Along with such dermatological diseases as dermatitis, psoriasis, mycosis, eczema on the hands is quite common. Questions about drug treatment of this disease do not lose their relevance. Despite the fact that eczema is a disease of a non-infectious nature, its prevalence is striking: every year, eczema is diagnosed in a huge number of patients of any age, gender, social status.
Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers many drugs to combat dermatosis, but practice more often shows that pharmacy medicines do not cure eczema on the hands forever. As a rule, the disease is treatable, but at the same time it very quickly acquires a chronic course, further alternating with remissions and relapses. In this article, we will look for answers to the question about the features of the course of eczema on the hands, the symptoms, the causes of this disease and the drug treatments.
Whatthis is a disease
Eczema is a complex inflammatory reaction of the upper layer of the epidermis. Scientists are not yet able to say exactly what provokes this dermatological disease, but it is known that the pathology has a neuro-allergic nature of origin. Skin lesions in this type of dermatosis are not a clinical manifestation of a bacterial or fungal infection, so without a doubt you can answer the question of whether eczema on the hands is contagious. Unlike fungal infections, lichen, scabies, herpes, this disease is not transmitted from person to person.
Eczema can occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms. In the first case, we are talking about pronounced signs of the disease. The subacute form of eczema is characterized by a partial attenuation of inflammation on the skin, its coarsening and slight thickening. In chronic dermatosis, which, by the way, is diagnosed in the predominant number of visits to a dermatologist, the pathological process develops slowly. But even during the calm period of the disease, changes on the skin remain: it becomes pale, dry, acquires a semblance of a scaly structure.

Why does eczema appear
Dermatosis can affect almost any area on the body. Most often, the manifestations of the disease occur on the face, scalp, elbows, legs, fingers and palms. The main difference between the existing types of eczema on the hands are the probable causes of their occurrence. But, despite the polyetiology of the disease, it is still possible to identify several generalizing factors that servefertile ground for the development of dermatosis on the hands of any kind and form:
- increased skin sensitivity to allergens (sensitization);
- hereditary predisposition to skin diseases;
- impaired immune functions.
Separately, it is worth noting the circumstances that act as a trigger in the development of the pathological process on the skin. In this sense, the causes of eczema on the fingers can be considered:
- Wrong unbalanced diet. It implies an excess in the diet of fatty foods, semi-finished products, preservatives and a deficiency of nutrients that enter the body from natural products.
- Lack of B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids.
- Helminthiasis, the presence of chronic infectious and inflammatory foci in the body.
- Exposure to allergens (detergents, cosmetics, animal dander, insect bites, synthetic fabrics, plants, etc.).
- Ignoring hygiene and sanitary standards in case of damage to the skin.
- Unstable psycho-emotional state, stress, overstrain.
- Intestinal dysbiosis, accompanied by disorders in the digestive system.
- Failures in metabolic processes, hormonal imbalance.
- Renal pathologies.
True eczema
The causes of the disease are largely predetermining factors in the treatment. But, as already mentioned, scientists have only assumptions about the nature of the origin of eczema on the hands or any other parts.body.
The biggest "mystery" for dermatologists is the etiology of the idiopathic (true) variety of the disease - the main cause has not yet been established. But still, researchers warn: those persons whose relatives have been diagnosed with eczema are most prone to developing it. In addition to hereditary predisposition, the he alth of the endocrine system and the state of the digestive tract also play a role. Some scientists believe that true eczema on the hands occurs against the background of vegetovascular dystonia, lack of sleep and mental disorders. At least with these factors, the appearance of dermatosis on the hands of women who have just given birth is often associated.

The course of pathology is characterized by an acute onset. The patient has erythema of the affected area, slight swelling, small vesicles (small compacted nodules) appear. As the rash progresses, the vesicles become more like blisters, which, after a few days, open up and leave weeping serous wounds in place. When the erosion begins to crust, they speak of a regression of the disease.
Dyshidrotic eczema
Another skin disease, the origin of which is partly a mystery to doctors. The main reasons for its development are still unknown. At the same time, dermatologists believe that dyshidrotic eczema occurs more often in people with increased sweating. Eruptions are localized mainly on the fingers, palms, lateral areas of the hand, soles.
This type of dermatosisfollows the scenario described above. True, unlike true eczema on the hands, the weeping stage does not last so long. Tightening, erosion turns into a compacted brownish crust. The skin at the site of lesions coarsens over time.

