consistency of the discharge is liquid or mucous. When the bacterial flora joins, the masses become yellow, green or even brown. The consistency also becomes thicker, and an unpleasant odor may appear.
- General weakness, fever, stuffy nose, lost sense of smell, sleep problems.
It is important to note that one-sided accumulation of fluid in the sinus is much easier. But the process of a bilateral nature is distinguished by a pronounced clinical picture, and is also characterized by a particularly difficult condition of the patient. Of course, it also gets more complicated.

Principles of Therapy
The signs of sinusitis were briefly discussed above. And now we can also talk about treatment. In the case of this form of the disease, therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating the negative symptoms that cause a person to feel unwell.
In addition, one of the main tasks is the destruction of pathogenic microflora. This is important, because it is pathogenic bacteria that provoke the development of the disease.
If you correctly determine the methods and means of treatment, and do not hesitate with therapy, you will be able to quickly stopsinusitis. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms. After all, if you let the disease take its course, then the occurrence of complications will not take long. It is even possible to become chronic.
Vasoconstrictive drops
As part of the topic concerning the signs of sinusitis in adults and the treatment of the disease, it is worth listing the funds used to eliminate the symptoms and the disease itself.
In case of an exudative form of the disease, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drops in the first place. After all, it is they who reduce the swelling of the mucous epithelium and minimize the amount of exudate produced. Usually prescribed such drops:
- Rinostop. Begins to act a few minutes after application. The action lasts up to 10 hours. The drug effectively eliminates hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane, facilitates breathing and restores normal patency of the nasal passages.
- "Otrivin". The peculiarity of this drug is a balanced pH value, which is typical for the nasal cavity. It also has a cooling effect due to the eucalyptol and menthol contained in the composition.
- Xymelin. Well suited for therapeutic purposes, as it has an alpha-adrenomimetic effect. It does not cause hyperemia, does not irritate the mucous membrane. The action lasts up to 12 hours after using the drops.
- "Nesopin". The use of this product containing eucalyptus oil also eliminates puffiness. Its action lasts from 8 to 12 hours.
- "Afrin". Another well-known remedylong action. These drops constrict the vessels of the mucous membranes of the nose, the Eustachian tube, and paranasal sinuses. They are allowed to be used for various conditions - from allergies to infectious and inflammatory rhinitis. By the way, it contains sodium carmellose and several other excipients, thanks to which drops do not flow down the throat, but are retained on the nasal mucosa.
When discussing ways to eliminate the signs of sinusitis in adults, and the treatment of this disease, it should also be noted that Nazol, Sialor Rino and Nazivin drops can still be used. They have a similar effect, and their effect is quite long-lasting. There are also "Rinonorm", "Snoop", "Rinorus", "Otrivin" and "Galazolin" - high-quality drugs, but acting for a shorter amount of time.

Steroid Drops
Since we are talking about the signs of sinusitis in adults and the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to mention the use of drugs from this category.
Steroid drops are prescribed if any allergen has become a predisposing factor for exudative sinusitis. Such drugs help to quickly get rid of inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane.
They are suitable for long-term use, as they act locally, and not on the whole body. However, the doctor determines the scheme and duration of therapy, but usually it is three weeks.
Here are the known drugs from this group:
- "Nasonex". Stops inflammation quicklyprocess that develops in the upper respiratory tract. Able to help even with a chronic disease.
- "Dezrinit". Gradually weakens, and then completely eliminates inflammation, symptoms and signs of sinusitis in adults. Treatment and therapy with this drug, by the way, is also possible if the child is sick. "Dezrinit" is prescribed from the age of two.
- Flixonase. In a short time period, it helps to get rid of inflammation, and also significantly improves the patient's condition - such a general effect is observed already 2-4 hours after application. Burning, swelling, itching, and nasal congestion disappear. What is important - after one use, the effect lasts a day.
- Avamys. One of the safest steroid drugs. It can even be used to eliminate the signs of sinusitis in a child. And treatment with this drug, it should be noted, is very effective. It also helps to cope with allergies.
