In medical practice, there are a very large number of diseases of the oral cavity. One of them is purulent stomatitis. This pathology is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes and ulcers in the oral cavity. There are many reasons for the development of this disease. Most often it occurs in children, but adults, especially the elderly, can also suffer from this ailment. In this article, we will consider the causes of the development of purulent stomatitis, as well as its symptoms, preventive measures and treatment methods. Please read the information provided carefully to keep you and your child as safe as possible.
Main causes of pathology
Usually in children, purulent stomatitis, a photo of the manifestations of which you can see in this article, develops due to the multiplication of pyogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. These are staphylococcistreptococci, chlamydia, proteus. Please note that infections can enter the body in different ways. For example, when eating unwashed food, when personal hygiene is not observed, and also when close contact with an already infected person (through kissing).

Most often the disease occurs due to a weak immune system. If our body is not able to fight the microbes that penetrate it, they settle in the organs and begin their pathological activity. The oral cavity is no exception. Saliva contains a large amount of antibacterial substances, but with a poor immune system, their number is significantly reduced.
Acute purulent stomatitis in children and adults may occur due to the presence of serious diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as teeth. Even caries can cause serious complications. Infectious pathologies such as tonsillitis, influenza, and many chronic diseases can contribute to the development of serious diseases of the oral cavity.
Do not forget that bacteria can get into the oral cavity and from the external environment. They settle in microcracks and wounds that were caused by various injuries. For example, bites, burns, tooth extraction, wearing low-quality dentures.
Optimal conditions for the development of pathology

In order for purulent stomatitis to begin to progress, optimal conditions must be created for the microorganisms that cause it. noteon the main factors that can lead to stomatitis:
- Wrong diet. The use of products with a low content of vitamins and minerals (especially iron, zinc, B vitamins) contributes to the active life of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. In addition, the regular use of low-quality and unnatural products in food significantly lowers the level of the body's defenses, which affects the strength of immunity.
- Injury to the oral mucosa. They can be obtained in a variety of ways, from a careless cut with a bone to a tooth extraction in a dental office. If an infection gets into the wounds, this can lead to purulent stomatitis. The photos in the article show what this ailment looks like.
- The disease can also occur due to changes in the hormonal state of the body. This is especially true for teenagers, as well as women who have gone through menopause.
- Purulent stomatitis in adults can occur if a person abuses alcohol-containing drinks and smokes, takes certain types of drugs that reduce salivation, or undergoes chemotherapy.
- Also, diabetes mellitus, anemia and the immunodeficiency virus contribute to the appearance of purulent stomatitis.
- Sometimes the disease can occur due to hereditary predisposition.
- Chemotherapy is also a factor predisposing to the onset of the disease.
- Dehydration due to diarrhea and/or vomiting is another condition that contributes to the developmentdisease.
Main varieties
Purulent stomatitis in children and adults has several classifications. Purulent formations occur due to the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Scientists distinguish several varieties of this pathology. They differ in characteristics and causes. So, consider what types of stomatitis exist:
Traumatic. This is a disease resulting from an injury. This type of pathology is characterized by the fact that it occurs due to harmful microorganisms that settle in damaged areas of the oral cavity.
Bacterial. In this case, it is the entry of bacteria into the body that leads to its occurrence. Quite often, this particular form of the disease occurs in patients who suffer from serious problems with their teeth.

Aphthous. This form of the disease occurs if the inflammation is ignored for a long time. As you know, stomatitis is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity. So, over time, they begin to acquire a different shade, as they become covered with a yellow coating. This stage of the disease is advanced and can lead to a significant increase in body temperature. At the same time, the patient also complains of a general deterioration in his state of he alth.
Vegetative. With this form, bubbles begin to appear in the oral cavity, which eventually transform into erosion. Such damage leaves scars behind.
This may inflame various areasoral cavity. For some, this is the tongue or gums, while for others it is the sky or lips. In severe cases, several areas are damaged at once.
Purulent stomatitis: symptoms in children and adults
Recognizing this disease is easy. At the very first stage of its development, some parts of the oral cavity will become inflamed. At the same time, they are slightly swollen and redden. Soon, a sore with a white coating appears in this place, surrounded by a red, inflamed rim. These ulcers are incredibly painful. Sometimes it is difficult for the patient not only to eat, but also to talk. Very often, it is at this stage that the patient also has dry mouth.

It is strongly recommended not to delay the treatment, as the sores begin to grow in size very quickly. White plaque spreads quite quickly. It can completely cover not only the oral cavity, but also go to the outer surface of the lips. Often, especially in children, seizures occur against the background of this pathology.
At the same time, small sores look like bubbles, inside of which pus accumulates. They can be located in the oral cavity one at a time, or in groups. Over time, the entire oral cavity will be strewn with such formations.
Treatment of purulent stomatitis in children should be started immediately. Clear signs of this pathology are red gums and tongue, which look completely dry.
In addition, there are also common signs that indicate the occurrence of pathological processes in the body. Symptoms usually appearacute purulent stomatitis in children:
- nausea, weakness and malaise, as well as insomnia;
- some patients lose their appetite and suffer from constipation and pain in the mouth;
- since the oral cavity is very dry, the patient will swallow saliva very often in order to somehow moisturize it.
If purulent formations are already present in the oral cavity, then the patient will have an extremely bad breath. However, it is impossible to get rid of it. Even the strongest toothpastes and rinses will not help.

