One of the oldest medicinal plants, which was mentioned in ancient Russian chronicles, was kolgan root. His miraculous healing properties were written in epics. It was he who helped the Russian heroes to cope with ailments after hard battles. The popularity of this plant has not diminished in our days. Until now, folk medicine has successfully used kolgan root to treat many diseases. This plant has many names: galangal, alpinia, galanga, etc.

Kolgan root
This plant belongs to the ginger family and is native to the Chinese island of Hainan. And it was from China that he came to us in Russia, and then spread throughout Europe. There, this plant was called the "Russian root" for a long time. Kolganov root resembles ginger in its appearance, and the upper part of the plant is very similar to reeds. Its shoots reach a length of one and a half meters, and the width of the leaves is about thirty centimeters. Colgan root was originally used as a condiment. It was added to mead, sbitni, kissels, gingerbread, etc. In China, it is the basis of the popularfirst course "Tom Yum". For medical purposes, a plant that has reached the age of five is used. The roots are dug up, thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into longitudinal strips. Then it is dried in the sun. The finished root is very wrinkled. The color of dried kolgan is dark brown with a red tint, and the flesh is bright orange. Why is this root so valued?
Colgan: properties and chemical composition
It contains starch, thiamine, gum, flavonoids, campherine, an essential oil that contains cineole and eugenol. According to the anti-inflammatory properties of kolgans, the root is not inferior to penicillin and aspirin. But how to use it?

Kolgan root: application
In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, this plant is known for its hemostatic, expectorant and sedative properties. Kolganov root is effective in the treatment of many liver diseases: cholecystitis and inflammation of the biliary tract. It is also successfully used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Ointments prepared on the basis of this plant help to cope with frostbite, cracks and eczema. For purulent wounds that do not heal for a long time, lotions with a decoction of it are used. Kolganov root is also used as an adjuvant in the treatment of tuberculosis. It is worth noting that the so-called “clone” of kolgan is very often used - a plant that is very similar in appearance to it. It is also called "wild kolgan" or "kolgan-grass". Many peoplethey don’t even suspect that this “fake” has nothing to do with a real plant. And therefore, you should not expect such a powerful healing effect from it.

Kolgan root: contraindications
This plant has some contraindications for use. People suffering from low acidity of the stomach, poor blood clotting, hypertension, it is undesirable to ingest any medicines prepared on the basis of this plant. Overdose can cause vomiting, diarrhea, headaches. Use the gifts of nature, but before that, be sure to consult a doctor.