Treatment of sinusitis without a puncture: is it possible

Treatment of sinusitis without a puncture: is it possible
Treatment of sinusitis without a puncture: is it possible

Violation of the respiratory function often leads to a very serious disease - sinusitis. The reason for this is a runny nose and nasal congestion, which prevent the free movement of air between the maxillary sinuses and the nasopharynx. How to overcome an unpleasant inflammatory process and is it possible to treat sinusitis without a puncture? This is of interest to many people who first encountered such an ailment. In addition, symptoms caused by various microbes, allergenic substances and viruses are especially severe.

treatment of sinusitis without puncture
treatment of sinusitis without puncture

Sinusitis and puncture: the whole truth and myths

To a person suffering from sinusitis, it seems that all the sores that only exist on earth have fallen on him at the same time. Many patients know what they are talking about, namely: pain in the forehead, eyes, bridge of the nose, discomfort when swallowing food, fever, chills, lack of normal respiratory function, irritation from bright light, body aches. These symptoms bring unbearable suffering. People have long been enlightened, so they know what the consequences of such a disease are fraught with: meningitis and other inflammations. Nevertheless, they begin to prescribe antibiotics for themselves, choose the wrong folk remedies, thereby aggravating their condition. The reason for everything is the fear of hearing the terrible word “puncture” from the doctor. Is this really the case or can it be done without surgery? Let's figure it out together: how to cure sinusitis without a puncture, what alternative methods can be used and what to do if the operation could not be avoided.

sinusitis and puncture all truth and myths
sinusitis and puncture all truth and myths

What is a puncture

To remove purulent contents from the region of the upper jaw, a puncture of the maxillary sinus is used. This is the puncture. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as well as with a special low-traumatic needle. Treatment of sinusitis with a puncture using this method is called the Kulikovsky system and is less painless and effective. The place of surgical intervention is tightened very quickly, which reduces the risk of infection entering the nasal cavity to almost zero.

Treatment of sinusitis after a puncture should continue in traditional ways. The patient is prescribed antibiotics, drops (oil-based and vasoconstrictive), irrigation of two nasal passages, physical procedures, etc. That is, the same therapy as before the puncture is used.

Remember, puncture is the last method that doctors use in exceptionally severecases of illness.

Treatment of sinusitis without a puncture: is it possible

Many civilized countries have long abandoned such intervention in the area of the upper jaw. In our state, people still have in their subconscious the image of a thick needle in the hands of an ENT doctor, a terrible crunch during an operation, and unbearable pain. All this is in the distant past, the latest medical technologies contribute to this.

treatment of sinusitis without a puncture is it possible
treatment of sinusitis without a puncture is it possible

Now the treatment of sinusitis without a puncture is carried out successfully and without consequences, if a person seeks qualified help in a timely manner and does not ignore all the prescriptions of the attending physician.

Means for the treatment of sinusitis

Drugs in the inflammatory process of the maxillary sinuses, as a rule, are recommended during an exacerbation of the disease. Antibiotics of the latest generation in 3-5 days are able to completely remove the symptoms characteristic of the acute period of the disease. Basically, all medicines are taken orally. For each patient, the doctor selects an individual treatment regimen and a specific drug with a prescribed dosage and number of days of administration.

If the disease occurs with allergic reactions, the treatment of sinusitis without a puncture is carried out in combination. Antihistamines, decongestants, and adrenomimetics are prescribed. It can be tablet forms, drops, aerosols.

treatment of sinusitis after a puncture
treatment of sinusitis after a puncture

Nose drops

In the treatment of sinuses in this way, preference is bettergive oily drops. They have an enveloping property, have a mild effect, so they do not dry out the nasal mucosa. According to the indications, the doctor can prescribe the treatment of sinusitis without a puncture and according to the following scheme: in the first approach, a vasoconstrictor is instilled into both nostrils, and after a short time (15-20 minutes) - oil-based drops.

List of effective nose drops:

  • "Pinosol",
  • "Kollargol",
  • "Neonox cyclamen",
  • "Protargol",
  • "Rinofluimucil",
  • "Sinuforte",
  • "Rinostop",
  • "Xilen",
  • "Galazolin",
  • "Nazivin",
  • "Naphthyzinum",
  • "Tizin" and others.

Before using the drops, the nasal passages are washed with saline or other pharmacological preparation based on sea s alt. At home, the treatment of sinusitis without a puncture can also be carried out with ointments that are included in the mandatory intake of complex treatment, for example, Vishnevsky, Fleming's ointment, ichthyol, oxolinic.

