In 1922, Dr. Mikao Usui founded the Reiki system. What it is? It is unlikely that anyone is able to give an exact answer to this question, because it is something more than the human mind can accommodate. For some, Reiki is universal energy, for others it is universal love. Still others think it's a lifetime.

Meaning of the word
Written in Japanese, "reiki" is composed of the characters Rei and Ki, but read as one word. In ancient Japan, it meant "one principle" or "universal spirit." Its modern meaning is the tradition, the natural healing system of Dr. Mikao Usui. In addition, to the question: "The Reiki System - what is it?" - you can answer that this is a practice that is available to everyone. And at the same time - the inexplicable mystery of life.
Reiki teaching, what is it? It is not any religion or the occult. It does not require special abilities and special faith. In addition, the teaching does not contradict traditional treatment, but is combined with it. The patient must be diagnosed by a qualifiedthe doctor, the healer will not replace him in this. But in some cases, the Reiki system is able to do what traditional medicine cannot do. After all, this energy promotes internal healing and harmonizes the soul and body.

Diane Stein, Reiki Basics
Feminist and writer Diana Stein is an amazing woman and a great Master. Thanks to her efforts, the Reiki system became available to a large number of people. Her book Reiki Fundamentals has all the information to learn after initiating the first and second degree system. But in order to understand what Reiki is, it is not enough to read even the thickest and most detailed book on this topic. This great sacrament simply cannot be contained in any edition. But at the same time, you may well learn how to use this system. To begin with, you need to get a session from anyone who has already mastered this teaching. You will feel the healing energy for yourself. And your experience is always better than any information heard or read.
Significance of methodology
To heal according to the Reiki method, no auxiliary tools and means are needed, only the healer's hands. This method is quite simple, and even a child can learn it. The Deep System helps to heal diseases on all levels: emotional, physical, spiritual and mental. Reiki Teachings, what is it? This method will not bring pain and harm. In a world full of suffering, Reiki is a kind of refuge for all who seek solace.

Reiki Symbols
In the Reiki systeman important place is occupied by symbols that have been used in the magical and mystical tradition for more than a thousand years. With the help of the main symbols of Reiki, the followers of this teaching achieve what they want. Additional ones are needed to enhance their effectiveness.
In the first step of the teaching, symbols are not used. At the second stage, the symbols A, B and G are used (Sei-He-Ki, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen and Cho-Ku-Rei). At the third stage, three symbols of the second stage and one personal symbol that came to a person in a dream or during meditation are used. On the third and fourth steps, they also begin to use the master symbol - Dai-Ko-Myo, which helps to increase the flow of Reiki energy.
The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen symbol makes it possible to conduct Reiki sessions at a distance. Sei-He-Ki symbolizes harmony, he brings divinity into the energy pattern of the cured, balances his upper chakras. Cho-Ku-Rei is used to consolidate the action of other symbols, which, as a rule, dissipate after a couple of minutes. This symbol is a great defense.
Additional Reiki Symbols
To purify people and any objects, to relieve pain, increase strength, destroy aggression and blocks, for love, receive a flow of energy and other things, additional symbols are used. Each of them is strengthened by Cho-Ku-Rei. These symbols can be used on Reiki levels 2, 3 and 4.