- "Nasobek". It is also an anti-inflammatory agent. Contains beclomethasone, and therefore partially depresses the immune system.
- "Aldecin". Another well-known steroid drug that has a positive effect on the functional parameters of external respiration.
You can't do without taking them if the disease is of a bacterial nature. A person who does not take antibiotics is at great risk - purulent exudate that accumulates in the sinuses can “break through” at any time. This is fraught with brain damage. And such a condition is dangerous for the development of meningitis or encephalitis.
The doctor prescribes drugs of this category (however, like any other). It is mandatory to conduct two diagnostic studies, which include bacteriological culture and antibiogram. This cannot be neglected. By starting self-treatment with antibiotics, the patient is at great risk - the wrong drug can cause anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.
Here is what the doctor can prescribe:
- Penicillin preparations. They are used in the treatment of mild sinusitis. From the use of penicillins, there are practically no side effects. List of drugs: "Ampisid", "Sultamicillin", "Augmentin", "Sulbacin", "Amoxiclav", "Flemoclav".
- Macrolides. If the human body does not perceive penicillins, then he is prescribed medications of this series. List of drugs: "Clarithromycin", "Erythromycin", "Josamycin", "Midecamycin", "Azithromycin", "Zitrolide", "Azitrus", "Spiramycin".
- Fluoroquinols. They are very highly effective, most pathogenic microorganisms do not have resistance to them. List of drugs: Gemifloxacin, Unikpev, Cifrinol, Avelox, Levofloxacin, Normax, Tarivid.
- Cephalosporins. These funds are not prescribed in cases where, for example, it is necessary to eliminate the earliest symptoms (when the disease proceeds without a temperature). Signs of sinusitis in adults (and treatment, respectively) must be very serious for a person to be prescribed cephalosporins. Usually there is a threat of brain damage, or transition to a chronic form of development. Also cephalosporins are prescribed,if other antibiotics have failed. List of drugs: Zaftera, Cefepim, Ceftriaxone, Zinacef, Mefoxin, Ceflexin.
If a person has very serious signs and symptoms of sinusitis, treatment without antibiotics is not enough. Their reception is mandatory if any of the following are present:
- Pressing sensation localized in forehead and nose. Strengthens when turning the head.
- Significantly elevated body temperature, fever.
- Pain in the eye sockets and frontal lobes.
- Difficult nasal breathing that gets worse at night.
- Copious discharge of purulent exudate.
- Severe headaches that even strong painkillers can't help.
If you do not start treatment at home for sinusitis in time, its signs will only intensify. The disease can affect the brain, and the consequences of such a development of events are unpredictable.

Folk remedies
Elimination of signs, symptoms of sinusitis in adults, and the treatment of this disease requires a professional approach. However, many resort to folk remedies. Some of them can actually contribute to the treatment. Here are the remedies considered most effective:
- Aloe drops. It is necessary to cut a few leaves of the plant, which are at least 2 years old. Before this, it is necessary to stop watering for a day. Wrap the cut leaves in paper and place on the bottom shelf.refrigerator. They must be kept there for at least 3 days, and preferably 2 weeks. Then the sheets are washed and the juice is squeezed out of them with gauze. This liquid must be instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day for a week.
- Drops with honey. To prepare this remedy, you will also need aloe juice: one tablespoon, to be more precise. It must be poured into a dark glass bottle and mixed with liquid May honey (0.5 tsp). Apply these drops 3 times a day. You can store them for no more than four days, and always in the refrigerator.
- Ointment from laundry soap. You need to take this product and grind it. Then melt in a water bath (1 tbsp is enough), add a small piece of propolis, and 1 tsp each. aloe juice, onion and honey. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, you can remove the container from the heat. The resulting ointment must be cooled, then you can use it. The mixture is applied to a cotton swab, and then placed in the nostril for 10-15 minutes.
