"Arsenicum Yodatum" is a homeopathic monopreparation, which has another name - arsenic iodide. The tool has been used for a long time for therapeutic measures aimed at treating various pathologies and ailments.
Description and composition
In the manufacture of the drug, arsenic is triturated with an iodine derivative until arsenic triiodide is obtained. The medicine is a powder with a dilution of 3, 6 and above percent. Solvent - ethanol 45°. There are also other forms of release - granules and drops.

As part of 2 elements opposite in their actions: iodide and arsenicum (arsenic). However, due to their combination, the effect of using the product is enhanced.
The first element stimulates the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. It improves the condition of the skin, helps reduce secretion and reduces swelling.
The second component enhances digestive processes, reduces inflammation, has antiseptic and analgesic effects.
The drug itselfproduced by Fitasintex, Farmarus and Ollo.
Designed for
"Arsenicui Yodatum" in homeopathy is intended for a certain type of people prone to colds. They tend to be thin, wiry, yet physically weak.

The appetite of patients can be good. But they often lack fresh air, and confined spaces act depressingly. Complaints of malaise can be present at any time. Excessive sweating of the head is often noted.
There are blue circles under the eyes, cyanosis is also noticeable on the lips. The face may have a pale, earthy, or brownish cast. Possible redness in the cheek area. An icteric color is also not uncommon.
In appearance, a person seems detached, emaciated, sick. The patient gets worse from cold, but gets better when warm.
You may feel numbness in the limbs. This state is most noticeable after taking a bath. The whole body may ache as if beaten. There is a burning sensation not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Pain can be paralyzing, pressing, stabbing, and even tearing.

A person often worries, he is characterized by obsessive actions, fearfulness, nervousness, anger and irritability. In most cases, such people are extremely distrustful and cautious. Reacts to the action of irritants with apathy, fatigue, or weakness. In the morning and eveningtime can be confusing in the head. And with mental stress, the general condition worsens.
What is typical
Man is impatient. He constantly needs to hurry somewhere, hurry up. Indifferent to others. The mood quickly changes from good to bad and vice versa. Such patients do not like noisy gatherings, companies, places. They often want to sit down rather than just stand and talk.
Distinctive feature - enlarged lymph nodes. Sometimes there are lesions of the mucous membranes, on which sores appear.
People often have sleep disturbances. Their dreams are filled with bright colors, very realistic. At the same time, shudders are possible during rest. Sleep is quite restless. Insomnia, early awakenings are possible. There are cases of using Arsenicum Yodatum for enuresis.
Also, the patient can do several things at the same time, but none of them will complete.
It is difficult for a child of this type to stay in one place, it is difficult to concentrate. He needs to constantly move, turning the whole house over. He can also tear, cut things.

Women prone to fainting may often be diagnosed with loss of consciousness. They may cry often. Feel dizzy while walking.
Indications for use
The drug is used in combination therapy as a symptomatic remedy. Particular effectiveness is noted in the treatment of chronic diseases, especially if there areprofuse mucous, purulent discharge.
The drug effectively affects various systems and organs: respiratory, nervous, digestive, genitourinary, cardiovascular system, glands, lymph nodes, blood, skin.

