Buckthorn bark: instructions for use, indications, medicinal properties and contraindications

Buckthorn bark: instructions for use, indications, medicinal properties and contraindications
Buckthorn bark: instructions for use, indications, medicinal properties and contraindications

Krushina (zhoster) is popularly called wolfberry. Mankind has long been familiar with the healing properties of this shrub - there are many legends, beliefs, superstitions and various recipes about its use.


Wolfberry is a small shrub with brown, sometimes dark brown, smooth branches and a trunk without thorns. Its bark is usually covered with gray spots, most often elongated. Compared to other shrubs, when the top layer is removed, the second layer is revealed - already red.

Buckthorn bark
Buckthorn bark

Buckthorn leaves are petiolate, elliptical in shape, with pairs of veins on the side. The berry of the shrub is small, with flat-convex bones.

Buckthorn blooms from May to July, sometimes also in August. The berries ripen in late summer - early September. A shrub usually grows in well-moistened areas - the edges of forests, damp meadows, and also near rivers.

Folk and traditional medicine uses the beneficial qualities of both the bark and berries of the plant. But, of course, healing recipes withthe use of buckthorn bark, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which everyone should know.


Wolfberry contains many useful substances. These are essential oils, various acids, anthraquinones, various sugar compounds, tannins, alkaloids, and vitamin C.

Buckthorn bark: medicinal properties and contraindications
Buckthorn bark: medicinal properties and contraindications

It is they who together give the buckthorn its main medicinal property - a laxative. Once in the body, the plant begins to act only in the large intestine - it slows down absorption, which, in turn, increases the volume of the contents there. This is how the bowels are emptied.

It should also be noted that plant-based medicines are effective and much milder on the body. But, in any case, you should not abuse them - this is fraught with severe poisoning.

Also, the bark of this shrub has decongestant and antibacterial properties.

What does buckthorn bark help with?

Wolfberry stimulates digestion, helps with constipation, hemorrhoids and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which give discomfort in the stomach and intestines. It is also used for fever.

buckthorn shrub
buckthorn shrub

In addition, joster is effective for gastritis, ulcers, colitis, intestinal atony, worms, liver diseases, and anal fissures. It is even used in slimming teas.

The plant is used externally for sciatica, rheumatism, pustules, scabies and eczema. It has been observed that the wolfberryrelieves the patient's condition with heavy menstruation, dizziness, tachycardia, diabetes. The bark of the shrub is also actively used in gynecology.

In folk medicine, buckthorn is used as a diaphoretic, to remove s alts and sand from the kidneys from the body.

Wolfberry bark is used even in cosmetology - in the treatment of acne and other skin inflammations. It also serves as a natural hair dye, similar to henna.


The action of buckthorn bark is ambiguous, since it can not only cure any disease, but also harm the body. Therefore, it must be taken strictly according to all prescriptions.

Buckthorn bark: instructions for use
Buckthorn bark: instructions for use

The main contraindications for the use of buckthorn bark include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • appendicitis;
  • cancer;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • uterine and other bleeding;
  • acute fever.

Also, you can not use the wolfberry for those who suffer from individual intolerance to any of its components.

When and how to harvest buckthorn?

The most suitable time for collecting buckthorn can be called March-April. It was at this time that the sap flow under the bark of the shrub had not yet begun. Young shoots of wolfberry are best for harvesting.

To get buckthorn phyto-raw materials, it is necessary to make ring cuts on its bark with an interval of 15 cm, and then connect them longitudinally.

If there is moss, lichen, etc. on the bark of a plant, itunsuitable for medicinal collection. It is undesirable to collect raw materials from young shrubs. It is better when the age of the buckthorn is from 8 years old - during this period it can reach a height of 3 meters.

The benefits of buckthorn
The benefits of buckthorn

In order to properly dry the bark of the shrub, various canopies are used. You can also place raw materials in the attic or other ventilated areas.

The bark should be laid out in a thin layer and stirred occasionally. When it becomes fragile, you can judge its readiness for use.

Store wolfberry bark also in well ventilated areas.


In order to propagate buckthorn, use seeds or cuttings.

Growing a wolfberry in your garden will not cause problems, as this shrub is extremely unpretentious.

A well-drained but well-drained area, protected from the wind, is a good place to plant buckthorn. Even on not the richest soil, the plant will grow. The main condition for him is humidity.

Pre-treatment of the soil for the place where the shrub will be planted is not necessary. The pit for the seedling should be a meter in size (length, width, depth). It is better to dig it in advance - a day before planting.

The further process is as follows:

  1. When planting, it is advisable to add a mixture of sand and humus to the soil.
  2. Shrub seedlings must be immersed in a hole in the center, straighten the roots and sprinkle with earth, tamp.
  3. Having formed a hole,the earth should be moistened and mulched with compost or peat.


There are many recipes based on buckthorn. They are used for various he alth problems, but you must first consult a doctor to avoid adverse reactions. The doctor will provide detailed instructions for the use of buckthorn bark.

Classic Concoction

It is necessary to pour 20 g of crushed bush bark with half a liter of cold water. After that, boil the mixture for 30 minutes, cool and strain.

Buckthorn bark decoction
Buckthorn bark decoction

As a laxative, it is recommended to take a decoction of buckthorn bark as a tea throughout the day. To cleanse the body - 5 times a day for a teaspoon, for fever - half a glass 2 times a day.


This recipe is effective as an antiparasitic agent. You will need half a teaspoon of buckthorn bark, wormwood, tansy and oak bark.

Pour herbs with half a liter of hot water, let it brew for 15 minutes, cool and strain.

As for the instructions for the use of buckthorn bark, then drink an infusion of 50 ml 20 minutes before meals.


Take half a teaspoon of bark and pour a glass of boiling water over it, strain after 15 minutes. The resulting remedy to drink in the morning as a regular tea to strengthen the immune system.


Pour one part of the bark with five parts of 30% alcohol. Let the mixture brew in a dark place, shaking occasionally, for 10 days. Then strain.

According to the instructions for use, buckthorn bark inas a tincture, it should be applied externally for pustules, boils, pyoderma, streptoderma, lubricating the affected skin 3 times a day.


With constipation, fever, rectal fissures, liver diseases, the use of recipes for a decoction of buckthorn bark is suitable for regulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. External tinctures are more recommended for scabies, eczema, boils and other purulent rashes on the surface of the skin.

Thus, we can talk about the multiple healing properties of buckthorn. Moreover, both berries and bark.

Due to its unique composition, the bark of the shrub is the mildest laxative. Also, medicinal tinctures, decoctions, teas based on wolfberry are very effective for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, liver, as well as for hemorrhoids, parasites, etc.

Externally wolfberry products are used in the treatment of acne, eczema, scabies. In addition, teas from the bark of this shrub are effective in losing weight. But before applying the methods of traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Since when prescribing buckthorn bark, only a doctor can take into account the medicinal properties and contraindications.
