Pyelonephritis of the kidneys is an infectious and inflammatory process that is provoked by various bacteria. It begins mainly in the pelvis or medulla of the kidney. There are two main routes of infection into the body and they are associated with urinary and filtering functions.
In most people, against the background of the course of pyelonephritis, immunity is weakened. This contributes to the faster development of infectious processes. If the acute stage is not treated in a timely manner, then it becomes chronic. It can provoke many different complications, such as high blood pressure and chronic kidney failure.
Features of the disease
Pyelonephritis of the kidneys is a disease that threatens the most dangerous and complex consequences. If the first signs of the course of the disease occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Basically, the pathological process affects only one kidney. Often women suffer from this disease, but in old age inflammation is moreaffects men. In women, pyelonephritis mainly develops after the course of cystitis, and in men in the presence of prostatitis, adenoma, urolithiasis.
This is an infectious disease that affects the urinary system, as well as the upper urinary tract. The acute form is expressed by significant pain, however, it is cured quite quickly with proper treatment, it mainly occurs against the background of other disorders of the genitourinary system. The chronic form is dangerous because it can proceed without special external manifestations, but it affects the structure of the renal tissue. The chronic course of inflammation is accompanied by impaired functioning of the kidneys.
Causes of occurrence
It has not yet been possible to determine the causative agent of kidney pyelonephritis. It is believed that pathogens that enter the body from the outside can provoke pathology. Often it is E. coli or various kinds of cocci. The main routes of infection to the kidneys:
- lymphogenic;
- urogenic;
- hematogenous.
The development of kidney pyelonephritis is facilitated by factors such as:
- weakness;
- chronic stress;
- lack of vitamins;
- overwork;
- decreased immunity.
Women are most at risk of infection, as their urethra is located very close to the anus, where bacteria from the intestines collect. This makes it much easier for pathogens to enter the urethra. Sometimes a kidney infection can occur without infection. Bladder. For example, this can happen if there are kidney stones in pyelonephritis.
Main symptoms
Inflammation of the kidneys, pyelonephritis, is one of the most common kidney diseases. Symptoms during the course of this disease largely depend on its form. Among the main signs of kidney pyelonephritis occurring in the acute stage, one can distinguish:
- a sharp rise in temperature;
- fever;
- chill;
- dizziness;
- general malaise;
- ache all over the body;
- nausea and vomiting.
With the development of the inflammatory process, pulling or sharp pains in the lumbar region, discoloration of urine, frequent urges and painful sensations during urination can also join all these symptoms. If the pathology was provoked by various disorders and concomitant diseases, then there is a gradual increase in lower back pain, alternating chills and sweating.

When the kidney disease (pyelonephritis) occurs in a chronic form, the symptoms show in waves. In the period of remission, symptoms are not observed, and during an exacerbation, inflammation affects all new areas of the affected organ, which leads to the gradual death of tissues.
Periods of exacerbation are similar in their manifestation to the acute course of pyelonephritis, but their course may not be so sharp. Subsequently, scars, pustules, abscesses form at the site of the affected tissues, which periodically provoke an unreasonable increase in temperature, generalmalaise, edema formation, decreased functioning of the organ.
Diagnosing pyelonephritis of the kidneys can be significantly difficult due to the asymptomatic course or the development of other disorders against the background of inflammation. An acute violation during timely research and complex treatment can be completely eliminated, and with incorrect or incomplete therapy, the disease can go into a chronic stage. Complications in this case can be inflammatory processes in the organ itself, abscesses, purulent reactions, kidney failure and tissue death.
You can determine the presence of pyelonephritis by conducting blood and urine tests, which, in addition to external changes, may also contain proteins, sand, an increased level of leukocytes, and pathogens. In such cases, an additional urine test according to Nechiporenko and Zemnitsky is prescribed.

When a chronic form occurs, it is worth contacting a urologist for diagnosis. He will select research methods that will help determine the presence of a problem, the nature of the changes, and also select the required therapy. These methods include instrumental examination, namely:
- ultrasound diagnostics;
- excretory urography;
- abdominal aortography;
- retrograde pyeloureterography;
- radionuclide research.
The main research method is ultrasound diagnostics, which allows us to draw a conclusion regardingchanges in the size, location of the kidneys, their structure. To determine the functionality of this organ, it is necessary to conduct excretory urography. This contrast agent method is more detailed than ultrasound.
Features of treatment
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis can be determined by the attending physician, who selects the best method of therapy. An integrated approach to treatment is recommended. In particular, such groups of drugs are used as:
- antibacterial drugs;
- antimicrobials;
- diuretic;
- drugs to normalize blood circulation in the kidneys;
- vitamin complexes;
- herbal remedies.
It is worth noting that when prescribing antibiotics, you must strictly observe the dosage regimen and adhere to the prescribed course even if you feel normal. In addition to this, traditional medicine methods can be used, but you must first agree on this with your doctor.

Secondary pyelonephritis also implies the treatment of the underlying disease that provoked inflammation of the kidneys. With a very complex course of the disease and the occurrence of various kinds of complications, surgical intervention is indicated. For a quick normalization of well-being, it is recommended to follow a special therapeutic diet.
Drug therapy
Treatment of kidney pyelonephritis is prescribed by a nephrologist doctor. It should consist of a set of measures aimed at eliminatingthe main causes that provoke inflammation in this organ, and many other factors that disrupt the normal outflow of urine. In addition, it is important to carry out medical and symptomatic therapy.

