Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Celiac disease - what is it? Symptoms, treatment

Celiac disease - what is it? Symptoms, treatment

A disease of the small intestine caused by intolerance to a protein (gluten) is called celiac disease. What is this disease, you can find out from the materials of this article

Swelling of the face in a child: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Swelling of the face in a child: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Children are mischievous fidgets, before you have time to look back, he already has a bump or a bruise. Young parents often grab their heads: how to monitor injuries and he alth if the kids are trying to crawl everywhere and try everything. Also, swelling of the entire face or one side of it causes panic in mothers. Indeed, in some cases this is evidence of injury, and sometimes - retention of excess fluid in the body. From this article you will learn about the causes of swelling of the face in a child and the treatment of diseases associated with it

Fabry disease: symptoms, treatment, photo

Fabry disease: symptoms, treatment, photo

Farby's disease is a rare genetic disease that most often manifests itself at an older age. The disease worsens the quality of life of patients, but with adequate therapy, a person feels an improvement

Treatment and symptoms of right intercostal neuralgia

Treatment and symptoms of right intercostal neuralgia

The occurrence of such a disease as intercostal neuralgia is accompanied by prolonged and acute pain. It is very important to start therapy in a timely manner in order to prevent the disease from developing into a chronic form

Severe anemia: causes

Severe anemia: causes

With massive blood loss, a severe degree of anemia often develops. This condition is characterized by a pronounced lack of oxygen, which is necessary for the life of the body. Therefore, with the development of severe anemia, an urgent blood transfusion is required

Extrasystolic arrhythmia: symptoms and treatment

Extrasystolic arrhythmia: symptoms and treatment

Extrasystolic arrhythmia usually occurs in old age. However, this disease can also be present in middle-aged people. If such a condition occurs in a person for the first time, then he may begin to panic

Synovial cyst: causes and treatment

Synovial cyst: causes and treatment

Arthrotic lesions of the joints are often accompanied by such a phenomenon as a synovial cyst. In modern medicine, vast experience has been accumulated in the fight against this disease - from conservative therapy to surgical intervention. In this case, the operation is much preferable, because it protects against subsequent relapse

Ankle fracture: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ankle fracture: causes, symptoms and treatment

It is worth noting that, according to external signs, an ankle fracture is quite difficult to distinguish from a banal sprain. In this regard, such injuries require a thorough examination and the use of x-rays for a more accurate diagnosis

Arthroscopy of the hip joint: indications, description and effectiveness

Arthroscopy of the hip joint: indications, description and effectiveness

The hip joint is an area that is constantly subjected to stress. But it can be damaged not only with regular heavy exercise, but also with an inactive lifestyle. Arthroscopy of the hip joint is a modern method of diagnostics and treatment, which makes it possible to detect pathological processes at the earliest stage of their development

Thoracic aorta, its branches, structure, diseases

Thoracic aorta, its branches, structure, diseases

What parts does our circulatory system consist of? From the heart and numerous blood vessels. The aorta is the largest vessel in our body. In this article we will talk about a specific part of it - the thoracic aorta

Urethritis in children: causes, symptoms and treatments

Urethritis in children: causes, symptoms and treatments

Urethritis in children: classification of the disease according to the nature of the course, according to provocateurs. Causes of the development of pathology and characteristics of the course of the disease. Diagnostic and therapeutic measures, phytotherapy. How parents can help, possible complications and prognosis

Urethral rupture: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Urethral rupture: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Rupture of the urethra is a serious injury. If you do not provide timely assistance to the patient, then such damage can lead to dangerous consequences. Often, the destruction of the tissues of the urethra is accompanied by bone fractures and ruptures of nearby organs. What are the signs of a urethral injury? And is it possible to do without surgery? We will consider these questions in the article

Furuncle on the leg: causes, methods of treatment

Furuncle on the leg: causes, methods of treatment

A furuncle is an acute purulent-necrotic inflammation that develops in the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue

Signs of urethritis, diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Signs of urethritis, diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