- Remedy based on Vishnevsky's ointment. To make it, you must first bake one onion in the oven so that it becomes soft. Then, when it cools down, it is crushed into gruel, and then mixed with Vishnevsky's ointment and honey. You need a few components, just such an amount that the mass becomes similar in consistency to thick sour cream. Use later in the same way as the previous one.
- Ointment with Kalanchoe. The composition of this tool is similar to the previous one. It is necessary to take 0.5 tsp. Vishnevsky ointment and add three drops of Kalanchoe juice, onion and cyclamen. You can use this tool after 1 day forweeks.
- Drops based on cyclamen. They are easy to prepare. The root of the plant must be properly cleaned, and then finely grated. Squeeze out the juice using gauze. Then dilute in equal proportions with water. Use daily by instilling 2 drops once in each nostril.
- Infusion of cyclamen. Another remedy used in the elimination of signs of sinusitis in adults, and the treatment of this disease. To make it, you need to take 4 grams of the root and pour it with a glass of boiling water. When the composition has cooled, you can strain. Use daily for a week, 3 drops in each nostril, morning and evening.
- Horse chestnut candle. This unusual remedy is actively used in the home treatment of sinusitis. Symptoms of the disease go away pretty quickly after the start of such therapy. The steps are as follows: first, the fruit is soaked in a warm saline solution for one night. In the morning, a triangular-shaped candle is cut out, then fixed on a safety pin. After that, the person, leaning forward, should insert the resulting product into the nostril. In 10-15 minutes, the accumulated exudate will come out. You can use this tool once a day.
- Drops from sea buckthorn. You need to take 50 grams of berries and chop them well. Then add the same amount of olive oil to the mixture, and send it to the refrigerator for 24 hours. Strain after time. Use three times a day, 2 drops in each nostril.
- Drops from fresh beets. It is impossible not to mention this remedy, which is actively used to treat sinusitis at home. And the signs of the disease, by the way,really disappear pretty quickly. To make such drops, you need to finely grate the fresh beets, and then squeeze out its juice with gauze. In a ratio of 1:3, dilute with boiled water at room temperature. Apply the resulting mixture three times a day, 3 drops in each nostril. One week is enough.
- Drops based on garlic juice. To cook them, you need to heat 20 ml of olive oil in a water bath. Then combine with fresh garlic juice (6 drops are enough). Apply this remedy morning and evening. You can not bury it in the nostrils - just generously lubricate a cotton swab with it, and then carefully treat the nasal cavity.
With the help of the listed products, the signs of sinusitis are often eliminated. And treatment with folk remedies, according to reviews, is very effective. The main thing for them, as with any medicine, is not to abuse it. And it is advisable to first consult with your doctor.

Much has been said above about the signs of sinusitis, symptoms and treatment. Where it hurts with this disease, as well as what medications should be taken, is also clear. Now we need to talk about such a popular home method of therapy as flushing.
Here are the three most popular solutions used in this procedure:
- Saline. Preparing elementary. It is necessary to dissolve one teaspoon of s alt in boiling water (250-500 ml), and then additionally strain the liquid. When the mixture has cooled to a comfortable temperature, itcan be used. Rinse the nose with a solution gently, without retracting movements. By the way, the same composition can be used for inhalation. It is enough just to moisten a small piece of linen cloth in it, then spread it on your face, and leave it for 10 minutes.
- Chamomile. It is also actively used in the elimination of signs of sinusitis and the treatment of the disease. You need to take chamomile flowers (3 g) and pour boiling water (250 ml). Infuse for 40 minutes. Then strain. You can use the composition twice a day.
- Furacilin. You need to take one tablet and dissolve in boiling water (100 ml). Keep the mixture on fire for about 3 more minutes. After that, cool. Then you can apply.
It is worth mentioning that weak solutions of potassium permanganate and chlorhexidine are still used to eliminate the signs of sinusitis and treat various forms of the disease. They can be used up to four times a day. The most important thing is to make a really non-concentrated solution. Overdosing with the dosage can simply burn the nasal mucosa, which will only complicate the course of the disease.

This method of treatment also needs to be told, since we are talking about the signs and treatment of sinusitis in a child and adults.
