Recently, beets have been gaining global popularity as the new superfood. This is all thanks to studies that claim that this root vegetable is ideal for athletes, is able to normalize blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on blood flow. But is it true? In this article, we will learn all the beneficial properties of beets, contraindications, indications and direct effects on the body.

A little about the plant
Beets are an ancient, prehistoric food that grew naturally along coastlines in North Africa, Asia and Europe. Initially, only the tops were used for food, since the root was small and practically inedible. But when the era of Ancient Rome came, beets were cultivated to achieve a sweet red fruit.
Later, by the beginning of the 19th century, beets became an indispensable source of sugar. Everything Happened Quickly - Britain Firstlimited access to sugar cane, after which Napoleon began to look for alternative replacements for the sweet product. Today, sugar beet (often genetically modified) is nothing more than a common raw material, but many do not miss the opportunity to include the root vegetable in their diet, enjoying all the beneficial properties.
Beets: chemical composition
Only 100 grams of product provides: 1% of the daily requirement for vitamin A, 2% for calcium, 11% for vitamin C, 6% for iron. So, vitamin C plays a key role in the creation of collagen and some neurotransmitters, participating in protein metabolism. Iron is an integral part of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues. It is necessary for the growth, development and beneficial functioning of cells. The lack of iron leads to a certain type of anemia.

The beneficial properties of beets surprise and amaze at the same time: this is a rich content of folic acid with manganese, and the presence of thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, choline, betaine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium.
Inside view
So what are the he alth benefits of beets? It is high in dietary nitrate, which is believed to benefit the cardiovascular system and may protect the body from cancer. The presence of folate ensures a he althy metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, and prevents the appearance of mouth ulcers. Folic acid is often prescribed to women duringpregnancy to exclude the development of heart disease and the appearance of defects in the central nervous system.
Manganese is found in the human body, but in small quantities. Its absence can cause infertility, bone deformity, convulsions, weakness and fatigue.
Additional substances and their beneficial properties. Beets contain flavonoids, or anthocyanins, which are plant pigments. They can often be found in pomegranates, cherries, apples, grapes, and other fruits that are colored purple. Flavonoids are also found in green and black tea. This substance is a natural antioxidant that protects tissues from damage caused by excessive release of histamines (substances released during inflammation and allergies).
Effect on the heart and blood pressure
In 2008, studies were carried out that were published in the journal "Hypertension". Scientists brought together several participants suffering from hypertension, that is, high blood pressure. Every day, the volunteers drank 500 milliliters of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. Studies have shown that their blood pressure has been reduced and returned to normal.
Beetroot's main he alth benefit is its high nitrate content, which can be an inexpensive but effective treatment for heart disease and blood pressure.
Another study two years later found similar results. Now beetroot juice is notonly tasty and unusual, but also he althy.
Another he alth benefit of red beets is their high fiber content, which helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides. And due to the presence of the nutrient betaine, the level of homocysteine in the body (a non-protein amino acid) decreases, which can also be harmful to blood vessels. The inclusion of a root crop in the diet can prevent the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis and stroke. The fiber contained in the root helps to clear the blood passages of plaques and clots - this is another useful property of red beet.
Contraindications and precautions.
Do not abuse juice, salads or dishes containing this root vegetable if you suffer from low blood pressure. Otherwise, you can feel powerlessness, apathy and weakness in the body, lethargy and absent-mindedness, emotional interruptions. Often people experience dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath. Subsequently, hypotension sets in.

A little about diabetes
Another he alth benefit of red beets for both men and women is the presence of an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid, which can lower glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity, and prevent oxidative stress-induced changes in diabetic patients.
During the study of alpha-lipoic acid, it was found that it can reduce the symptoms of peripheral and autonomic neuropathy. Such diseases are often found in diabetics. Of course, to usethis acid, it is necessary to extract it from the product and inject it intravenously, but it will not be superfluous to simply include beets in the diet. However, you should be careful if you have very high blood sugar levels.
For dementia
The beneficial properties of beets for the body never cease to amaze. It would seem that an ordinary root crop is used for vinaigrette and is sold even in the smallest store in the city, but it hides such power in itself. For example, regular fresh juice improves brain oxygenation, slowing the progression of dementia in older people.
As we age, blood flow to certain areas of the brain decreases, leading to cognitive decline and dementia. Consuming beetroot juice, due to its nitrate content, can improve blood circulation and restore oxygen transport to the brain.
The beneficial properties of beets for the human body were known to our ancestors. This root contains a large amount of proteins. Because of this, the fruit helps people suffering from frequent constipation by normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Now you know the beneficial properties of beets.
Persons suffering from diarrhea should be extremely careful when consuming beets. In the worst case, you can face dehydration, which leads to weakness, fatigue, impotence.