The term "urethritis" refers to an inflammatory process localized in the urethra. It begins to develop against the background of vital activity in the human body of pathogens. Most often, the first signs of urethritis appear after sexual intercourse unprotected by barrier means of contraception. In most cases, the symptoms of the disease are also a manifestation of STDs

Treatment of pulpitis: basic methods

Treatment of pulpitis: basic methods

Pulpitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the internal structures of the tooth, namely the pulp. Most often it is a consequence of untreated caries. Therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the more likely it is not to face various complications

Gonorrheal (gonococcal) urethritis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Gonorrheal (gonococcal) urethritis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Inflammatory process in the urethra in men is quite common. Urethritis appears regardless of age, so it is very important to consult a doctor at the first signs of a disease of the genitourinary system. Such measures will make it possible to diagnose the problem in a timely manner and prescribe the correct therapy. There are several varieties of this disease, including gonococcal urethritis, which will be discussed later

Kidney amyloidosis: symptoms, causes, treatment

Kidney amyloidosis: symptoms, causes, treatment

One of the most common forms of amyloidosis is renal amyloidosis. In most cases, the disease develops as a complication of such severe pathologies as tuberculosis, syphilis, osteomyelitis. Damage to the organ is a consequence of the underlying disease, which is recommended to be detected and treated in a timely manner

Warts: Causes and Treatments

Warts: Causes and Treatments

Probably, many of us were scared by our parents that picking up a toad is not safe - warts will definitely come out. And some of the especially impressionable children bypassed these amphibians on the tenth road. But it is not a fact that this helped them subsequently avoid the appearance of a wart. The reasons for their appearance, as well as the ways of treatment, we will try to consider below

Infections caused by Moraxella catarrhalis (Moraxella catarrhalis): treatment regimen

Infections caused by Moraxella catarrhalis (Moraxella catarrhalis): treatment regimen

Moraksella catharalis was considered a hepatogenic bacterium several decades ago. And now it belongs to one of the most common pathogens of inflammatory processes in the human body

Hepatomegaly of the liver: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Hepatomegaly of the liver: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Hepatomegaly of the liver is a serious pathology characterized by an increase in its size. Its occurrence is accompanied by many diseases that affect this organ. What is this pathology fraught with? What symptoms indicate its presence? How is the diagnosis carried out? What is needed for treatment? Now these and many other questions need to be answered

Streptococcus viridans: pathogen and infection characteristics

Streptococcus viridans: pathogen and infection characteristics

This article contains detailed information about the bacterium streptococcus viridans, namely: its characterization as the causative agent of streptococcal infection, the clinic and treatment of these diseases

Insidious virus or How does chickenpox start in children?

Insidious virus or How does chickenpox start in children?

The myth that sooner or later every person should get chickenpox has long been dispelled by scientific evidence. Susceptibility to this infection depends on many factors, including weak immunity. So if you have not had chickenpox before, but the immune system is able to withstand the onslaught of this insidious virus, you have every chance not to know the feeling of unbearable itching inherent in this disease

Glycogen disease: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Glycogen disease: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Glycogen disease refers to a hereditary pathology of carbohydrate metabolism, caused by mutations in various genes encoding enzymes responsible for the synthesis and breakdown of glycogen. Due to enzyme defects, there is an excessive deposition of glycogen in the cells of various tissues, mainly in the liver and muscles

What is the main symptom of dementia and how to recognize it?

What is the main symptom of dementia and how to recognize it?

Recognizing a symptom of dementia (acquired dementia) at an early stage is not so easy, since this ailment can masquerade as a normal depressive state

What is pemphigus disease?

What is pemphigus disease?

Pemphigus disease is a type of dermatosis, which is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles on the skin and mucous membranes. At the moment, experts conditionally distinguish several types of this disease, namely vulgar, viral and inherent in newborns

Epilepsy attacks in dogs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Epilepsy attacks in dogs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Epilepsy attacks in a dog can be observed even by the most experienced owner. About what characterizes this phenomenon, you can read in this article

Itchy stomach - what to do? Why is there a small rash on my stomach?

Itchy stomach - what to do? Why is there a small rash on my stomach?