Absolutely everyone can do inhalation, it's very simple. But in the case of sinusitis (especially if it has just begun to develop), this is prohibited. Such a procedure will only increase the inflammatory process. Inhalation can even lead to negative consequences.
Must rememberthat fever, fever, purulent inflammation, as well as cardiac pathologies are absolute contraindications to the use of inhalations.
However, although this procedure will not be useful in the treatment of the first signs of sinusitis, it will become very appropriate in cases where chronic sinusitis is in remission. Inhalations with the addition of essential oils, isotonic or soda solutions, as well as propolis, chamomile or eucalyptus can reduce the severity of inflammation and significantly improve the ventilation capacity of the sinuses.
It is worth listing several effective options that are allowed even to eliminate the signs of sinusitis in a child. Treatment and therapy should definitely be supplemented with the following inhalations:
- 30 large bay leaves pour boiling water (1 l). Simmer for five minutes, then simmer for another hour. Then you can use it for its intended purpose - inhale warm vapors, covering yourself with a blanket.
- Mix plantain, mint and celandine in a ratio of 2:3:2. Take 4 tbsp. l. the resulting collection, send to boil over moderate heat for five minutes. When the composition has cooled to a comfortable temperature, inhalation can be done. This collection should be alternated with others. You can combine raspberries, eucalyptus and calendula (3:1:1) or celandine with yarrow, chamomile and St. John's wort (1:3:2:1).
- Dilute 6-7 drops of essential oil in a liter of hot water. It's best to use something made from eucalyptus, geranium, tea tree, fir, mint, or pine.
Also to fixsigns of sinusitis and treatment of the disease often make inhalation with a nebulizer. They are allowed even with severe inflammation. And if the previous options are applicable only to eliminate the signs of sinusitis and treatment in adults without fever, then inhalation through a nebulizer can be done even under this condition.
It's easy. A few drops of the drug are mixed with 2-3 ml of saline and inhaled. Usually vasoconstrictor drops, Isofra spray, Bioparox aerosol and Polydex drops are usually used. Inhalations performed according to all the rules for 7-10 days will help you quickly get rid of sinusitis and protect yourself from the consequences.
Continuing to talk about the elimination of signs of sinusitis and the treatment of folk remedies for this disease, it is worth listing some more effective procedures. Applications are very popular. Especially the following:
- Paraffin candle should be melted in a water bath. After that, apply the resulting mass to the area of the maxillary sinuses and forehead. Then cover the face with a film and insulate it. 10 such procedures performed daily are enough.
- Cook hard boiled eggs. When they are ready, wrap them in a cloth and apply to the sinuses until they cool.
- Grate the black radish with the peel. Then wrap in fabric. Apply the resulting application to the maxillary sinuses, after lubricating the skin with oil. Insulate this area and wait 10 minutes. Do this procedure daily for a week.
- Soak a bandage made of wool in a strong saline solution. Imposeit on the sinus area, then cover with a towel.
- Take 30 grams of bay leaf, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for a few minutes. Shortly before going to bed, make an application on the bridge of the nose and forehead. Also insulate and hold until it cools down.
Those applications that involve temperature effects are allowed to be used only for chronic sinusitis, which is not in the acute stage.

Much has been said above about the signs of sinusitis in adults. What treatment measures are used to eliminate the symptoms is also clear. What can I say in closing?
The fact that any of the listed funds are allowed to be used only after consultation with your doctor. Only a specialist will tell you about the appropriateness of using a particular method. Sometimes even the most harmless folk remedy can be harmful if a person has individual contraindications.
Speaking about the signs, causes and treatment of sinusitis, I would also like to recall the importance of preventive measures. You can minimize your risk of getting sinusitis by doing the following:
- Prevention of colds, proper nutrition, hardening and taking vitamins.
- Timely treatment of any disease.
- Compliance with hygiene rules.
- Strengthening immunity.
But any treatment of sinusitis must begin with a consultation with an otolaryngologist. No need to risk your he alth and run suchserious illness.