Vishnevsky's ointment

In Russia and abroad, this remedy has long been known for its positive properties. It can quickly and effectively relieve the inflammatory process in many infectious diseases, including sinusitis. A wide spectrum of action of the ointment also has a disinfecting, wound healing and regenerating effect on damaged tissues. The content of the medicine consists only ofnatural ingredients: castor oil, birch tar and xeroform. Used at any stage of the development of the disease 2-3 times a day after cleansing the sinuses.

treatment of purulent sinusitis without a puncture
treatment of purulent sinusitis without a puncture

Fleming's Ointment

Related to homeopathic remedies. It has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive action. In addition, after applying the ointment, the mucous area does not dry out. The drug is not addictive and can successfully replace nasal drops from sinusitis. The composition of the product includes calendula extract and menthol. The first component has a bacterial effect, the second helps to normalize the respiratory function of the nose, here the risks of rupture of small capillaries and bleeding from the maxillary sinuses are excluded. Used as directed or recommended by a physician.

Ichthyol ointment

Also widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Well removes the inflammatory process, has an antiseptic and antipruritic effect, which positively affects the condition of the patient with sinusitis. But the ointment must be used with caution, as it can cause an allergic reaction to the mucous membranes of the nose and in the face. The remedy is also not indicated for the acute course of the disease, because it has a warming effect.

Oxolinic ointment

Wrong is the opinion of people who think that oxolinic ointment can only prevent the mechanical progress of the infection, which settles on the surface after lubrication of the nasal mucosa. Scientists have proven that the drug also has a therapeutic effect: with sinusitisdeactivates various kinds of viruses.

Hardware treatment

Despite the fact that the pharmacological industry provides a diverse range of products for the treatment of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses, some people, due to certain circumstances, cannot take medications. How to cure sinusitis without a puncture in this case? You can use hardware treatment.

The essence of the method is that the patient draws in the washing liquid in the “cuckoo” way, and then laser therapy is performed. The laser beams penetrate deeply into the tissues of the nasal septum and relieve the inflammatory process. Already after the first procedure, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the sick person. In total, it is enough to do 5-7 such sessions.

how to cure sinusitis without a puncture
how to cure sinusitis without a puncture

Purulent sinusitis

Treatment of purulent sinusitis without a puncture always causes controversy among many specialists. After all, the disease can not proceed in the same way for everyone. Doctors are primarily guided by the individual characteristics of the body, take into account the age of the patient, the presence of chronic diseases, and find out the cause of inflammation. According to indications, vasoconstrictor drops, decongestants, antibiotics and nasal lavage procedures are prescribed. Sometimes these methods work and surgery is avoided.

Treatment of purulent sinusitis without a puncture at home can also be done. But not all people know that such a state cannot be “warmed up”. It is strictly forbidden to apply tohot boiled eggs, bags of s alt, heating pads, etc. This method will only help with common rhinitis, when its first symptoms appear.

You can also not independently prescribe antibiotics to yourself or your loved ones, sick with sinusitis. Some of these remedies have been successful in the past, but now they are not able to destroy even 30% of the dangerous microflora in the nose. Therefore, all actions to treat the disease must be agreed with the attending physician, otherwise the consequences can be the most sad.

Folk remedies

Healers from the people offer their treatment of sinusitis without a puncture. Reviews of folk remedies in most cases are only positive. In combination with traditional medicine, various lotions, compresses, ointments, etc. only contribute to a quick and effective cure.

Easy recipes:

  • Take equal proportions of onion juice, honey, alcohol, milk, unflavored laundry soap. To prepare the ointment, all the components must be slightly sweated in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency. After cooling, dip the twisted cotton swabs into the prepared mixture and insert one at a time into the nasal passages.
  • For the preparation of drops, use cyclamen bulb juice and cool boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. One instillation per day is enough (1 drop in each nostril).
treatment of purulent sinusitis without a puncture at home
treatment of purulent sinusitis without a puncture at home

How to avoid complications

Do not self-medicate and delay the visit to the doctor. With proper treatment already at the first stagethe development of sinusitis, vasoconstrictor drops and sprays help eliminate symptoms, which relieve swelling, inflammation and promote the outflow of secretions from the maxillary sinuses. Additionally, antiallergic and antibacterial therapy, physical procedures and nasal irrigation are carried out. If all the doctor's prescriptions are followed, the treatment is less painful and the help of surgical intervention is not required.

The rule that all patients with sinusitis should remember is do no harm. Otherwise, the inflammatory process and pus will move to other surrounding areas and may penetrate the brain area, soft tissues of the lower jaw, or spread further throughout the body.

First of all, in advanced cases of sinusitis, the eyes suffer. Here is a loose retina, which is very quickly destroyed. As a result, the eyelids take on a red swollen appearance and the eyeball protrudes.

No less dangerous is the destruction of the walls of the maxillary sinuses, and this is already the first sign of the development of purulent osteomyelitis. Alas, in some cases of the course of the disease, a nose piercing is simply necessary to save the patient's life.