Surely each of us has experienced this unpleasant feeling - itching. More often people complain that their stomach itches. And the reasons for this may be different. Some may be quite harmless, but constant itching may indicate a disease

I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up. Head spinning, blood pressure normal

I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up. Head spinning, blood pressure normal

We have all experienced slight dizziness in our lives. For example, when riding a carousel or spinning in a dance. And this is considered the norm. But in some situations, dizziness is considered a sign of a disease. For example, I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up

Interstitial pneumonia: causes, treatment, complications

Interstitial pneumonia: causes, treatment, complications

Interstitial pneumonia is a complex disease that requires complex treatment. You can’t joke with this pathology, since an untimely visit to a doctor can cost your life

Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms (without fever). What are the symptoms of pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms (without fever). What are the symptoms of pneumonia

Respiratory organs are very sensitive to all kinds of infections, bacteria and fungi. Often, pneumonia occurs in a latent form. Symptoms without fever greatly complicate the diagnosis

Ripped off my back. What to do with unbearable pain?

Ripped off my back. What to do with unbearable pain?

Injuries, excessive exercise and lifting weights in the wrong body position can lead to sharp back pain. Such a biting expression has stuck among the people - tore off his back. What to do in this case, this article will tell you

Syndrome of accelerated ESR: symptoms, causes, diagnosis

Syndrome of accelerated ESR: symptoms, causes, diagnosis

According to medical statistics, approximately 5-10% of he althy people have an increased rate of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which does not fall for a long time. Such a syndrome of accelerated ESR does not always mean a pathological process, and in the case of older people it is a consequence of age-related changes

Disaccharidase deficiency in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

Disaccharidase deficiency in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

Disaccharidase deficiency: etiology and pathogenesis. What are the symptoms in children and adults? diagnostic activities. Treatment of the disease and dietary nutrition: what you can eat and what foods are prohibited

Acute stomach pain: causes and treatment

Acute stomach pain: causes and treatment

Acute stomach pain is one of the symptoms of many different diseases. And sometimes it is not associated with this digestive process, but indicates problems with other organs. So, what can the appearance of this symptom indicate, and how can you find out its cause, and, in addition, what should be taken to relieve this pain?

Causes of neck pain: neck and head injuries, increased intracranial pressure, symptomatic arterial hypertension

Causes of neck pain: neck and head injuries, increased intracranial pressure, symptomatic arterial hypertension

Sometimes it seems that if you have a headache, it does not require special attention. Such a violation of he alth does not seem to be something dangerous. But this is only at first glance. These symptoms can indicate a variety of things. It is possible that this is an external sign of disease processes going on in the body

Why does the head hurt in the back of the head: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Why does the head hurt in the back of the head: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Pain in the back of the head causes a lot of inconvenience and often limits performance. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different - from a long stay in an uncomfortable position to serious neurological pathologies. It is quite difficult to figure out on your own why the head hurts in the back of the head. Likely to seek medical attention

Empyema of the pleura: causes, symptoms, classification, diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines, complications

Empyema of the pleura: causes, symptoms, classification, diagnosis, treatment, clinical guidelines, complications

This is a dangerous disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the pleural sheets with further accumulation of purulent masses in the pleural cavity. The disease requires immediate and comprehensive treatment, otherwise a mass of complications may develop

Cushing's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Cushing's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Cushing's disease is a disease of the endocrine system that develops as a result of damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system and increased production of the hormone ACTH by the adrenal cortex. This pathology is characterized by multisymptomaticity. Most often, the disease develops in women. Obesity, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and many other specific manifestations are diagnosed in patients suffering from Itsenko-Cushing's disease

Malignant neuroleptic syndrome is called

Malignant neuroleptic syndrome is called

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare and life-threatening disorder caused by the use of psychotropic drugs, especially neuroleptics belonging to the groups of phenothiazines, thioxanthenes and butyrophenones

Cervicitis: causes and symptoms of the disease

Cervicitis: causes and symptoms of the disease

Cervicitis is a common disease of the cervix and its lower sections protruding into the vagina. It has an infectious nature and, due to the nature of the course, often remains untreated. Such a situation, of course, can lead to the most serious consequences. Today we will look at the causes of the disease and the symptoms