Diarrhea is by no means a harmless problem. In addition to discomfort, this phenomenon provokes dehydration. If the case is severe, it can be fatal. Diarrhea is especially dangerous in young children, as even a slight loss of water can be critical for them.
In an effort to get rid of this disease, people turn to traditional medicine. For this reason, the question often arises as to whether chamomile can be used for diarrhea. It is important to consider that folk remedies should be used only after consulting a doctor. Only he will select drugs that will save the patient from diarrhea. Chamomile for diarrhea in a child, as well as in an adult, will be an excellent additional support tool.

Causes of illness
Diarrhea is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by frequent and loose stools. Also, diarrhea can be a symptom of poisoning of the body or other fairly serious disorders. Needremember that diarrhea accompanies various diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. This is a very dangerous condition that easily leads to dehydration. Therefore, stopping the symptoms of diarrhea is extremely important, although this is not always an indicator of a cure for the underlying disease.
It is believed that chamomile helps not only to get rid of diarrhea, but also reduces gas formation, pain. In addition, this plant helps to soothe irritation of the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract.
It should be borne in mind that doctors recommend using chamomile only when an accurate diagnosis has already been made. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of treating a completely wrong disease. So, if hepatitis has begun to develop, stopping the manifestations of diarrhea with the use of chamomile will lead to the further development of the disease.
If it turned out that diarrhea was due to food poisoning, chamomile will be an effective remedy. This is a safe plant, the taste of which is quite pleasant. Chamomile flowers are even used to treat children.
It is believed that the systematic use of chamomile tea can have a positive effect on a person's mood, on the condition of the skin and nervous system.

Home remedies
Alternative medicine suggests treating diarrhea as soon as the first symptoms occur. Doctors say that only the first 2 acts of defecation are considered effective - it is during them that the body will get rid of harmful substances. All subsequent leads toloss of body fluids and elements.
As a result, this leads to malfunctions in the internal organs, a person's well-being can deteriorate quite quickly. Chamomile is considered a very effective remedy for diarrhea in adults. For the remedy to work, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions and the algorithm when preparing infusions and decoctions.

Mechanism of action
The effective action of chamomile decoction for diarrhea is explained by the composition of this plant. It contains tannins, which contribute to the compaction of feces. Also in this plant there are essential oils, which are a powerful natural antiseptic. Thanks to this, harmful microorganisms are destroyed, which caused the appearance of loose stools.
Answering the question of whether it is possible to drink chamomile for diarrhea, doctors note that this herb eliminates intestinal spasms. As a result, the patient gets rid of pain, there is a slowdown in peristalsis, which is activated during diarrhea.
As a rule, this herb is included in many medicinal fees. It helps to eliminate the focus of the inflammatory process in the intestines. Also, chamomile with diarrhea accelerates the recovery of damaged mucous membranes. As a result, the body returns to normal much faster. If chamomile is used for diarrhea according to the instructions, the symptoms can be completely eliminated in 1-2 days.
It will be very useful to use this plant for diarrhea also because it replenishes the mineral balance in the body. Typically for therapythe flowers of the plant are used directly. They are sold at any pharmacy point in a dry form, ready for use. However, it will not be difficult to procure medicinal raw materials on your own, by collecting and drying this plant common in Russian territory.

Any remedies that are prepared from chamomile should be taken with special recommendations. The thing is that this plant affects the human body quite intensively. It has its contraindications, like any drug. Even children can drink chamomile with diarrhea. However, people of any age in whom this remedy causes allergic reactions should not be used. Doctors do not recommend ingesting chamomile drugs for pregnant women, lactating women, and children under 1 year old. External procedures using this plant are not prohibited for these people.
If these requirements are not met, it is likely that the use of chamomile will cause serious harm to he alth. The grass will also negatively affect the he alth of the fetus, since coumarins are found in the plant. In the absence of contraindications, diarrhea is eliminated very quickly.

As a rule, chamomile is taken in the form of special decoctions for diarrhea. They are prepared simply - you need to pour two tablespoons of raw materials with 4 cups of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for 1 hour, and then begin to take 1 glass every two hours. Typically, symptoms disappear withindays. In the future, the drug is taken to consolidate the result. If there is no improvement, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
Chamomile tea is recommended for mild diarrhea. To prepare it, it is most convenient to purchase bags with a plant. They are sold in almost any supermarket. You can find this product on the shelves where other teas are presented. One filter bag is brewed in 1 cup of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for 10 minutes, drunk warm. For 1 day, use at least 3 glasses of the drug. If a person has a tendency to constipation, the same remedy will suit him. In this case, it is necessary to take it before breakfast, 1 glass each, stirring 1 teaspoon of honey in it.
A decoction of chamomile is shown for severe diarrhea. To prepare an effective drug, you need to pour one tablespoon of dried flowers of the plant with two glasses of water, and then boil the mixture. Next, you need to keep the broth on low heat for about one minute. The drug must be filtered and taken one glass every two hours, but you should not use this medicine for more than 3 days in a row. As a rule, the patient's condition improves a day after the start of the medication. Such a decoction will also be effective for patients who have a viral infection and vomiting.
Fresh flowers
Fresh chamomile for diarrhea in the warm season is used when the patient has diarrhea in conditions far from urban, so there are no other medicines. In this case, it is necessary to chew the flowerschamomile, swallowing juice. The grass itself does not need to be swallowed. As a rule, symptoms stop after using 5-6 flowers.

For kids
If there is a disorder of the stool in children under 12 years old, they can use chamomile with diarrhea along with mint. Then the tool will work most effectively. Thanks to this plant, the body will quickly recover from fluid deficiency. To prepare a healing potion, you need to pour one teaspoon of flowers and mint leaves with a glass of boiling water. After insisting the broth for half an hour, it is filtered. Begin to use, adjusted for the age of the patient. So, if he is 1-7 years old, you need to drink half a glass of the drug every two hours. If the patient is 7-12 years old, the dosage is increased to a whole glass. The duration of the full course is 2 days.
If chamomile is used correctly, it will quickly relieve the body of the symptoms of diarrhea. All accompanying symptoms will disappear, and the patient's he alth will return to normal.
According to reviews, doctors quite often prescribe chamomile decoctions even to young children who have symptoms of diarrhea. At the same time, the remedy really helps to cope with the disease in a day or two.
Parents write that kids sometimes refuse to drink broth. Then you can add no more than 1 teaspoon (without a slide) of sugar per glass of drink. Many give children and drink chamomile tea themselves for any discomfort in the stomach. People write that the remedy relieves bloating, reduces pain, improves overall well-being.
Recommendations from doctors
Taking chamomile medicine is worth taking into account all precautions. When brewing tea with this herb, care must be taken not to make it too strong. That is, you cannot increase the proportions at your own discretion, since even the most useful remedy is harmful if used in large quantities.
It is preferable to drink chamomile tea in the morning, and also an hour before going to bed. In this case, the positive effect of the healing potion will be the strongest.

Best taken warm. It can be made more useful by adding honey to the drink. However, do not put it in hot tea.
People who often have stool disorders can drink chamomile decoctions as a preventive measure. Such a healing drink contributes to the overall strengthening of the body. For prevention, chamomile tea is drunk one glass a day. The dosage for young children is only a quarter cup of decoction per day.
It is not recommended to start taking chamomile without first consulting a doctor. There are frequent cases of manifestations of allergic reactions in the body. In addition, a person may simply not be aware of the presence of contraindications. Sometimes chamomile drinks have a negative effect on people who have problems with pressure. We must not forget that diarrhea can be a symptom of serious diseases that require medical treatment. Chamomile should only be used in complextherapy.