The main indication is thick, copious discharge of a yellowish-green hue. The drug is also indicated for people who are constitutionally disposed to tuberculosis. They look thin and emaciated. There is a kind of blush on the cheekbones. Their cough is strong and unproductive. It is possible to secrete mucous or purulent sputum with an unpleasant odor. Such people are characterized by rapid mood swings, melancholy.
Main pathologies
Indications for the use of Arsenicum Yodatum in homeopathy are as follows:
- Tuberculosis, accompanied by inflammatory, chronic processes in the lungs and lymph nodes.
- ARI, rhinitis, sinusitis.
- Lupus.
- Syphilis, which is diagnosed as swollen lymph nodes.
- Different types of pleurisy, pericarditis, ascites.
- Swollen lymph nodes, which is possible with syphilis, oncology, tuberculosis.
- Lymphoma.
- Hypertrophy, dystrophy of the heart and blood vessels.
- Skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, lichen, acne, ichthyosis, various rashes, erysipelas, leprosy.
- Gastrointestinal diseases: heartburn, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased flatulence, constipation, hemorrhoids, fissures, lack of appetite.
- Infectious blood diseases: scurvy, sepsis, pyemia.
- Ulcerative stomatitis associated with a decrease in immunity or a lack of vitamins and minerals.
- Allergy: hay fever, accompanied by the appearance of rhinitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma.
- Diseases of the hematopoietic system: leukemia, anemia.
- Behavioral, functional sexual disorders.
- Prostate adenoma.
- Hard, soft chancre and chancroid.
- Failure of the menstrual cycle.
- Addison's disease.
- Hyperthyroidism.
- Bronchitis, pneumonia, severe cough with urge to vomit.
- Productive, purulent sinusitis, otitis.
- Myalgia, arthralgia, myocardial dystrophy, myocarditis.
- Migraine, paresthesia, paralysis, convulsions, frequent loss of consciousness, fainting, numbness, dizziness, headaches, excessive head sweating, dizziness, headaches.
- Reduced immunity.
- Anemia.
- Lupus, epithelioma.
- Uterine cancer, ovarian tumor growth.
- Cancer of the lip, epiglottis, breast.
- Cramps in the heart, chest, fatty degeneration of the heart muscle, heart murmurs, tightness, burning, pain in the heart and chest.
- Pain in the lumbar region, sacrum, coccyx, during menstruation.
- Gout, rheumatism.
- Fever, fever.
- Puffiness.
- Fatty degeneration of the kidneys, heart, liver.
- Lymphoma, leukemia, epithelioma. Hodgkin's disease.
- Atherosclerosis, senile heart disease, arrhythmia, aortic aneurysm, angina, coronary heart disease.
- Carditis,endocarditis.
- Mental states: anxiety, impatience, fussiness, fears.
- Testicular thickening, hydrocele.
- A bloody, burning white discharge from the female genitals.
- Puffiness of the labia, dysmenorrhea.
- Sleep disorders, night sweats.
- Poisoning from toxic substances of animal origin.
- Activation of immune processes. The drug affects the development of immunity to non-specific pathogens, inhibits excessive reactivity in autoimmune problems and allergies.
The drug has a positive effect on the nervous system, as it regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition. There is evidence that with the correct use of the drug, patients were able to recover from tuberculosis, lupus, and epithelioma.
With cancer of the uterus and appendages, the patients experienced remission, and the life span increased by 4 years.
It can be said that the indications for "Arsenicum Yodatum" in homeopathy are different. This is a universal drug, the regimen of which and the dosage can be prescribed only by a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, consultation with a specialist is required.
According to consumer reviews, this is a really good homeopathic remedy that can relieve or alleviate the patient's condition in various pathologies.
In acute fever, the drug is taken 6-8 drops after meals 12-15 times a day, the dilution should be up to 200.
In case of protracted pathological processes occurring in the blood, organs of the gastrointestinalintestinal tract recommended medium dilution "Arsenicum iodatum" (up to 30). In chronic diseases, lower dilutions are recommended. For example, use "Arsenicum Yodatum" up to 6s 3 times a day.

Pellets should be taken orally 30 minutes before meals or one hour after meals. At one time - 8 granules, the number of doses per day - 3-4. They dissolve under the tongue. The duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to regularly take maintenance courses.
However, it must be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe a specific dosage, depending on the patient's condition and the purpose of taking the drug.
By the way, Indian homeopaths recommended this drug for vitiligo in different dilutions - both 30c and 50c "Arsenicum Yodatum".
Their list is small, but you need to know about them:
- kidney failure;
- dyspepsia;
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- organic lesions of the nervous tissue.
Pregnant women and those who breastfeed the baby, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.
Children under 3 years old are also not given Arsenicum Yodatum. People who are prone to alcohol addiction during the period of remission, the drug is not recommended, since the combination of alcohol, arsenic and iodide can lead to the development of an exacerbation.
And in no case should you independently prescribe doses, change them and the regimen.
Adverse reactions and overdose
As a rule, if the doses prescribed by the specialist are observed, side effects may not occur. But the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the drug is not completely excluded.

If the drug is taken correctly, following the doctor's recommendations, then the effect of drug poisoning should not be. However, if symptoms resembling arsenic poisoning appear: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, then it is urgent to stop taking the medicine and seek help from a doctor. Perhaps "Unithiol" will be prescribed - an antidote.
Storage conditions
The drug should be stored at room temperature, out of reach of children. The packaging must be closed and the place darkened. The maximum temperature at which the medicine can be stored is +250С.
Special Instructions
When treated with Arsenicum Yodatum, there may be a temporary exacerbation of symptoms that are already present or have previously been present. In this case, it is necessary to take a break in therapy for 5-7 days.
If the therapeutic effect of the treatment is not observed or there are adverse reactions to the drug, a doctor's consultation is required.
Interaction with other medicines
The use of "Arsenicum iodatum" is possible in combination with other drugs. However, such a decision is made only by a doctor, focusing on the patient's condition and disease.
Completely identical counterparts inThere is no Arsenicum Yodatum, but there are a number of remedies that have similar effects:
- "Natrium asrenicozum";
- "Barita muriatica";
- "Natrium Phosphoricum";
- "Calcarea silicate";
- "Potassium arsenicozum";
- "Ferrum Phosphoricum";
- "Thyroidinium";
- "Sanguinaria canadensis";
- "Mezereum";
- "Phytolaca decandra";
- "Chelidonium majus";
- "Antimonium krudum";
- "Amber grisea";
- "Sanicula aqua";
- "Potassium Phosphoricum";
- "Ipecac";
- "Tarentula hispanica";
- "Potassium iodatum";
- "Potassium Sulfuricum";
- "Chininum arsenicozum";
- "Creosote";
- "Terebinting Opecm";
- "Lac caninum";
- "Petropeum";
- "Sulfuricum acidum";
- "Sekale cornutum";
- "Dulcamara";
- "Baptia tinctoria";
- "Potassium Bromatum";
- "Sulfur Yodatum".
Among this list, it is worth highlighting the latest drug, as it is most similar to Arsenicum Yodatum. However, it should not be taken on its own without first receiving the appointment of a specialist.