Fracture is Bone fractures: types, symptoms, diagnosis and first aid

Fracture is Bone fractures: types, symptoms, diagnosis and first aid
Fracture is Bone fractures: types, symptoms, diagnosis and first aid

The life of a modern person is in many ways different from that which was characteristic of, say, the inhabitants of the Middle Ages. However, such phenomena as injuries, which include bruises, sprains and fractures, still occur. This article is about bone fractures. In it, we will try to briefly consider the reasons for their appearance, as well as the main types.

Definition of bone fracture in medicine

First of all, it is worth understanding what fractures are? What is included in the concept of "fracture" among specialists? In simple terms, fractures can be attributed to any injuries that are characterized by the destruction of any bone of the human skeleton. In medicine, this term sounds like this: a fracture is a complete or partial destruction of a bone as a single, monolithic fragment of the body, a violation of its integrity under conditions when the traumatic effect exceeds its strength.

fracture it
fracture it

The main reasons why a bone can break, according to experts, are the following:

  1. Injuries, during which there is a strong squeezing over the entire surface of the bone or a point impact on it of a high degree of intensity.
  2. Stress-fractures, which are systematic microtrauma to a specific joint or bone.
  3. Diseases that cause a decrease in the strength of the entire skeleton or individual bones in it.

According to statistics, the most common fractures in humans are limb fractures: arms and legs. In second place are rib fractures. Fractures of the bones of the skull and vertebral column are least often recorded.

Types of fractures

So, we turn to another, no less important issue, which concerns such a phenomenon as a fracture. This type of injury, depending on the causes that caused them, is divided into several types. Firstly, fractures can be acquired and congenital, traumatic and pathological. Traumatic fractures most often occur as a result of falls, blows and other mechanical effects on the skeleton. Pathological fractures can appear even in a state of complete rest in diseases such as osteomyelitis, osteogenesis imperfecta, Paget's disease, osteoporosis and others.

Since a fracture is primarily an injury, there are two varieties of it, depending on how damaged the tissues surrounding the bone are. In the presence of a rupture of muscle fibers and skin, we are talking about an open fracture. If the bone of the skeleton that has lost its integrity did not damage the skin, then such a fracture is classified as closed. Open fractures, in turn, are divided into primary and secondary: the first is characterized by a large wound surface with the release of bone fragments to the outside, for the secondary - a small wound on the skin caused by a skin punctureshards of bone from the inside.

humerus fracture
humerus fracture

The nature of the fracture of the bones of the skeleton also gave rise to several groups of bone fractures: helical, oblique, transverse and longitudinal, shattered, fragmentary and comminuted, impacted, detachable and compression.

For example, a fracture of the humerus or femur is most often oblique, transverse or longitudinal. First of all, this is due to the structure of these bones, as well as their increased vulnerability. Quite often at injury of extremities dislocation and fracture take place. This phenomenon in medicine is called fracture-dislocation. They are most often diagnosed with injuries of the hip joint, knee, elbow and ankle.

Symptoms and signs of fractures

The appearance of a fracture of any bone can be easily diagnosed. Common symptoms of bone tissue disorders are: sharp or dull pain, swelling of adjacent tissues, atypical mobility, impaired motor function, hematoma formation.

Fracture of the humerus or hip may also be accompanied by the appearance of a characteristic protrusion and blue fingers. When the bone is displaced, shortening of the limb is observed, the appearance of severe pain when trying to move it. When a patient has a fractured joint, the contours of the damaged part of the body are smoothed out, and a noticeable swelling appears due to the accumulated blood in it. Open fractures are characterized by a bleeding wound showing bone fragments.

limb fractures
limb fractures

Diagnosis of bone fractures

First diagnostican event for suspected fracture is, of course, an external examination and palpation. With their help, you can detect signs such as the appearance of a tumor and an increase in the sensitivity of tissues, as well as the inability to move the injured part of the body.

The most clear idea of the type and type of fracture can be obtained by x-ray examination. This type of diagnosis allows you to determine the location of bone fragments, their number. As a rule, x-rays are taken in two projections, since this is what allows you to confirm or refute the presence of displacement of bone fragments.

First aid for a fracture

fracture splint
fracture splint

If a fracture is suspected, it is important to immobilize a limb or other injured part of the body as soon as possible using special devices or improvised means. The splint in case of a fracture should fix not only directly it, but also nearby joints. It is important to avoid excessive compression of soft tissues. In the presence of an open fracture, an insulating (if possible sterile) dressing is applied to the wound.

Severe pain can be relieved with medication. Something cold should also be placed on the fracture site: an ice pack, a bottle of water, etc. In case of a fracture of the ribs, the patient's chest is bandaged on exhalation with an elastic material. After these procedures, the victim can be transported to the nearest hospital.
