Trichomoniasis is a disease of the genitourinary system, the causative agent of which is trichomonas vaginalis. The pathology is transmitted sexually and is characterized by the ability to remain inside the genitourinary organs for a long time. What types of this disease is, how to treat it? Let's look at this later in the article.

Where does Trichomonas live in the body?
How can this protozoan parasite enter the body? Trichomonas from a sick person to a he althy person penetrates as a result of unprotected sexual contact. First, it enters the urethra, and then it can penetrate the epididymis or the prostate gland.
In some cases, it was noted that Trichomonas was found in human organs and blood. Infection has a nonspecific clinical picture. Immunity to this disease is not developed in humans. However, getting rid of Trichomonas is quite realistic. We will talk a little about the methods of treatmentlater.
Disease types
Before treating trichomoniasis in women or men, it is necessary to find out its form. Now in medical practice, the following stages of such a disease are distinguished:
- Fresh trichomoniasis. Such a diagnosis is made to those who have been infected with the infection no more than two months ago. In women, this form is manifested by abundant vaginal discharge, severe itching and burning in the vulva. Men experience pain and burning during urination.
- Chronic trichomoniasis. Such a diagnosis is made to people who have passed more than two months from the moment of infection. This form of disease is characterized by a long course and periods of exacerbations.
- Trichomonas carriage. The manifestation of the disease is absent, but Trichomonas are found in the vagina. The person is a carrier of the infection and passes it on to a he althy partner.
When fresh trichomoniasis is detected, treatment should be carried out immediately, as the disease quickly becomes chronic. It only takes a few weeks to do this.
The main symptoms of the disease are:
- white or yellow vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor;
- redness of the vulva;
- itching in the genital area;
- pain during sex;
- pain and burning during urination;
- discharge from the urethra of white or yellow shades;
- violationejaculation;
- difficulty urinating;
- pain in the bladder area;
- constant pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

The severity and combination of the above signs may differ in each individual case.
Causes and ways of infection
Trichomonosis is a fairly common disease. It is diagnosed equally in both men and women of different age groups. As already mentioned, the disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, as a result of unprotected sexual contact.
Transmission by contact-household method is also possible, but in this case the probability of infection is minimal, since the infection can live outside the body for only about 15 minutes. The main causes of trichomoniasis infection are:
- menstruation;
- carrying a child;
- frequent casual sex;
- non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Regardless of the cause and method of infection, pathology should be diagnosed as early as possible and professionally treated. Only in this case, you can get rid of the disease and prevent further infection of he althy people.
Features of the flow
The incubation period for trichomoniasis infection is two to four weeks. At the end of this period, the first signs of pathology begin to appear in a person. The inflammatory process is acute andcharacterized by severe pain and profuse discharge.
If the treatment is not prescribed in time or incorrectly, the pathology becomes chronic. Such situations are observed quite often. As a result, a person may develop urethritis, colpitis, as well as a violation of sexual function and the menstrual cycle in women.
When appropriate symptoms appear, before treating trichomoniasis, you need to undergo an examination to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the stage of the disease. When making a diagnosis, certain difficulties may arise, which are explained by the fact that the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, and it is almost impossible to detect it without special laboratory tests. Among other things, this disease often masquerades as other diseases.
Easier and faster trichomoniasis is diagnosed in women, as their symptoms are more pronounced. To make a diagnosis, the doctor first conducts a thorough examination and questioning of the patient, and then prescribes the following examinations:
- light microscopy;
- DNA diagnostics;
- direct immunofluorescence;
- planting on flora.
Based on the results of the studies listed above, a specialist at a professional level makes an accurate diagnosis and selects an effective treatment in each individual case.
Treatment of pathology
Unfortunately, many people ignore the symptoms and do not begin to treat trichomoniasis. This leads to the fact that the disease becomes chronic.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men at home is practically no different from therapy in women and consists of general and local procedures. Treatment must be comprehensive and selected individually in each individual case:
- it should be carried out simultaneously, that is, both partners should be treated at once;
- for the entire duration of the treatment of the disease, it is imperative to refrain from sexual intercourse;
- antitrichomonas drugs should be taken in combination with local remedies and hygiene procedures.
Many people mistakenly think that trichomoniasis should be treated with Metronidazole. This is not true. Therapy must be comprehensive and prescribed by a qualified specialist. In the process of treatment, the following medications must be used:
- antibiotics;
- antiprotozoal;
- immunostimulating agents.
Also, in some cases, therapy can be supplemented by taking hormones, massage and physiotherapy. In order for the treatment of trichomoniasis at home in men and women to be carried out properly, all the recommendations of the attending physician must be followed. This is the only way to overcome the disease.

