Many people, having heard about the miraculous effect of citrus fruits, wonder how many lemons can be eaten per day. After all, it became known that these fruits are able to lower blood pressure due to the effect on blood vessels. At the same time, they are simply contraindicated for some categories of patients.
About the properties of lemon

Lemon is a juicy, aromatic fruit. It has long been considered a natural remedy. After all, it contains a lot of vitamin C and useful trace elements. People of antiquity noticed that its use is able to support the body in the fight against colds. The fruit has also been used in the treatment of many ailments. For this reason, the beneficial properties and contraindications of lemon have been studied quite carefully.
High blood pressure
It is generally accepted that blood pressure decreases when eating lemon due to the acidity of the fruit. But in reality, it's all about the rich chemical composition of the lemon. It resembles medicinalmeans to combat high blood pressure. So, few people know that citrus has a high content of potassium, magnesium, calcium. These materials affect the pressure drop.

Due to its potassium content, lemon reduces blood pressure and provides prevention of arrhythmias. Magnesium acts on the walls of blood vessels in a positive way. The juice of this citrus contains elements that constrict blood vessels.
It should be borne in mind that many diseases provoke fragility of blood vessels. These can be diseases of a viral, bacterial, endocrine nature. Sometimes the vessels rupture due to their negative influence. But lemon cleans the blood vessels and strengthens them.
High blood pressure treatment
If this sour fruit is eaten to lower blood pressure, you should be careful. So, it is important to consider how many lemons you can eat per day. If you neglect this recommendation, allergic reactions will begin. The fruit is acidic, and if there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, you should refrain from using it. Do not eat more than one per day.
And if a person decides to be treated with such citrus, he needs to inform the attending physician. In this case, he will stop taking certain medications that may conflict with the elements contained in the fruit. Otherwise, it will provoke negative reactions, side effects.
If a recipe with a lemon involves only drinking lemon juice, squeeze no more than two medium-sized citrus fruits per day.
MostAn effective method of lowering blood pressure by eating lemon is to squeeze the juice from the fruit. You will need to extract one tablespoon of juice in this way, and then keep it under your tongue for some time. This powerful lemon recipe is said to be ideal for hypertensive patients. After all, under the tongue there are the largest vessels associated with the heart.
With water
Effectively based on water and lemon. Those who suffer from hypertension for many years should periodically drink such a drug. You will need to drink one glass of water with the addition of lemon juice in the morning. Thanks to the intake of such a composition, the composition of the blood will improve.

In addition, the remedy is a diuretic. To check for yourself whether lemon helps with high blood pressure, it is recommended to start with this recipe. It is good for many internal organs and general well-being.
Grated lemon
It is believed that grated lemon helps with high blood pressure very effectively. You need to grate 1 lemon, and then add orange zest with two tablespoons of sugar here. Eat this mixture one tablespoon before meals three times a day. Thanks to this folk remedy, the vessels will become strong, and blood pressure will gradually decrease.
With honey
Recipes related to bee products are very useful. So, it is believed that a mixture of lemon peel, honey and rose hips has a beneficial effect on high blood pressure. It starts to subside. It is necessary to mix these components, and then insist inwithin three days. Take the remedy twice a day, two tablespoons.
Lemon tincture is also popular in Russia. It is necessary to pour the zest of five citrus fruits into 0.5 liters of vodka. The mixture is allowed to brew for 14 days. After taking it before meals, 30 drops. Dissolve them in water. The duration of the full course of therapy does not exceed two months. In this recipe, lemon quickly helps with high blood pressure, in addition to this, cholesterol deposits in the vessels are eliminated. In cases where the patient decides to resort to this recipe, traditional healers recommend that he reduce the amount of s alt in the diet. Also, an hour before bedtime, it is advised to eat one banana. Thanks to this, the body receives more potassium. In the evening, this fruit helps to produce the hormone melanin, and it is he who is responsible for a good sleep.
Honey, garlic, lemon

Before you take a recipe with honey, garlic, lemon, you should familiarize yourself with all the properties of this remedy. So, a mixture of these ingredients stimulates the immune properties of the body, provides prevention of colds. To prepare the remedy, you will need to stock up on ten lemons, five heads of garlic, a kilogram of honey.
Each product, except for honey, is passed through a meat grinder. Then the components are mixed in a jar. It is stored in the refrigerator, never left in direct sunlight. After 7 days, they begin to use the remedy. Use it three times a day, one teaspoon. This drug reduces pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Buta contraindication to it is cholelithiasis.
Reviews of doctors
Doctors confirm the fact that lemon helps with high blood pressure. If you use this citrus every day, the pressure will return to normal, if the person does not suffer from serious disorders, has not suffered dangerous heart diseases. Those who suffer from the most dangerous ailments should not rely on the effects of citrus: although lemon can help with high blood pressure, they cannot do without traditional medicines.
When planning to be treated with this citrus, you need to consider that you should not expect an instant effect. A single use of the fruit will not change anything. But doctors note that daily consumption of half a lemon leads to a decrease in pressure by 10% after 3 weeks. It is useful to make juice from fruit.
Lemon works best in the initial stages of hypertension. During this period, the pressure does not exceed 160 over 90. But if there is a more serious form of the disease, lemon also helps.

Citrus is an excellent remedy for migraine symptoms. It serves as a natural analgesic. Usually lemon is not eaten without anything due to its acidity. But there are many recipes that make eating lemon enjoyable.
With tea
Tea with lemon also lowers blood pressure. Just not black or white. The fact is that the polyphenols contained in green tea have a hypotensive effect. While the black drink leads to an increasepressure.
It is recommended to drink a third of a glass before meals. Green tea can be replaced with an herbal mixture. So, a rosehip or chamomile decoction is very useful.
Mixed fruits and berries
To prepare a fruit mixture, you will need chopped lemon mixed with 0.5 kg of cranberries. All this is mixed with sugar added to taste. Such a drug is eaten one teaspoon before meals.
Sweet medicine
Lemon becomes especially delicious when combined with honey. Previously, the fruit is scrolled in a meat grinder. A similar mixture is eaten one teaspoon before meals. It helps lower blood pressure.

Lemon and garlic
A recipe for an antihypertensive based on lemon and garlic is known. To prepare such a medicine, you need to grind three fruits in a meat grinder, and then, after crushing three heads of garlic, mix the ingredients. The mixture is infused for one day, it is recommended to stir it periodically. Further, after straining, it is squeezed out.
Eat the remedy one tablespoon three times a day before meals. The taste becomes more pleasant if honey is added here.
Lemon for hypotension
It should be borne in mind that the substances contained in the fruit do not have a direct hypotensive effect, they only relieve the symptoms of pathology. If a person is hypotensive and suffers from low blood pressure, he is not recommended to eat this citrus.

At the same time, don't give up completelyfrom eating it. It is enough to remove the peel from the lemon and eat it in this form. Also, if you correctly combine the fruit with other ingredients, you can achieve a positive effect for hypotensive patients. For example, it will be like that if you add a slice of lemon and honey to coffee. It will be an invigorating and he althy drink for hypotensive patients. Black tea with lemon will also be useful for this category of people. Lemon has many beneficial properties, including the cleansing of blood vessels. And this is shown to absolutely all categories of patients.
When going to be treated with lemon, it is necessary to take into account the fact that citrus contributes to the destruction of enamel. Therefore, it must be protected without fail by eating more foods containing calcium. Otherwise, the teeth may be seriously damaged.