How to treat purulent stomatitis
It is very important to consult a dentist at the first sign of pathology. As soon as you notice that some areas in your mouth have begun to inflame, as well as become covered with an unpleasant white coating, urgently make an appointment with a doctor. However, most often, only those people who have already started the disease, who have already developed severe pain that interferes with normal life, become patients of a medical institution.
What should include the treatment of purulent stomatitis in children:
- elimination of pathogenic organisms that caused the disease;
- you need to relieve pain, as well as restore damaged parts in the mouth;
- you also need to take measures to help prevent complications and re-infection.
Medication treatment
Many patients wonder how to treat purulent stomatitis. Doctors recommendstart with the use of painkillers, since pathology often leads to incredibly strong pain. For this, doctors usually recommend their patients to use medicines such as Ketanov and Faringosept. Various sprays and gels for the oral cavity are also perfectly anesthetized. However, before using them, it is very important to clean it and remove the accumulated purulent discharge.
However, drug treatment is not only about pain relief. In addition, it is very important to eliminate the bacteria themselves that caused this disease. In this case, you can not do without antibiotics. Most often, such medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets intended for oral use. However, if the situation is severely neglected, the doctor may prescribe medication for intravenous administration.

Also, do not forget that the course of the disease is accompanied by strong inflammatory processes, so it is very important to choose medicines that can relieve inflammation.
Of course, you need to take care of the immune system so that there is no recurrence of the pathology. For this, doctors recommend taking a complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as special immunomodulators that can significantly increase the level of the body's defenses.
General recommendations
Treatment of purulent stomatitis in adults can sometimes be quite protracted. To speed up this process, you must unconditionally follow all the recommendations given by your doctor.
Don't forget to rinse your mouthcavity with antiseptic solutions every time after eating.
You also need to pay special attention to your diet. You can take light meals in small portions, but five or six times a day. In this case, the food should be such that it will not irritate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Avoid foods that are too hot or cold, hard foods that take a long time to chew, and alcohol-based drinks.
Folk treatments
According to doctors, it is almost impossible to get rid of this pathology using only traditional medicine. However, the treatment of purulent stomatitis must be approached comprehensively, so the use of folk methods will only speed up this process.
Very good results refusing to rinse with baking soda. To do this, take one teaspoon of this product and add it to a glass of water at room temperature. Mix thoroughly. Rinse after every meal and before bed.
Grated raw potato has a good healing effect. Apply it to damaged areas of the mouth. Chewing aloe leaves has a similar effect.
Various herbal infusions, for example, from chamomile and calendula, relieve inflammation well. Take two tablespoons of dried herbs and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Then let it brew for about half an hour and treat the oral cavity with the prepared infusion several times a day.
Excellent folk way to treat purulent and any other stomatitis -use of propolis tincture. It is sold in any pharmacy. The treatment algorithm is simple: you need to apply hydrogen peroxide to the affected areas of the oral cavity, remove pus with gentle movements, dry these places (for example, with a hairdryer) and apply propolis tincture on them with a cotton swab. You can do it twice. The sore will be covered with a protective film, which will immediately reduce the pain a little. Such treatment should be performed for several days until the sore is completely healed.
Are complications possible
Purulent stomatitis is a rather dangerous disease that can harm the entire body. It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate or leave the problem unattended. Be sure to consult a dentist, otherwise the risk of serious complications is extremely high.
Purulent stomatitis is accompanied by the appearance of small sores filled with pus. So, these sores can burst, and the bacteria in them will begin to spread throughout the body, infecting other organs as well.
The disease can lead to consequences such as:
- genital thrush in the fair sex;
- the occurrence of various diseases of the oral cavity, including tooth loss;
- if the disease goes to the tonsils, then the voice of the patients changes significantly. It becomes hoarse;
- sometimes the pathology goes to the respiratory organs, and causes them serious diseases.
However, in the most extreme cases, purulent stomatitis can lead to sepsis. Such a complicationoccurs when bacteria and toxic substances begin to spread through the blood throughout the body. Please note that this condition is very dangerous and can even lead to death.

Preventive measures
Following simple methods of prevention, you can very easily protect yourself from stomatitis. The main thing is to be guided by them daily. Consider the most basic recommendations:
- wash your hands thoroughly every time before eating and after coming home;
- thoroughly clean food before eating it;
- strengthen your immune system. Eat right, exercise and take vitamin and mineral complexes;
- try to reduce your consumption of alcohol-based drinks and tobacco products.
Take care of your he alth, regularly visit your dentist for preventive examination of your teeth and oral cavity, treat caries, periodontal disease and other oral diseases in time, brush your teeth daily in the morning and evening, follow all the doctor's recommendations if you have a sore throat, sinusitis, pharyngitis and other infectious diseases, so that they do not give complications. If you follow these rules, you will never know what purulent stomatitis is.