Medicinal plants occupy a special place in alternative medicine and are widely used in modern pharmacology. One of them is Melissa. The tincture prepared on its basis has many useful properties. This is a storehouse of useful substances, because it contains various elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This article is devoted to this topic.
A little about the plant

To learn about the beneficial properties of lemon balm tincture, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of the plant itself. It is rich in the following substances:
- ethers;
- coumarins and flavonoids;
- sterols and saponins;
- coffee, rosemary, chlorogenic, lilac, vanillic and protocatechuic acids;
- vitamins B1 &B2;
- tannins;
- carotene;
- chrome, selenium, nickel, molybdenum,vanadium, manganese, copper, zinc.
All these substances have a pronounced beneficial effect on the human body. That is why lemon balm and tincture based on it have been widely used in alternative medicine for more than a millennium to eliminate a number of ailments:
- lack of appetite;
- nausea and vomiting, including toxicosis during pregnancy;
- intestinal dysbacteriosis, gas formation;
- trophic ulcers, wounds that take a long time to heal;
- increased tone of blood vessels;
- chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
- anxiety, depression;
- ischemic heart disease, tachycardia;
- climacteric syndrome;
- dermatitis, eczema and other skin lesions.
From here it is clear that this traditional medicine is indeed to some extent capable of working miracles, relieving people of various ailments.
Using lemon balm tincture

It can be purchased at the pharmacy, ready-made, or you can make it yourself. But more on that later.
Melissa tincture is most often used as a sedative, as it contains a large amount of essential oils. Therefore, it effectively, but gently affects the nervous system, helps to normalize sleep and relieve irritability. Often prescribed as an additional drug in the treatment of mental disorders and neurosis.
The tincture prepared with vodka has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascularvascular system. It contributes to the normalization of blood pressure indicators, as well as the strengthening and purification of blood vessels. If you use the tincture regularly, you can expect to improve blood circulation and eliminate migraines. In addition, this remedy can relieve spasms and pain, relieve cramps.
According to the instructions, lemon balm tincture is also used for various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to normalize the digestion process, eliminates flatulence and improves appetite. Among other indications indicated in the instructions, diseases of the genitourinary system should be highlighted - in this case, the folk remedy fights inflammation and eliminates pain during urination.
The tincture is used not only inside, but also externally. It perfectly fights skin diseases, helps to restore damaged areas of the skin, in particular, after injuries and burns. Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, relieves pain and has an antiseptic effect. Often, lemon balm tincture is also used to treat fungal infections of the skin.
External use is also popular in cosmetology. It is believed that this plant has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and hair. Ideal for oily and problematic skin, fights acne and pimples. Successfully used for seborrheic dermatitis, eliminates itching and burning of the scalp, relieves dandruff.
Recommendations for use

In the instructions for use of lemon balm tincture, it is recommended to drink it in the formprepared infusion 2-4 times a day after meals, 30-50 ml. To normalize digestion, it is necessary to take it before meals - 15-30 minutes before. The treatment course is 2-3 weeks.
It is allowed to use in the form of a solution for inhalation. For skin lesions, pure tincture is applied directly to the area that needs treatment.
Despite all the benefits and positive properties of lemon balm tincture, it is recommended to get a doctor's recommendation before use, especially in the presence of serious diseases in an acute or chronic course.
Contraindications and special instructions
In some cases, an allergic reaction may develop due to intolerance to one or more substances. It is important not to exceed the dosage. If this happens, gastric lavage is performed to minimize negative reactions.
It is important to know that the tincture can enhance the effect of antihypertensive drugs, as well as some painkillers. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to lemon balm. Children under 7 years old - only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a pediatrician.
How to make melissa tincture? On vodka and water

The first cooking option for pregnant and lactating women, children, and people who cannot tolerate alcohol. This is a water recipe. Required Ingredients:
- 1 tablespoon dried lemon balm leaves;
- 1 l boiling water.
The dried mass is poured with water and left to infuse until itwon't get cold. Adults are advised to drink 1 glass 3 times a day. For children, the pediatrician selects the dosage individually.
Vodka recipe:
- 1 cup dried lemon balm;
- 0, 75 liters of vodka.
Pour alcohol over the sheets and leave to infuse for 7 days. Can be used internally and externally in the form of compresses and for the treatment of wounds. Drink an infusion of no more than 15 drops per application up to three times a day.

This is one of the few products that does not need advertising. In the reviews, you can find many comments that lemon balm really helps to cope with toxicosis of pregnant women, and also stimulates lactation, with which many young mothers today, unfortunately, have problems - milk quickly “leaves”. They also write that the plant helps to eliminate nervous disorders, normalizes sleep and improves appetite. It also helps for cosmetic purposes - ice cubes are made from the infusion, with which they wipe the face in the morning, add it to various face and hair masks.