This medicinal plant has several folk names - "camel's thorn", "Tatar thistle", "yandak", "Russian thistle". Salsola grass is a hepatoprotector - substances that protect liver cells. The plain-looking annual subshrub got its official name because of its s alty taste.
Solyanka, belonging to the amaranth family, has unique healing properties. Like the widely used milk thistle, the herb s altwort hill restores the function of liver cells. Annual subshrub in the form of a ball has small thread-like leaves and prickly bristles. From mid-July to early September, it blooms with small white-green or pink flowers.

Fruiting grass comes in August. Small fruits appear on plants - achenes. Long roots fix the s altwort in sandy soil and help extract moisture. Having lost its "fastening", the bushrolls under the gusts of wind, and its numerous seeds scatter on the ground. Hill s altwort grows naturally in the hot climate of North America and Eurasia. For two years, raw materials retain their healing properties.
Chemical composition
Grass s altwort hill, the photo of which you can see in this article, contains in its composition the main healing component - gamma-linoleic acid. Substance from a number of fatty acids Omega-6, necessary for the he alth of the joints, heart, strengthening the immune system. Gamma-linoleic acid significantly enhances the production of compounds that protect the body from bronchial asthma and early aging. In addition, the herb contains the following ingredients:
- Rutin. Relieves swelling and pain, strengthens blood vessels, reduces arterial and intraocular pressure.
- Betaine. An amino acid that eliminates inflammation, expels bile, protects cells from toxins.
- Polysaccharides. Normalize and improve digestion, sugar levels.
- Quercetin. Destroys viruses and microbes, slows down aging, prevents the development of malignant cells.
- Antioxidants. Prevent cell aging and oxidation.
- Phosphorus. Provides tissues with oxygen, is responsible for the hardness of bones and teeth.
- Copper. Promotes the synthesis of hormones, blood cells, proteins.
- Iron. Provides tissues and organs with oxygen, produces thyroid hormones and hemoglobin.
- Potassium. Regulates blood pressure, heart contractions, controls fluid balance in the body.
This medicinal plant normalizes the functioning of the liver. The medicinal properties of the herb s altwort are comparable in effectiveness with the properties of tinder fungus and milk thistle. Representatives of official medicine and traditional healers recommend using a natural hepatoprotector as a separate tool to establish stable liver function, improve metabolism, protective and regenerative functions of the body.

Macro- and microminerals, which are part of the plant, contribute to the restoration of liver parenchyma cells.
Herb solyanka hill: use and contraindications
Preparations of this medicinal plant are used in official and traditional medicine for therapy:
- diseases of the biliary tract and liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis);
- diseases of the pancreas;
- severe menopause;
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels (ischemic disease, vascular atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension; glaucoma; osteoporosis).
Preparations based on this plant have an immunostimulating effect. They are used to treat and prevent diseases of the hepatobiliary system. As a prophylactic, they are prescribed when using drugs that have hepatotoxic properties. In addition, they are effective against helminthic invasion in the liver.
Holmwort herb extract is used in creams and lotions, shampoos for adults and children. The antioxidant and regenerating properties of the plant have been used incosmetology in emollients and regenerating agents, anti-aging creams.

The seeds of the plant contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, organic silicon and substances that stimulate the synthesis of elastin, which prevents skin aging, eliminates fine wrinkles. In cosmetology, bioactive substances of s altwort seeds are used. They contribute:
- metabolic stimulation;
- skin cell regeneration;
- eliminate the feeling of tightness and maintain moisture in the skin;
- Protect against the aggressive effects of UV radiation.
Holy solyanka has a regenerating disinfectant effect, therefore it is successfully used in products for the treatment of rosacea, acne. Sunscreens containing the extract of the green part of the s altwort provide a beautiful and even tan, prevent sunburn.
Plant extract is part of herbal shampoos to strengthen and grow hair. Such funds have a beneficial effect on the scalp - relieve itching, heal minor injuries, and eliminate dandruff. Bioactive substances activate the nutrition of hair follicles and their blood supply. This leads to stronger and stronger hair.
Has a herb s altwort and contraindications. The plant rarely causes side effects. Doctors distinguish only three categorical prohibitions: large stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder, pregnancy and lactation. Solyanka can cause an allergic reaction in people who cannot tolerate related crops fromMarev family, for example, beets, quinoa, barnyard. In addition, herbal medicines are contraindicated in gastritis with low acidity.
Grass s altwort hill: instructions for use
An extract is obtained from the leaves of the plant, on the basis of which preparations are made in the form of tablets and capsules. Despite the fact that the healing properties and contraindications of the herb have been known to man since ancient times, the hill hodgepodge in Russian official medicine began to be used recently - from the beginning of the last century. Preparations based on it are prescribed for the following diseases:
- Chronic hepatitis.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- Hypertension.
- Cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
- Ischemic heart disease.
- Glaucoma.
- Cholecystitis.
- Severe menopause.
- Worm infestations.
- Alcoholism.
In addition, in pharmacies you can buy dried herb s altwort in filter bags, packed in 20 pieces in cardboard boxes. Decoctions, infusions and herbal teas are prepared from it.
The most common form of preparations with s altwort extract are granules and dragee tablets. The drug "Lochein" is used as a dietary supplement in complex therapy for acute and chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver, neonatal jaundice and alcoholic cirrhosis. This tool actively removes toxins, so its use is justified for food, chemical and alcohol poisoning, for systemic infections that disrupt liver metabolism. Granules cleansethe body from helminths (giardia, roundworm, echinococcus, opisthorchiasis).
"Hepatosol" is another granular drug used as a hepatoprotector, a detoxifier that cleanses the bile ducts. For patients with diabetes "Hepatosol" is produced without glucose, in the form of syrup. Both drugs are taken with meals, two capsules four times a day. Treatment continues for at least three weeks.