Microbial eczema
This type of dermatosis is provoked by the activity of pathogenic microflora. Usually, the pathological process develops in the area of damage to the skin, around wounds, cuts, burns infected with microbes due to poor hygiene. Treatment of microbial eczema on the hands is carried out with the mandatory use of antibacterial drugs.
Externally, dermatosis is manifested by exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis along the edges of the wound, peeling or release of exudative fluid, followed by the formation of a crust. A characteristic feature of microbial eczema is purulent elements, severe itching.
A subspecies of this type of disease is mycotic dermatosis. Its name speaks for itself: this eczema is provoked by a fungus. Considering that any yeast are alien organisms for us, as well as the products of their metabolic processes, the immune system begins to actively fight them. However, if the protective functions are weakened, too many antibodies are produced, which eventually begin to "attack" the tissues of our body.
Many believe that microbial and mycotic eczema on the hands is a contagious disease. In fact this is not true. Dermatosis is not transmitted from one person to another, but pathogenic microbes and fungi may wellinfect by penetrating into tissues through wounds on the surface of the skin.

Allergic diseases
This group of dermatoses includes atopic and occupational eczema. The atopic form is provoked by the immune system's reaction to an irritant, which can be anything from household dust and animal hair in the house, ending with food and medicines. Externally, atopic eczema differs from previous varieties of dermatosis. This ailment manifests itself in the form of a profuse blistering rash on hyperemic edematous areas of the skin, but bypasses the stage of weeping. It is possible to distinguish atopic eczema from other skin lesions by painful dryness of the integument, peeling and unbearable itching.
Occupational eczema also has an allergic nature of origin. This type of dermatosis is associated with labor activity, as eczema occurs against the background of prolonged contact with chemicals, dyes, formaldehydes. Most often, exposed areas of the skin are affected, so the disease is mainly localized on the palms and fingers.
Unlike microbial and idiopathic therapy, the treatment of allergic eczema does not always involve the use of medications. Often, with an uncomplicated course of the disease, it is enough to simply exclude contact with the irritant.
How to cure eczema on hands
Therapy for this skin disease is specific due to its causes. In addition, to skin lesions with true, allergic orIn the dyshidrotic form, an infection can join, which will complicate the course of the disease and prolong the duration of treatment. Dry eczema on hands usually heals faster than wet eczema.

The treatment regimen is developed by a dermatologist individually for each patient, taking into account the type and form of the disease, the stage and nature of the course, the characteristics of the patient's body, and age. But no matter what drugs the doctor prescribes, the success of the treatment will depend on how thoroughly the patient himself approaches the solution of this problem. In addition to using medicines to treat eczema on the hands, it is important to:
- diet;
- do not ignore hygiene rules;
- lead a he althy lifestyle without stress and bad habits.
After the onset of remission, it is impossible to lose vigilance, since the disease can worsen at any time when exposed to any adverse factor. As a preventive measure, it is advisable to use safe hypoallergenic detergents with natural ingredients.
Intake of medications by mouth
Therapy for dermatosis on the hands consists of two components: systemic treatment and the use of local drugs.
Drops and tablets for eczema on the hands are taken in order to eliminate hypersensitivity to irritants, to have a desensitizing effect. First of all, it is necessary to exclude neurogenic factors of the disease. For mild illness, plant-based sedatives are prescribed:
- "Persen";
- Sedasen;
- Novo-Passit;
- tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony.
If they do not bring a real therapeutic effect, the patient is prescribed tranquilizers (Nozepam, Phenazepam, Chlosepide).
In order to relieve intoxication, the patient is prescribed enterosorbents. In most cases, use:
- "Multisorb";
- "Enterosgel";
- "Atoxil";
- Filtrum;
- Polysorb.
Basically, hormonal remedies for eczema are applied locally to the affected areas of the skin. But at an advanced stage of the disease or in the case of a bacterial infection, glucocorticoids are indicated in tablets:
- "Corticotropin";
- "Prednisolone";
- "Dexamethasone";
- "Triamcinolone".
Hormonal drugs have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, start the process of skin regeneration, but they cannot be used independently. The thing is that the drugs of this group have a list of contraindications and side effects, they drink them in short or intermittent courses. In addition, with uncontrolled use, steroids can be addictive and they are only suitable for the treatment of dry eczema on the hands.
In parallel with anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of eczema, antihistamines are taken. Their use is an important component of complex therapy, because it is antiallergic medicines that fight swelling, burning and itching with eczema on the hands. Among antihistamines,which are used for dermatoses, it is worth noting:
- Ebastine;
- "Cetirizine";
- "Cetrin";
- Zodak;
- "Loratadine";
- Claritin;
- "Lorahexal";
- "Erius";
- Desal.

