Echinacea or rudbeckia is a garden plant of the Asteraceae family. This beautiful flower is unpretentious in care and can grow in the garden. Echinacea occupies an honorable place in medicine. Its beneficial properties are miraculously strong, the plant has established itself as an excellent remedy for cleansing the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys. Commonly referred to as the "Blood Cleaner".

There are more than 300 drugs containing rudbeckia. It is widely used in cosmetology and cooking. Absolutely all parts of the flower are used in folk medicine and bring great benefits to the body. Echinacea is a real protector and guardian of our he alth.
The flowers make delicious and fragrant teas. Preparing a drink is very simple: a few flowers are poured with boiling water, the broth is infused and consumed with honey or sugar. Spicy, tart, slightly bitter aftertaste of tea perfectly invigorates and relieves fatigue after a hard day. The plant contains many valuable substances,contributing to the production of protective antibodies to harmful microorganisms and leukocytes.

Echinacea has been proven time and again to have an antioxidant effect. Its beneficial properties help fight infectious and bacterial diseases. The herb not only alleviates the course of a cold, eliminates manifestations, but also significantly shortens the duration of the disease and prevents complications. It helps keep the skin youthful and prevents early aging.
Scientists have found that masks and lotions from this plant maintain skin elasticity, prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, relieve acne and pigmentation. Inflammatory phenomena and acne will be cured by the same echinacea. Medicinal properties are comparable to the medicinal substance penicillin. The roots of the herb are rich in alkylamides, which have a mild anesthetic effect.
Helps natural medicine to strengthen the immune system due to the content of a number of useful components. It contains tannins, polysaccharides, essential oils, organic and phenolic acids. Most importantly, grass contains a lot of polyenes - substances that kill mold and fungus.

But Echinacea has not only an immunomodulatory effect. Its useful properties are much more diverse. The herb has a diuretic, antiviral, antibacterial, antiallergic and antimicrobial effect. This fact has been confirmed by science and numerous medical studies. That is why the plant is widelyused in folk and traditional pharmaceuticals.
Even young children from the age of 3 can be given drugs that include echinacea. Useful properties are manifested in inflammatory processes, diabetes, bladder diseases and blood poisoning. Herbal ointments, creams, and lotions are used for psoriasis, burns, eczema, herpes, streptococcal infections, and mosquito bites. In the fight against osteomyelitis, polyarthritis, prostatitis, women's diseases and diseases of the respiratory system, echinacea helps. Instructions for use are as follows:

- In the presence of wounds, burns, herpes and other skin diseases, a healing tincture is made from 600 ml of vodka and 150 grams of raw roots. The mixture is infused for 30 days. You can prepare a slurry of echinacea leaves and apply as compresses to the affected areas.
- With angina, bronchitis, tracheitis, burns and erosion of the cervix, oil will help: you will need 500 grams of fresh chopped roots and 2.5 liters of vegetable oil. The components are combined and infused for 30 days. After the expiration date, the oil is filtered and consumed orally, 10 grams 3 times a day. Oil can be rubbed into the skin for inflammation.
- Healing lotion for skin from inflammation: mix 25 grams of chamomile, string and echinacea. Grass pour alcohol and leave for 2 weeks to infuse. Wipe the affected skin with the prepared lotion, then rinse with soapy water.
Be sure to visit a doctor before treatment, because the medicinal plant hascontraindications: pregnancy, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, allergies, mental instability, tuberculosis.