Another effective drug can be bought at the pharmacy. The drug is a complex with another useful plant. Its name is "Milk thistle and hill hodgepodge". The drug is in tablets. It contains an extract of s altwort, milk thistle and excipients. Due to the high concentration of the drug, adults are prescribed one tablet per day, which is taken with meals. Treatment continues for 3-4 weeks. The doctor may increase the dosage to two tablets per day and slightly extend the course of treatment.
For the manufacture of medicines, not only leaves are used, but also the seeds of the herb s altwort. The medicinal properties of raw materials are effective in treatment:
- hepatitis caused by alcohol intoxication of the liver;
- chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis.
Capsules help the liver recover from prolonged infectious diseases and poisoning. The drug is used for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Solyanka extract is used to stop the withdrawal syndrome, in the treatment of alcoholism. Scientists whoconducted studies of the clinical properties of s altwort in the treatment of this disease, found that the unique amino acid composition of "Lohein" has a protective effect, activates the cleansing of liver cells from toxins.

Excellent results were demonstrated by treatment with Lohein and enterosorbent Polyphepan. Scientists have confirmed the therapeutic efficacy of Salsocollin and Lohein in the treatment of diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Solyanka extract in capsules contains, in addition to the main component, talc and gelatin. If you regularly use hodgepodge preparations, then the body can be cleansed of toxins, improve the functioning of the gallbladder. All the healing substances that make up the fresh herb, the drug in capsules retains, provides quick and effective help in case of alcohol poisoning. Capsules are taken 1 piece with meals three times a day. Treatment continues for a month.
Liquid extract
The extract of s altwort in liquid form is also called "Lohein" in honor of the healer from Siberia Lohe E. V., who conducted scientific research on the medicinal properties of the herb of s altwort as a hepatoprotector. It is an effective drug for the treatment of many pathological conditions of the liver. It is recommended to use hodgepodge in the form of an extract of 10 ml, diluted in a third of a glass of water. The extract is taken half an hour before meals three times a day, and as a prophylactic, a teaspoon before meals in the morning and evening.
When else is the use of hodgepodge shown?
To speed upblood clotting, treatment of diabetes mellitus, iron deficiency anemia, the herb s altwort is also used. Its healing properties allow you to increase visual acuity. Herbal preparations help facilitate the rehabilitation period after alcoholism treatment. It also lowers the level of sugar in the blood. The use of herbal decoctions is effective in the initial stages of hypertension.
How to make a decoction?
This remedy is a tonic, diuretic, digestive, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory. It fully reveals the healing properties of the herb. Solyanka hill is used to prepare a decoction. You will need:
- dry herb s altwort - 1.5 tablespoons (tablespoons);
- hot boiled water - 250 ml.
Pour grass into a saucepan, fill it with hot water (not boiling water) and put on low heat for ten minutes. After turning off the fire, the composition under the lid should brew for half an hour. Strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. It is very important to boil the herb for no more than the specified time - otherwise all useful substances will be destroyed. Take a decoction of a spoon (dining room) after meals three times a day. If you need to prepare a prophylactic, the proportions are changed: you need to take a tablespoon of raw materials per liter of water.

You can make an infusion from dry herb s altwort, which will take you much less time. The same ingredients should be used. You don't need a saucepan - it will be replaceda small thermos in which a spoon (table) of herbs is poured and poured with hot water (250 ml). Insist composition for at least two hours. Then the infusion is filtered through gauze. Take half an hour before meals, spoon (table) three times a day for three weeks.
This is a product made from natural dry raw materials. It can be used to make tea for the prevention of various diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Brew three filter bags in a thermos with boiling water (0.5 l). After half an hour, the tea must be filtered and it can be taken after meals five times a day for a quarter cup. The course of treatment is a month.

Using herbs for weight loss
Holm grass solyanka will certainly interest people who want to get rid of excess weight. How does hodgepodge work in this situation? Weight is normalized after the activation of the liver, supporting the functions of the most important human organs. Along with the intake of herbs, it is necessary to observe the regime of rest and sleep, adhere to a he althy diet. Only in this case, you can achieve the desired result.
The decoction is taken half an hour before meals, the multiplicity is four times a day. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to grind a spoonful of dry grass (table) and pour it with a liter of cold water overnight. In the morning, the composition is brought to a boil, insisted for an hour, well wrapped in a towel.