An anal fissure is a tear in the anal mucosa that causes pain and bleeding during or after a bowel movement. It develops, as a rule, during prolonged constipation, after injuries of the anus with hard feces, weight lifting, and also in women during pregnancy and childbirth. For treatment, local drugs with anti-inflammatory, laxative and regenerating effects are used. Candles from cracks in the anus is the most popular dosage form, due to its convenient use and quick therapeutic effect.

Pharmacy suppositories
Before inserting a candle, you need to make a warm bath with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). A solution of potassium permanganate is poured into a bowl of warm water and diluted to a pale pink color. You need to sit in the bath for 10 minutes so that the buttocks are divorced and the water reaches the anus. After that, you can enter any candles from cracks in the anus. The combined drug "Ultraprokt" has anti-inflammatory, healing, analgesic and antipruritic effects. Suppositories "Natalsid"obtained from brown seaweed, stop bleeding, inflammation, and after 2-3 days of use, a pronounced improvement is observed. The drug "Proctosan" contains in its composition compounds of bismuth and titanium, which have an astringent and drying effect, thereby contributing to the healing of cracks. Candles "Methyluracil" accelerate the process of cell regeneration, wound healing and stimulate the immune system. Suppositories "Sea buckthorn" - a concentrate of sea buckthorn oil. Due to the high content of carotene, vitamins E and F, they heal wounds, relieve inflammation and have a laxative effect. In the first days of treatment, it is recommended to administer suppositories from cracks in the anus 2 times a day (after a bowel movement). Further, when improvement occurs, the frequency of administration can be reduced to 1 time per day.

Pharmacy ointments
Acute anal fissure is accompanied by very severe pain, so it is better to start treatment with the use of ointments. Preparations "Ultraprokt", "Proctosan" are also available in the form of ointments, equipped with a convenient tip. Ointment "Hepatrombin" accelerates tissue regeneration, improves local blood flow, relieves swelling and inflammation. Levomekol ointment, due to the presence of an antibiotic and a regenerating component, actively heals wounds and eliminates inflammation. To solve this problem, general-purpose trophic preparations are also actively used - Solcoseryl gel and Actovegin cream. In the first days of treatment, the ointment for cracks in the anus can be administered up to 4 times a day, gradually reducing the frequency to 1-2 times.

Traditional medicine
To prepare an ointment with honey, you need to mix equal parts of honey and cinnamon powder. Wash the anus area with laundry soap and lubricate the anus with a mixture. A good effect, especially in the early stages, is given by candles from cracks in the anus with honey. A candle is formed from candied natural honey, smoothing the walls, and injected at night. The course of treatment is 10 days. Another option: melt the internal lard and honey in a ratio of 2:1. After the mixture has cooled, candles are formed and placed in the refrigerator, and only then used.