Sports loads
Drinking freshly squeezed beetroot juice improves muscle activity during exercise. As a result, a person becomes morehardy, improves metabolism and blood circulation, tissues receive adequate nutrition in the form of oxygen. After a month of regular use of this root vegetable, you can notice how physical indicators have become better (speed, strength, agility).
Natural Aphrodisiac Benefits for Men
Beetroot has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac and sexual enhancer for thousands of years. This is partly due to the fact that it contains a significant amount of the mineral boron, which increases the production of sex hormones. This can lead to an increase in your libido, increased fertility, improved sperm mobility, and reduced frigidity. Your sex life can change for the better by adding beets to your diet.
Fight against cancer
Studies have shown that beetroot is good at preventing skin, lung and colon cancers as it contains the pigment betajanins that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Often used as a preservative for fresh meats and vegetables, nitrates can stimulate the production of pathogenic cells in the body that cause tumor growth.
Beetroot juice inhibits cellular mutations, slowing down or even stopping tumor development. Of course, using one beet against cancer is not rational, but including it in the diet for prevention is not only possible, but necessary.
Respiratory diseases
The root vegetable is a source of vitamin C, which helps prevent asthma symptoms. Useful properties of boiled beets,raw and fresh juice:
- Natural beta-carotene prevents lung cancer.
- Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates the immune system, protecting the body from free radicals and stimulating the activity of white blood cells, which are the main line of defense against foreign bodies, as well as viruses, bacteria, fungi, toxins.

Against cataracts
Beta-carotene is a form of vitamin A. The absence and deficiency of this substance can lead to visual impairment, and even blindness! Beetroot juice can solve this problem and prevent diseases of the visual system.
Useful properties and contraindications:
- Beta-carotene helps prevent age-related blindness associated with cataracts.
- Eating beets reduces macular degeneration in the retina.
- Flavonoid and vitamin C content help maintain capillary structure.
- Beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant, protecting the eyes from the damaging effects of free radicals.
- Excessive consumption of beets can lead to vasospasm.
Against Stroke
Potassium deficiency in the body increases the risk of stroke. Thus, beets, rich in this chemical element, can actually improve heart he alth. Potassium dilates blood vessels, which means it relaxes them, lowering blood pressure throughout the body.
When blood pressure rises and the walls of blood vesselsshrink, blood clots begin to form, which clog the bloodstream. It is blood clots that subsequently lead to a heart attack and stroke, so beets will help fight this problem at the right time (of course, for prevention purposes).
Additional benefits
In ancient times, beets were used to treat fever and constipation. In the Middle Ages, the root vegetable was also used as an excellent natural remedy for indigestion. And beetroot leaves can speed up the healing process.

Caution: This root vegetable contains oxalates, which, if consumed in excess, can cause crystallization of body fluids. People with kidney and gallbladder problems should avoid excessive consumption of beets because they can cause stones to form.
How to apply
There are many ways to eat beets. But before you use it, you need to remove the thin skin. The root crop is cut into strips and served on the table, added to the salad in boiled or fresh form. It is not forbidden to lightly fry the beets, or marinate with vinegar. In some countries, this root vegetable is added to soups.

Here's a great example of a he althy snack: take a small beet, rinse under running water, peel with a sharp knife, cut into thin circles or strips. Season the root vegetable with lemon juice, s alt or pepper, olive oil.
Don't be afraid to pickle the beetroot, because it will not losetheir beneficial properties. But all year round you will have an indispensable source of dietary fiber, carbohydrates, minerals (potassium, magnesium) on your table.
Anti-premature aging
Toxins and free radicals adversely affect the cells of the body. Due to malnutrition and low-quality products, poor ecology and a difficult lifestyle, all harmful substances accumulate in the body. In the worst case, a person is faced with incurable diseases, but the first stage is earlier skin aging, changes in the structure of hair and nails. Beta-carotene slows down the process of premature cell change, as this form of vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant.
Beets are a unique and indispensable product. Despite the nondescript appearance, the root contains a huge amount of vitamin C, flavonoids, minerals and organic compounds that are ready to protect, nourish and saturate our body. Include beets in your diet and you will notice the first positive changes in just a few weeks.