During the lull of the disease, patients are advised to seriously engage in strengthening the immune system. Vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamins of groups E, B, C, folic and nicotinic acids can help with this. More often they are prescribed in combination with immunomodulators:
- Polyoxidonium;
- "Immunofan";
- Plasmol;
- "Timogen";
- echinacea extract.
External treatment
Local therapy is carried out by applying external agents. They help relieve itching, reduce the severity of inflammatory edema, hyperemia, start tissue repair processes and strengthen local immunity. When choosing an effective ointment for eczema on the hands, it is important to consult a doctor, since not all of the drugs available in the pharmacy range can be bought without a prescription and used independently.
With the development of microbial eczema, antiseptic and antibacterial solutions are used ("Gentian violet", "Methylviolet"), ointments ("Polcortolone", "Levovinizol"), lotions are made with "Resorcinol". If a small surface area is affected, use pharmaceutical formulations with an anti-inflammatory effect:
- "Zinc sulfate",
- "Copper sulfate";
- "Silver Nitrate";
- "Solutionphenol";
- "Podophyllin ointment";
- "Diphenhydramine paste".
At the subacute stage of eczema, drugs of an indifferent type are used ("Galascorbin", "Boric acid", "Tannin", "Borno-zinc ointment", "Ichthyol ointment"). Their application can give a good result in the absence of puffiness, ulcers, weeping.
In chronic eczema, to curb the course of the disease, it is often enough to use non-hormonal compounds based on zinc, tar, and ichthyol. However, in the case of progression of the disease and the development of relapse, it is often impossible to do without glucocorticosteroid ointments:
- Elokom;
- "Prednisolone";
- "Hydrocortisone";
- "Celestoderm";
- "Advantan";
- Locoid;
- Sinaflan;
- "Afloderm";
- "Flucinar".

If an infection joins the pathology, combined hormonal preparations with an antibiotic in the composition are selected:
- Lorinden C;
- Trimistin;
- Travocort;
- Kremgen.
What needs to be changed in the diet
Restricted nutrition for eczema can alleviate the course of the disease and significantly reduce the severity of its symptoms. Ideally, the diet should not be just a necessary measure for the period of recurrence of chronic dermatosis, but a completely new and permanent style of eating in patients whose dermatoses are allergic in nature.
Diet for eczema on the hands implies an exception from the daily menu:
- spicyspices and seasonings;
- preserved and pickled foods;
- sausages and fast food;
- vegetables and red fruits, including tomatoes, strawberries, bell peppers, apples;
- chocolate and its derivatives;
- mayonnaises, ketchups, various sauces;
- honey;
- nuts;
- whole milk;
- egg white.
In addition, during an exacerbation of dermatosis, it is advisable to give up rich meat broths, fatty fried meats, smoked meats, cheeses, alcohol and coffee.
It is almost impossible to relieve your condition with eczema without dieting. During relapses of the disease, a safe hypoallergenic diet should be followed, consisting mainly of vegetable and fermented milk products. Preference should be given to:
- low-fat kefir, cottage cheese;
- boiled chicken, turkey, rabbit;
- vegetable oils;
- cereal porridge;
- fresh vegetables and fruits.

Today, there should not be any difficulties in choosing drugs for the treatment of eczema, since among the current pharmacy assortment you can find a suitable option for any type of disease. At the same time, you should not self-medicate, and select medicines only after consulting a doctor.
Remember, eczema on the hands is not a contagious disease. However, a person suffering from dermatosis needs to be careful not to allow personal items to be used.hygiene to prevent infection and, as a result, exacerbation of the disease. Patients with eczema at the oozing stage are especially vulnerable - the immune system weakens, and erosive foci serve as an accessible, almost unhindered entry for pathogens.