Drugs that treat trichomoniasis are selected by a specialist in the required dosage. It is strictly forbidden to replace them with analogues or change the dosage, as well as stop taking them yourself.
Is treatment possibleherbal preparations
Many people, when making a diagnosis, ask themselves the question - how to treat trichomoniasis at home without medication? Unfortunately, it will not work to cope with the infection only with herbs and infusions. Thanks to them, you can only speed up the healing process.

Before treating trichomoniasis at home with herbs, you should definitely consult a doctor and exclude the possibility of developing allergic reactions. To effectively treat the infection, experts recommend using the following fees:
- calamus root, buckthorn bark, nettle leaves, St. John's wort and thyme;
- dried birch leaves, yarrow grass, ripe red rowan berries, corn stigmas, mint stems and leaves, nettle and knotweed, and immortelle inflorescence;
- eucalyptus leaves, tansy blossoms, sophora berries and yarrow herb.
Please note that each collection contains certain components that can cause allergic reactions. If signs of allergy appear, you should immediately stop taking it and seek medical help. For complex therapy, patients are often recommended to use chamomile infusions, as well as treatment with aloe and garlic.
What could be the consequences
Hearing the diagnosis, many patients who have begun to treat trichomoniasis are worried about whether it can be cured. It should be noted that the described disease is a curable disease. Fortunately, it does not lead to irreversibleconsequences. Its danger lies in the complications that may develop as a result of insufficient or improper treatment.

How and how to treat trichomoniasis in men and women, the doctor decides. But unfortunately, people do not always seek medical help in a timely manner. This leads to the development of negative consequences. The most dangerous complications of this disease include:
- prostatitis;
- vesiculitis;
- chronic epididymo-orchitis;
- male infertility;
- development of the inflammatory process in the vagina and cervix;
- endometritis;
- infertility;
- appearance of problems with conception;
- Miscarriage;
- spontaneous abortion;
- ulceration;
- formation of genital erosion;
- exacerbation of chronic urinary tract infections;
- pyelonephritis;
- cystitis;
- anemia;
- exhaustion;
- oxygen starvation;
- destruction of lymphoid and hematopoietic tissues.
If the pathological process is not treated, then there is a significant increase in the likelihood of a person becoming infected with HIV. To avoid negative consequences, it is important that the doctor professionally selects the drugs. How to treat trichomoniasis in men and women, only he determines, after making an accurate diagnosis.
Disease prevention
No matter how effective and aimed at a positive result the treatment is, it is much easier to prevent the development of any pathology thanthen get rid of it. Therefore, prevention activities are essential.
Since trichomoniasis is transmitted predominantly sexually, the best way to protect your body from damage is to keep the relationship clean. Random and promiscuous sexual intercourse, which in most cases have a negative effect on the body, is strictly prohibited.
One should also not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. At the first signs and deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor, as timely detection and properly selected treatment contributes to a quick recovery and prevention of complications.
Trichomoniasis during pregnancy
Most doctors are of the opinion that trichomoniasis is not a disease that can have a fatal effect on the condition of the fetus. But despite this, infection during pregnancy is considered an extremely undesirable condition. Trichomoniasis during pregnancy can cause the following negative consequences:
- preterm birth;
- lead to premature rupture of amniotic fluid.
Despite the fact that Trichomonas do not cross the placenta to the fetus, a child from an infected mother can still become infected. This happens during its passage along the birth canal.
Trichomonosis in children
When the infection of the child came from the mother, trichomoniasis should be treated as early as possible. Therapy is allowed to be carried out already during the first week from the moment of birthchild. Despite this, the use of drugs at such an early date is not the best option. But as practice shows, it is much worse when the child's body is exposed to Trichomonas. Therefore, it is better not to delay treatment in this case.
So, we found out what is trichomoniasis. It is an inflammatory disease in which the human genitourinary system is affected, regardless of gender. Symptoms of the disease at the initial stage of development are poorly expressed, which makes it difficult to diagnose and timely treatment.
When the first signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Only a qualified doctor will be able to say how to treat trichomoniasis in women. The drugs, as well as their dosage, are also determined by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, as this can provoke the transition of the infection to a chronic form and the development of other complications.