In the acute form of primary inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed for kidney pyelonephritis. The complex of antibacterial therapy may include cephalosporins, penicillin, antimicrobials, diuretics, herbal preparations, vitamin complexes.
The duration of therapy largely depends on the severity of the course of the disease and can last for several weeks. When a secondary form occurs, it is initially necessary to restore the outflow of urine, and after that antibiotics of the latest generation are prescribed for kidney pyelonephritis, which have a destructive effect on the course of the inflammatory process. This will eliminate the existing provoking factors, thereby preventing the occurrence of relapses. In this way, the affected organ can be completely cured.
Natural antiseptics and antibiotics are widely used for kidney pyelonephritis in women, in particular, such as Nolicin and Monural. Semi-synthetic penicillin derivatives are considered the basis of antibacterial treatment, which destroy E. coli, which provokes the occurrence of diseases of the urinary system.
Monural is considered a very good antibiotic for kidney pyelonephritis. This is a broad-spectrum drug that contributes to the inhibition of the reproduction mechanismpathogens already at the initial stages of the course of the disease. The drug is very quickly absorbed and has an antibacterial effect on all groups of infectious agents.
The course of therapy with this remedy is only 1 day, and the dosage is selected by the doctor purely individually. During the period of taking the medicine, you need to drink plenty of fluids. In addition, the medicine has a small range of contraindications.
Another good drug is Nolicin. It belongs to the fluoroquinolone group of antibiotics. This drug has a powerful antibacterial effect on the urinary system. When taken orally, Nolicin is not completely absorbed, so doctors recommend taking it on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating.
Regardless of the form of the course of the disease, taking into account the patient's history, the doctor can additionally prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nimesil, Paracetomol, detoxification agents, as well as a drug that normalizes microcirculation, such as Heparin, Dipyridamole.”
Folk techniques
How to treat pyelonephritis of the kidneys at home to secure a good result and prevent relapse - many patients are interested. Alternative methods are prescribed as an addition to drug therapy. High performance has a tea made from blackcurrant leaves. This requires 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves pour 500 ml of water, and then boil for 10 minutes. Leaveinfuse for an hour, and then take several times a day.

For the treatment of pyelonephritis of the kidneys, you can use herbal collection prepared on the basis of motherwort, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain, marshmallow, hop cones. Prepared collection pour boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Take the decoction warm several times a day.
In addition, you can prepare a herbal infusion based on nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sweet clover. The finished product must be poured with hot water. Boil for 15 minutes, and then leave to infuse for 1 hour. Ready-made infusion is best consumed with honey after meals.
At the very beginning of the course of the disease, it is imperative to do only fruit days in combination with warm, plentiful drinking. The amount of fluid consumed per day must be at least 2 liters. It is recommended to drink fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas, mineral water, rosehip broth, mountain ash.
Nutrition for kidney pyelonephritis must be balanced, of high quality and contain a large amount of useful substances. Due to the diuretic effect, melons, watermelons, zucchini are very suitable. They help to remove accumulated toxins and toxic substances from the body.

If you feel better, then you should gradually switch to a plant-milk diet. In addition to absolutely any dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, and juices should be included in the daily diet. All foodmust contain many vitamins. Limit your s alt intake as much as possible.
In the absence of acute manifestations of the disease, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, boiled fish and meat. It is forbidden to consume coffee, alcoholic drinks, fried and fatty foods, spices, canned food. In the chronic form, no special diet is required during remission.
The operation is resorted to only in cases where drug therapy does not have any result and the disease is progressing more and more. Often, surgical intervention is performed when purulent pyelonephritis occurs, when removal of apostemes or carbuncles is required.
The operation helps to stop the subsequent defeat, save the organ, as well as its functionality. In addition, it helps prevent the subsequent spread of inflammation to an intact kidney and normalize the outflow of urine.
Possible Complications
Pyelonephritis itself is not so dangerous, however, its consequences can be very serious. The acute form of the disease can pass into the chronic stage with periodic relapses. In addition, pyelonephritis causes many inconveniences to a person suffering from this disease.

The chronic form is characterized by the occurrence of periodic relapses. Suppuration can additionally join the infectious process, and this threatens with the loss of the affected organ. That is why therapy must be approached with all responsibility. Thisthe disease can often occur without severe symptoms, which is very dangerous, since it is not possible to diagnose in a timely manner and prescribe subsequent complex treatment.
Carrying out preventive measures
The acute form of pyelonephritis responds well to therapy and can be completely cured. However, if problems with urine outflow are observed for a long time and inflammation becomes chronic, then treatment is rather difficult.
To avoid frequent attacks of exacerbation, it is necessary to systematically monitor all the changes that occur in the body. Regular blood and urine tests are indicated.
Preventive measures are the complete elimination of factors that provoke the occurrence of pyelonephritis. It is very important to visit the toilet in a timely manner, comprehensively treat infectious diseases, maintain a good immune system, and avoid hypothermia.
Be sure to follow the principles of he althy, proper nutrition and hygiene, monitor your well-being, dress warmly. By following all these simple rules and recommendations, you can save yourself from complicated, lengthy treatment and dangerous consequences.
Pyelonephritis can provoke many complications, which is why when the first signs of inflammation occur, complex therapy should be carried out immediately.