Since ancient times, people have known the healing power of certain herbs and actively used them in the treatment of various diseases. Mother nature has created many such medicinal plants for women. Using several types of herbs at the same time, you can achieve good results in the treatment of female diseases. One of these tools is the gynecological collection "Anastasia".
Product Overview
Phyto tea is exclusively for women. Due to the unique composition, it has a lot of useful properties for the female body, providing several effects at once and acting in various directions.

Gynecological collection "Anastasia" has such properties as:
- anti-inflammatory;
- painkillers;
- bacteriostatic;
- anti-allergenic;
- anti-ulcer.
And alsoacts as a hemostatic agent, as it quickly stops blood loss.
A small rectangular box contains 20 collection bags.
Composition of the gynecological collection "Anastasia"
The collection contains upland queen (ortilia one-sided), shrub cinquefoil (Kuril tea) and round-leaved wintergreen.
The healing properties of the hog uterus amaze with their healing abilities. It seems that there is no female disease, in the treatment of which Ortilia would not participate. There are legends about her and her influence. And all thanks to the components that it contains.

Phytohormones. Natural substitutes for the female hormones estrogen as well as progesterone. It is due to these biological substances that the female body can function normally. But their lack leads to disturbances in the reproductive system, painful menstruation and even miscarriage. In addition, insufficient estrogen production contributes to early aging and noticeable signs of menopause. A woman can hardly tolerate the manifestation of these symptoms. Her sleep is disturbed, hot flashes, depression and anxiety become more frequent. Ortilia also contains:
- Arbutin. Stops inflammation and has bactericidal, diuretic and moisturizing properties.
- Flavonoids.
- Saponins. Helps with conception by making vaginal lubrication less viscous.
- Hydroquinone. Acts as a powerful antioxidant, antiseptic and diuretic. He slows downaging and reduces the risk of diseases of the nervous and cardiac systems.
- Vitamin C. Positively affects the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, immune and hematopoietic systems.
- Tannins. They have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Also, the chemical composition of ortilia includes organic resins, natural trace elements and bitterness.
The "Anastasia" collection also contains a round-leaved wintergreen. And this plant is almost not inferior in medicinal properties to the upland uterus.

Wintergreen has astringent, antiseptic, hemostatic, regenerating and bactericidal effect. It has an antipyretic, antispasmodic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect.
It also helps to improve sleep and the functioning of the nervous system, stimulates metabolism, tones and strengthens the body.
The basis of the collection was Kuril tea, or, as it is called in another way, shrub cinquefoil. Widely used among the peoples of the Caucasus, Altai, Asia and Siberia. Its beneficial properties have long become a byword. Helps with many diseases and disorders in the body.
The basis of the gynecological phytocomposition helps not only from women's problems. It is used for diarrhea, intestinal infections, diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Kuril tea perfectly copes with depressive states, quickly calming the nervous system.
Prevents the appearance of infectious and viral pathologies. Normalizes the level of s alts and cholesterol. And he also providesgeneral strengthening action. It is drunk for preventive and he alth purposes.

Indications for the use of herbal tea
From the indications for the use of the gynecological collection "Anastasia" allocate:
- Mastopathy and tumor formations of various etiologies, which are localized in the reproductive organs.
- Lack of female hormones.
- Pain during menstruation, cycle disorders, and if they are very plentiful.
- Lack or decreased libido.
- Tubal adhesions.
- Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.
- Erosions, uterine fibroids, endometritis, thrush, cystitis and venereal diseases.
- Severe symptoms with menopause.
- Bleeding.
- Infertility.
- Strong PMS symptoms.
- Problems with the functioning of the digestive tract.
Instructions for use
The instructions for using the gynecological collection "Anastasia" are actually very simple. To use medicinal tea, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over 1 sachet. The main thing is to let it brew for at least 15 minutes. Next, you should divide the drink into two parts and drink it during a meal. For example, in the morning, during breakfast, 100 ml. And in the evening, during dinner, another 100 ml. Thus, take the remedy for almost a month or 4 weeks. Then you should take a break for 10 days and repeat the course again. And so 3-4 times, because it is then that its therapeutic effect is actively manifested.
Contraindications toapplication
There are few contraindications to taking herbal tea, but still they exist. First of all, such a collection should not be taken during pregnancy. If this occurs when the course has already begun, then you should certainly consult with a gynecologist. But before the end of the first trimester, in any case, the reception must be stopped.

It is also not recommended to use it in case of individual intolerance to any components from the composition.
It is undesirable to use herbal tea for women "Anastasia" during lactation, young girls, children. People who have chronic or severe illnesses should also consult their doctor.
Other product information
Judging by the reviews, the Anastasia gynecological collection is very popular. Patients who used it are satisfied with the result, price and quality of the product.
Cost of collection varies from 70 to 300 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies or online resources. Tea is produced by Taiga and Evalar.