Egg butter is a mixture of butter and crushed, hard-boiled eggs. This is one of the most popular snacks in Estonian and Finnish cuisine. In Finland, the oil in question was used to make Karelian pies.
In addition, egg yolk oil is prepared, which is actively used in cosmetology for the preparation of nourishing masks for skin and hair. In our article, we will consider how to properly prepare such oil, how much to boil eggs after boiling, and what is the use of this remedy.
Composition of natural product

The product contains triglycerides with cholesterol and phospholipids. Oil allows you to maintain an attractive external appearance, he althy skin and hair. Laboratory tests have shown that cholesterol is considered an important component for maintaining normal performance.the whole organism. You have probably noticed that cosmetics that contain it in the composition have shown themselves to be excellent in moisturizing dry and healing damaged skin.
What else is in it
Egg oil also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6. The components in question are necessary for the body to maintain normal cell growth.

Egg yolk contains a lot of vitamins and the main one is B12, which restores energy reserves and vitality. From it, a person becomes mobile and vigorous. In addition, the yolk is given to children to improve their appetite.
The natural product also contains vitamin A. It forms carotene in the yolk, as evidenced by a yellowish color. This vitamin has a positive effect on the organs of vision. The egg yolk also contains vitamins PP, B1, B2, E and D. They are directly involved in metabolism.
Egg oil for psoriasis
In addition to its healing ability, the natural product is famous for its positive effect in the treatment of psoriasis. The constant use of oil during periods of exacerbation of the disease guarantees a quick relief from itching, cracks in the skin and peeling without the use of hormonal medications.
Literally in all cases of psoriasis treatment, the achieved positive result was maintained for a long time. Of course, this method is not a panacea, but still it will help many to alleviate the painful condition of this disease.
Means based on yolks - traditional medicine

Egg butter is a 100% natural product. This is confirmed by recipes that are over a hundred years old. The egg-based oil even has its own section in Alchemy, published around 400 BC. e. It says about its effectiveness in restoring the skin and cell membranes.
Ambroise Pare actively used egg yolk, rose oil and turpentine to heal war wounds. The same method was used by the ancient Romans a thousand years before.
In the first edition of A. Paré's "Method of Healing Wounds Caused by Firearms", which was issued in 1545, it was detailed how egg oil helps to heal wounds by keeping the skin sterile. Due to the antibacterial action and rapid regeneration, the appearance of scars is reduced. Indians, Chinese, Greeks and residents of the Land of the Rising Sun often used oil as a hair care product. In Spain, a natural product was used to treat scabies.
Our ancestors treated this food with great reverence. It was believed that the egg yolk is a symbol of the sun, so healing properties were attributed to it. Often people who were fed this product frequently recovered quickly. Therefore, over time, our ancestors began to bring eggs of domestic chickens as a gift to the pagan gods.
For beautiful hair
Having long and he althy curls is the desired goal of literally all women. Egg oil helps to maintain the structure of the hairs, nourishing thembeneficial micronutrients. In addition, the product is considered an excellent nourishing product for dry scalp, which promotes the growth of he althy strands, giving them natural softness. A hair mask with yolk prevents hair loss and the early appearance of gray hair. With constant use of the product, the strands along the entire length are strengthened.

Using the product
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the oil helps to retain water in the skin and hair structure. This will be useful for owners of dry curls if they are constantly styled and dried with a hairdryer, and also if silicone-based products are often used.
This natural remedy is perfect for long hair, the ends of which are most dry and split. If you regularly use cosmetics with silicone, the structure of the strands becomes clogged, as a result, the curls become depleted and brittle. To reduce the negative impact of low-quality cosmetics, you can make hair masks with yolk from time to time.

Apply oil to slightly damp hair along the entire length, then wrap it with cling film and wrap it with a terry towel. The mask with egg yolk oil is aged on the hair for at least one and a half hours. After this time, rinse the strands and scalp with warm water and shampoo for daily washing.
How to boil eggs properly

Let's take a look at some simple egg-boiling tips for use in butter recipes:
- If a raw egg floats in cool water, it means that it is already spoiled and not suitable for consumption. Best to throw it away.
- How to understand that chicken eggs are cooked? If 10 minutes have passed after boiling water in the pan, then they are ready.
- How to understand which egg is boiled and which is raw? You need to place it on a flat table surface and spin it sharply. If the egg rotates rapidly, it is boiled, otherwise it is raw. Also look at it through a bright light source, such as a lamp. When the contours of the yolk are slightly visible - the egg is raw, if the light does not pass through the protein at all - boiled. It's simple.
- How long to boil eggs after boiling? It is advisable to keep them on the source of fire for another 7-10 minutes. In this case, the flame must be reduced.
- On what fire to cook? Until the water boils, the fire should be large. However, you should not miss the very moment of boiling water in the pan. This is necessary so that the shell does not burst and the egg is not deformed. After the water boils, reduce the heat so that the water only boils slightly.
- How to boil chicken eggs so that they are quickly and easily peeled? To do this, immediately after removing them from hot water, transfer them to a cool or even cold liquid.
Following these simple tips, you can easily prepare an almost perfect boiled egg: smooth, without cracks, with a bright yellow yolk.
How to make egg butteron your own?

To prepare 100 ml of oil, take two dozen fresh eggs. Hard boil them, cool, peel and separate the yolks from the whites - the latter are not used in the egg butter recipe. Grind the yolks until a homogeneous mass, which should not contain lumps. After that, form the egg mixture in one lump and put it on a clean and dry frying pan without vegetable oil. Put it on medium heat.
Next, prepare a heavy surface that will act as a press. A saucepan or a cup can be used for this, depending on the amount of product. Press the egg mass down with a press, with the other hand collect the yellowish-brown liquid that is released. It is best to do this with a sterile bandage that is rolled into a roll. These materials are best prepared ahead of time to save time during the egg butter preparation process. For work, you will need from 10 or more of these bandages. When the liquid ceases to stand out, this means that the oil collection process is coming to an end. Be sure to squeeze out any residue from the rollers, for example with a garlic thresher.
Store cooked butter in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. The shelf life of a natural product is no more than 10 days.