According to reviews, hill hodgepodge is an unusual plant with medicinal properties. Moreover, scientists do not deny the fact that it contains many useful substances. Numerous experiments have proven that hodgepodge can improve liver function and more.

Description of the plant
According to reviews, hill s altwort has a s alty taste, for which it got its name. This annual semi-shrub belongs to the Amaranth family.
The plant has thin twigs, in young specimens of plants they are soft, and in adults they are hard. The stems are covered with longitudinal stripes of a pinkish hue, with pubescence. The leaves are elongated, elongated. The root system is represented by one root, which is why the plant does not hold well in the ground and begins to roll around the field in a gust of wind.
The plant is tall, about a meter. It blooms with white flowers with a slight pink tint. Outwardly, the inflorescences look like spikelets. Flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts until autumn.
Solyankahas many other names. This plant was nicknamed camel thorn, katun, Tatar thistle.

Where it grows
The plant is found in the southern regions of Siberia, in the Far East, the Volga region, in the Baikal regions. Solyanka feels great in a dry climate on sandy soils, s alt marshes. It occurs mainly on plains, fields, near roads, on meadows, pastures.
As the reviews say, hill hodgepodge is a useful plant that can have a positive effect on the liver and not only. This is due to its unique composition. The plant contains amino acids, glycine, phytosporins, flavonoids, alkaloids, inulins, macro- and microelements, acids and other useful substances. A special set of components is able to have a hepatotropic effect on the liver.

Indications and contraindications
Scientists managed to establish what medicinal properties and contraindications the hodgepodge has. The analysis made it possible to determine the possibility of using the plant for the treatment of various pathological conditions. This plant is used in official medicine as a means of restoring the structure and function of the liver. So, according to reviews, hodgepodge has a positive effect on hepatitis, intoxication, cholecystitis. The plant is prescribed for patients with cirrhosis of the liver in the initial stages of the development of the disease.
With a preventive purpose, hodgepodge is used by those who are at risk for cholelithiasis. It is recommended asadjuvant in diseases of the pancreas, in diabetes.
Regular intake is indicated for people living in areas with poor environmental conditions, working in hazardous jobs.
The use of the plant is recommended in the prevention of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension. It lowers the level of sugar, cholesterol, normalizes lipid metabolism.
Scientists have proven that remedies prepared from the plant have a positive effect on reduced immunity, anemia, menopause, and urolithiasis. The plant is suitable as a means of increasing visual acuity.
The hodgepodge is used in cosmetology. It improves skin condition, rejuvenates, tones, softens. Anti-cellulite creams are prepared with hodgepodge.
You can not use the plant with individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition. It is also not recommended to use the hodgepodge for pregnant women, during breastfeeding, for patients with phenylketonuria, with urolithiasis in the acute stage. The plant has no other contraindications.

Issue Forms
Solyanka is used in the form of ready-made preparations offered in pharmacies or in the form of dry raw materials. Dosage forms are made from it on their own. And how to brew hill hodgepodge at home? How to prepare an infusion from a plant, and what ready-made forms are offered in pharmacies?
Medicine recipes
Holm hodgepodge helps with various pathologies. The instructions for use say that this plant is used forpreparation of decoctions, infusions.
To make a decoction, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Then the composition is boiled for 10 minutes. Take a spoonful three times a day.
To prepare the infusion, pour a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and infuse for half an hour in a thermos. Take the composition of two spoons three times a day.
The plant is sold in the form of ready-made extracts: in powders, capsules, granules, sachets. A medicinal plant can be supplemented with other components that have a positive effect on the body.