Diets are the most effective way to prevent the appearance of urolithiasis and alleviate the course of an already existing disease. The diet for phosphaturia consists in the prohibition of the use of sour-milk and dairy products, hot spices, fried foods and large amounts of coffee.
When disease occurs
If phosphaturia appeared as a concomitant disease, then for a long time it proceeds without pronounced symptoms, but the remission period is usually short. Exacerbation of the disease can lead to significant deviations from the normal state, which will eventually lead to severe pain and a long recovery.
Primary phosphaturia can occur for the following reasons:
- metabolic disorder;
- diseases of the central nervous system;
- deterioration of the parathyroid glands;
- congenital damage to the kidneys or ureter;
- phosphate absorption problems;
- viral and bacterial lesions.
All diseases result in the loss of phosphateprecipitation that provokes the formation of stones in the kidneys and ureter.
Compilation of he althy nutrition for adults
Diet for phosphaturia in adults is based on the normalization of the acidity index, as well as the prevention of precipitation of s alts and phosphates in the urine. For the best effect, experts advise using diet No. 14, since it is she who helps to suppress the manifestation of this disease and alleviate the symptoms. Nutrition for phosphaturia will be based on the following indicators:
- calories consumed per day - no more than 2500 kcal;
- A patient should drink no more than 2.5 liters of water a day;
- s alt content in the food consumed is not more than 5-7 g;
- 300-500 g of simple/complex carbohydrates daily;
- fats - no more than 100g
If the doctor has not identified any special contraindications to the drinking regime, then it is allowed to drink 2.5 liters of liquid: this norm includes juices, teas, and decoctions drunk per day.
Recommended Foods
It is very important for a patient who suffers from phosphaturia to strictly observe the balance of vegetable and animal oils: the latter should be on the menu as much as possible. It is very important to give up heavy insoluble fats, limit the intake of foods high in calcium: nuts, milk, sour cream, cheese.
It is good if the diet includes cereals, boiled fish, lean meats that will help increase the acidity in the urine. A large amount of fluid you drink per day is another important action for recovery. It is important to drink before and aftermeals, but experts advise against drinking water with meals.

Restoring acidity
Foods to help restore acidity quickly:
- any green vegetables: peas, cabbage, sorrel;
- fresh fruits and berries: pomegranates, raspberries, green apples;
- cereals and legumes (you can cook porridge from them);
- lean meat and boiled fish;
- eggs (only protein is eaten);
- natural sweet foods: beet sugar, honey;
- buffets with a minimum amount of yolk and milk in the composition;
- vegetable oil;
- compotes with a minimum amount of sugar, herbal tinctures, weak tea and coffee.
Also, nutritionists recommend that patients with phosphaturia drink mineral water, which leads to an increase in acidity. Mineral water "Narzan" or "Naftusya" is well suited - they contain the right amount of minerals that acidify urine. You need to drink mineral water 30 minutes before a meal or 1.5 hours after.
Prohibited foods
Specialists have identified a group of products that are important to completely remove from your diet.

These include:
- any alcoholic drinks (non-alcoholic beer, wine and energy drinks);
- cakes, muffins with creams;
- high-fat meat, lard;
- all dairy products.
Composingmenu for phosphaturia
The menu for phosphaturia for adults at number 14 is the complete rejection of fractional nutrition, it is important to eat food 4 to 5 times a day. Fasting or fasting days are prohibited.

Dietitians have compiled an approximate menu for patients that will help to quickly normalize the level of acidity and the general condition of the patient:
- first breakfast: pasta baked with mushrooms and egg white. Cranberry juice;
- second breakfast: a couple of green apples, dried toast;
- lunch: cabbage salad, peas dressed with oil, buckwheat with chicken breast, soup with cereals. Compote or fruit drink - you need to drink about two glasses, not including the soup;
- snack: any sweet product without sweet filling, raspberry juice or rosehip compote;
- dinner: porridge with fish cake, dried toast and compote.
Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of rosehip broth. If suddenly the patient feels hungry, he can eat a toast or a bun without filling - starving with a diet is strictly prohibited. You can process food in any way: boil, fry to a crust without animal fat, bake for a couple. Dairy products with phosphaturia are excluded, but one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream added to a baked dish will not affect he alth in any way. Dairy products in this form are allowed to be consumed until 13:00.
If, after re-diagnosis of urine, the amount of phosphates in it remains the same, then the disease will have to be treated with medications. Diet is a way to avoid phosphaturia eitherreduce the chance of relapse.
Children affected
In the beginning, the child may not feel any changes in the body, but only until the stone reaches a large size. After the stone begins its movement through the urinary system, the baby will feel pain and discomfort. If the stone has sharp edges, then during movement it will damage the tissues of the ureter and provoke inflammation.

Diet for phosphaturia in children involves the use of:
- all cereals;
- poultry, meat, fish and other low-fat foods rich in animal protein;
- pumpkins, zucchini, peas, potatoes, cucumbers;
- any sour fruits.
If there are no contraindications, then drinking plenty of water is allowed.
Because this diet is highly restricted, the diet should be continued for as little time as possible, and the child should be seen regularly by a doctor and have frequent urinalysis.

After determining a large amount of phosphates in the urine of a child, the diet should exclude the following foods from the diet:
- any sweets: sweets, chocolates;
- confectionery: burgers, cakes;
- canned and pickled foods, smoked meats;
- reducing the amount of s alt consumed;
- avoiding fried foods and deep-frying.
Diet for pregnant women
If, after following the diet, a second urine testrevealed a large amount of phosphates, then the doctor determines secondary phosphaturia, which can occur against the background of other diseases. Depending on the specific cause, a specialist will prescribe a complex treatment for a woman in a position.
After determining the cause of the disease, the pregnant woman is prescribed a diet that excludes foods that lead to the formation of phosphates in the body and the development of phosphaturia. The pregnancy diet prohibits the following foods:
- vegetables;
- dairy products;
- strong tea or coffee;
- spicy dishes;
- sweet sodas.

Diet for phosphaturia in pregnant women should include as much protein as possible. From vegetables, more attention should be paid to asparagus, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts. You can add berries to the menu - lingonberries and currants. It is forbidden to eat stale foods, as many of them are processed with phosphates to extend their shelf life.

Experts recommend that a pregnant woman with toxicosis take different vitamin complexes. Vitamins D, B and A, as well as magnesium are allowed to increase the level of acidity in urine.
When dieting, it is important to be especially careful. The use of dietary products must remain within the therapeutic framework, otherwise you can achieve a strong acidification of the urine, which will lead to the formation of oxalates with sharp edges. After a week after the start of the diet, you need to retake a urine test to identifyphosphate index.